Saturday, October 08, 2022

What in the absolute f... ?


$203.95? What the fuck is this? Wagyu turkey?


Del Esau said...

They must be drinking a $160.00 bottle of wine.

Anonymous said...

Ha, no, they only have wine at $16, so it's pretty cheap stuff. They should have allowed for several bottles for the four people to wash down the 10 pounds of potatoes and the complete packages of flour, sugar and condiments that were calculated into the price.
I don't think the Canadian Press author does any cooking.

Val J

Del Esau said...

I also know that the average family of four will eat meals off that turkey until they are sick of it.
And the rest will go in the freezer.
16 bucks for wine is about as much as I want to spend.
Anything more is wasted on my palate😂

Anonymous said...

I miss Baby Duck.

Val J

Anonymous said...

I work in agricultural sector and turkey farmers have been desperate to push turkey for years because the vast majority is eaten during the two major holidays. I’ve been to meetings where they talk about having to sell birds at a loss in many cases. So turkey for a family of 4 should be relatively cheap. What else is there? Potatoes? Salad? Carrots? None of these cost vary much even with inflation. Plus as others already mentioned, “turkey” holidays tend to result in enough leftovers for a couple days, so even IF your bill somehow ends up this high, that likely covers multiple meals and not just one. I also suspect buying a big bag of potatoes could inflate the price beyond one meal as a family of 4 isn’t going to eat a whole bag of potatoes…or carrots…or a full bag/head of lettuce.