In a fit of grotesque cowardice, the spineless
Dalton McGuinty has taken the supine posture, presented his wet, pink belly and given in to the ignorant and the superstitious. It appears that Charles McVety, that bulbous mongrel, has tendrils running into Queens Park as well as directly into the orifices of the Conservatives in Ottawa. Faced with open defiance from the Holy Roman Diddlers and the typical clouds of methane from McVety, the evangelically brain damaged and Muslim groups, our premier has decided to cede the day to the representatives of the 12th century. Typical of the modern politician, McGuinty has placed his own short term interests ahead of the health, welfare and education of the province's children.
The Ontario government is shelving a controversial new sex education curriculum that it had planned to roll out next fall.
Premier Dalton McGuinty moved swiftly on Thursday to nip in the bud a mounting problem for his government, one that was pitting it against Christians, Muslims.
“It’s become pretty obvious to us we should give this a serious rethink,” Mr. McGuinty said.
Actually Dalton you squealing whelp, it is rather more obvious that you've tucked tail and prefer to whine in a puddle of your own making rather than face down a scheming little prat. You allowed a person whose operations deserve a thorough forensic auditing and the various charges that might result to tap you on the nose with a rolled newspaper. It has become pretty obvious that this province deserves leadership that it will not receive from the Ontario Liberals or the Progressive Conservatives. It is the voting public that should be rethinking your job security McGuinty you tremulous wimp.
The changes were part of a regular review of Ontario’s physical education and health curriculum, which hasn’t been updated since 1998. They went nearly unnoticed until a Christian group, led by evangelist Charles McVety, threatened to pull its children from school.
Charles the
fat fuck censor McVety. Captain of a
shell game of nested schemes run out of his
dubious Canadian Christian College seems to have a rather larger slice of
influence in government than a
snake oil salesman ought to. No surprise that this
self aggrandizing creep would have his
snout pressed into the crotches of every pol in reach.
Like any good cur, you have to sniff a lot of crotch to find the musk and McVety is nothing if not a dedicated mutt. With all due respect to McVety, and that is precious little respect indeed, these pious fools are placing the lives and health of children in peril to assuage their own ignorance and fear. They are so far removed from reality that they have no business pretending to act as educators and guardians. The Catholics in particular need to clean their own house before daring to raise their ugly snouts to preach morality.
In all sincerity, if these cretins and their followers want their own children to wallow in ignorance then by all means pull them from the school system and good luck to those poor kids. Let's have an end to public funds flowing into the coffers of corrupt organizations like the Catholic church. Failing that, how about we elect some politicians that remember we are a secular nation and that the standards that the duly elected government establishes are not subject to the approval of any religious group. Period. Let's have the Catholics and McVety investigated and stripped of tax free status. Let's have the political machinations of these dirtbags exposed to the light of day. Let's not fall victim to the shari'ah of any group or faith, Christian, Muslim, Evangelical or whatever.
Tip of the hat to stageleft, on Twitter, once again.