Sunday, October 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

Yes, it is now a full 38 months since a Saskatchewan judge told trustee-less, undischarged bankrupt, financial fugitive and 40-something Patrick "High School Chicks Dig Me" Ross how much he owed me and cranked up the annual interest rate on that amount to a whopping 5 per cent, to the point where Patrick is now indebted to me for over $120,000 (an amount increasing by several hundred dollars every single month), suggesting he is never, ever, ever, ever, ever getting out of debt or bankruptcy -- an embarrassing situation for someone who openly brags about being the smartest d00d on the Intertoobz.

This is also around the time that a previous anonymous tipster suggested that the residence of the late Ken Ross was going on the market in Lloydminster so, once again, I invite my loyal and long-suffering readers who are in that area to take a spin by Casa Ross and see if there is a "FOR SALE" sign out front, or signs of any other finalization activities I should know about. (As always, I will not post the address; regular readers will know what it is and if you don't but want to help, email me at and I'll provide it.)

In other Patrick-related news, it is also now 26 months since Patrick filed his meritless defamation lawsuit against me -- an action that he has failed to pursue for quite some time, not only because it is utterly worthless, but because in order to push it along, Patrick would have to provide an actual, physical address for legal service, and we all know he's not going to do that, so his action just lies moldering until I finally decide to invest the effort in having it tossed. (Another reason Patrick is not going to move on this lawsuit is that he knows that that would involve him having to return to court, where he is aware that massive unpleasantness awaits him in the sense of various parties that would dearly love to get ahold of his pasty, bankrupt ass for legal reasons.) But there is one more upcoming development.

While I have been diligent in not going after Patrick from my CC Twitter account, that is almost certainly going to change later this fall, and this should cause Patrick some concern given that I have a fairly sizable readership of just under 14,000 followers, and if I decide to unleash all of them on finding Patrick, it's safe to say he's toast. I haven't done that yet, but the time is coming.

In any event, I am working like a rented mule these days at a job I absolutely love; I am eating well, drinking very good gin, and preparing for a U.S. Thanksgiving long weekend at my favourite annual cabin getaway, where we will keep the cast-iron wood-burning stove going and spend the entire weekend chilling and reading, all while Patrick is wondering how to stay one step ahead of The Man.

Until next month, then.

P.S. Um ...

... given that Patrick has no idea what took place during discovery, he might want to be a bit more circumspect about making such claims. Also, publicly claiming that I lied under oath is yet more defamation, but Patrick has never been one to exhibit anything resembling good judgment.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Just rubbing it in.

It's not like I need to rub it in, but it must be maddening for crushingly-indebted undischarged bankrupt Patrick "High School Cheerleader Stud Muffin Super Mullet Total Package" Ross that I can get 350,000 views for a single tweet, and he's lucky to break double digits on any of his social media expectorations:

In any event, time for another "Interestversary" post, I guess. Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still looking for attention.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before massively-indebted undischarged bankrupt and self-described teen stud muffin Patrick Ross, knowing that no one reads his dreck, tried to insert himself into my Twitter timeline to leech off of my popularity. Given that Patrick gets (on a good day) in the low double digits for any one of his childish tweets, it must have been maddening to look over and see the 70,000 views in less than 24 hours for my recent thread on church burnings, and to decide he wanted in on all that readership.

(Until now, Patrick had been smart enough to keep his distance from my Twitter account, but it must have been too much for him to see all that viewership and not want to grab a piece of it for himself like the attention whore that he is.)

To no one's surprise, Patrick was as spectacularly dishonest as he always is, such as when someone pointed out that the alleged list of church arsons contained numerous accounts of simple fires with no mention of arson, to which Patrick leaped in and countered with (and I am not making this up), "Oh, yeah? Well, you can't prove it *wasn't* arson." That would be Patrick, demanding that someone else prove a negative. (I'm guessing that that follows Patrick's internal logic that suggests that if he accuses someone of being a pedophile and he is challenged to provide proof, he would snap back, "Oh, yeah? Can you prove he *isn't* a pedophile?")

I have no intention of letting Patrick try to attract attention by riding on my coattails, so he's been blocked from my Twitter account. I'm sure he will respond maturely by some sort of name-calling or childish denigration. Whatever. But he can go back and play in his own sandbox where he knows almost no one is interested in whatever he has to say.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Casa Ross on the market?

It's now October, and a full 16 months since the passing of Ken "Yes, all of my children are imbeciles" Ross of Lloydminster, SK, so it behooves us to begin pondering that earlier rumour that Casa Ross was being fixed up in preparation for going on the market sometime this month. Keep in mind this was an unsubstantiated rumour left here by an anonymous tipster so there was no actual proof to back it up but, given the passage of time, it would make sense that if that passel of hillbillies was looking to share in the spoils of the sale, they'd be gittin' a mite edgy about spiffing the place up and cashing in.

To that end, I'm looking for anyone with the time and inclination (and who resides in that locale) to maybe take a spin by Casa Ross starting about now, and report here what they see in the way of additional activity or "For Sale" signs or anything of the sort. I won't post the address as it is easily available elsewhere (but if you can't find it, drop me a note at and I'll fill you in).

A simple email will suffice or, if you are so inclined, you can also take a photo or two as long as you do it from public property, something that is perfectly legal despite what hysterical burbling you might hear from one Patrick "Super Duper Nexus MMA Stud Muffin" Ross.

After all, if that property is actually going on the market, I want to be ready to step in and make its sale as legally awkward as possible given my whoppingly sizable collection enforcement order against Patrick. So if you're in the vicinity and just want to cruise by the property, that would be just ducky.

P.S. I'm also interested in what Patrick is up to these days, and where. Rumour has it that he is back at Fluidpro and still swamping in the mosquito-infested wilds of northern Alberta, while his debt to me increases inexorably by several hundred dollars per month.

One also wonders where he hangs his construction vest these days, if he is not living in the Lloyd, and his status as an undischarged bankrupt prevents him from renting his own place. As I have mentioned before, this is a bit of a situation for Patrick as there is no way he can proceed with his asinine lawsuit against me and represent himself without providing a valid address for legal service, and not only would I insist on him providing such an address, I would insist that he provide actual proof of residence.

In any event, if you run across Patrick in your travels, drop me a note and keep me up to date on his continuing misadventures.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still as dumb as ever.

Here's trustee-less, undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "Chick Magnet" Ross, once again gleefully celebrating my being sued "twice," clearly not appreciating my earlier warning that it is going to end very badly for him when I finally decide to file to have his stupidity tossed and point out how Patrick spent all that time, not proceeding with his case, but instead blar-har-har'ing on social media about how much fun he was having in refusing to move it along.

I have been assured that the court is going to be vexed with that sort of childish behaviour and immature waste of the court's time.

On top of that, it's not clear how Patrick is even going to move this case forward since, if he tries, I will insist that he needs to provide a proper and legal address for service, and it's not at all clear how that is going to play out given the earlier rumour that the address he currently provides for service, Casa Ross in Lloydminster, is being prepped for sale. If true, there is no conceivable way he can continue to claim that he can be personally served at that address.

Finally, assuming that the other action Patrick is referring to is Ezra Levant's long-lived defamation lawsuit against me, well, given that Patrick has absolutely no idea what's happening there, he might want to be just a wee bit circumspect about yanking his little pud over that one.

In any event, any time Patrick wants to move his lawsuit along, he can provide an actual and valid address for service that represents where he actually lives these days. We can start there.

P.S. Latest calculations show Patrick now owing me over $120,000, an amount increasing by several hundred dollars a month in interest alone. He might want to look into that and decide how he's going to deal with that.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Just rubbing it in.

Sure, it's childish, but it's amusing to let undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross know how, over the span of less than two days, a single tweet of mine gets over 110,000 views, while he is still puttering along with a few dozen readers per sophomoric utterance.

In other news, given that earlier rumour that Casa Ross in Lloydminster is being prepped to go on the market, I'm again looking for anyone in that vicinity to do the occasional drive-by and let me know of any interesting developments. I'm not going to provide the address, it's easily findable in any of the numerous blog posts on the topic (or you can email me at "" and I will provide it).

If the rumour is true, it leaves one wondering just where Patrick is going to hang his bib from now on. It will also require him to -- if he still intends to proceed with his idiotic (and currently dormant) defamation action against me -- provide a valid and legal address for service, as he will certainly not be allowed to keep using the Lloydminster address once it's sold. So that will make life a bit more awkward for Kid Cash Nexus Thunderbolt Quintuple Threat MMA Cosplay Chick Magnet, won't it?

I remember that day so many years ago when Patrick dared me to bring it on:

How exactly did that work out for Patrick? Oh, right ...

Friday, September 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

About to be a very busy day so I'll return this weekend for your monthly update. And, yes, Patrick now owes me several hundred dollars more than he did last month. Between that and his daily diet of $25 greaseburgers, I don't think he'll be buying his own place any time soon.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the irony.

Here's Patrick Ross -- a man who defamed me maliciously with despicable accusations without a shred of evidence -- who will now lecture us on the importance of evidence:

You can't make this stuff up. You just can't.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still backing the wrong horse.

Um ... publicly defending a fraud, convicted felon, sexual predator and child rapist isn't the "Own the Libs" moment Patrick thinks it is.

By the way, this is exactly the situation where Patrick would accuse someone else of, say, being fine with child rape; it's the sort of bad faith argument that Patrick is known for. So using Patrick's own logic (for which, again, he is notorious), with Patrick sticking up for Donald Trump, one can safely describe Patrick as having no problem with women being sexually assaulted and 12-year-old girls being raped by 45-year-old men.

Patrick has lived by this sort of dishonest rhetoric for decades -- now he can deal with being on the receiving end.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Carry on readerless.

SEPTEMBER 6 UPDATE: I know it's being cruel, but here's the Twitter analytics from my last seven days:

1.1 million impressions in one week. We now return you to Patrick's 25 views.

One of these things is not like the other:

And I see that poor Patrick is still hashtagging his childish petulance with "#cdnpoli" in a desperate attempt to get more readers.

That does not appear to be working.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still as unread as ever.

Poor Patrick ... it must just kill him:

81,000 views versus ... 31 views. I don't think Patrick should count on that job as Saskatchewan Bureau Chief for Rebel News any time soon.

P.S. Remember that Patrick is waxing hysterical over the alleged "doxxing" of Algoma Bob when, years ago, he openly bragged about wanting to doxx me. The hypocrisy knows no bounds, does it?

And that's how Patrick ended up bankrupt and owing me $120,000.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The unintentional hilarity.

There is a spectacular amount of entertainment value in Patrick's retweet of an article dissing the value of "experts";

I say this because, since I sued Patrick for malicious defamation back in 2010 (and won as Patrick was so arrogant as to not even file a defence), Patrick's life has been one long shit show due to his refusal to take expert advice, that being legal advice from an actual lawyer.

From the beginning, Patrick refused to retain a lawyer, who might have been able to give him good advice that would have salvaged his sorry excuse for a life. That advice would almost certainly have included filing a defence, removing all of the defamatory material, publicly apologizing, and accepting an initial settlement offer to just pay my legal fees at the time; all of that would almost certainly have minimized the damage.

Instead, as is his pattern, Patrick decided that he had no need of legal expertise and he would get it all from reading Jordan Peterson books, which is why his life is currently the way it is -- undischarged bankrupt owing me over $120,000, on the run from both the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and the Saskatchewan Sheriffs, afraid to open a new bank account in case I learn of it and seize its contents, and (as rumour has it) about to become homeless when his late father's house goes on the market.

All of this could have been avoided if Patrick had simply availed himself of some expert legal counsel; he chose not to, and this is where we are today.

Yeah, what do those "experts" know, right, Patrick?

Chronicles of Twatrick: The burning hypocrisy.

I knew this was coming; it was only a matter of time:

That's undischarged bankrupt, financial fugitive and soon-to-be-homeless ladies' man Patrick "Maximum Nexus Top Gun MMA Threat Super Cool Stud Muffin" Ross, bloviating hysterically about my alleged attempt to ruin the life of the obnoxious wanker who made such an ass of himself to the Prime Minister of Canada on video.

And this is Patrick from years gone by, publicly assuring everyone how joyful he would be to disclose my then-private identity and how it would warm the cockles of his heart to inflict whatever punishment on me that he could in terms of disclosing anything about me that he uncovered:

 Hypocrite much?

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The readership (or lack thereof).

Over the years, one of the common insults emanating from the gaseous blowhole of undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross has been to mock his critics for their lack of followers and readers. "I have over 2,000 followers, and you have only 350, so by definition, I'm better and smarter." Such is the logic of Patrick Ross -- that quality is defined exclusively by readership or followership.

So it must just grind his gears that my readership exceeds his by, oh, a couple orders of magnitude. Here's Patrick, with a tweet from days ago with a whole 36 views:

By comparison, here's one of my tweets, from the unearthly hour of before 5 a.m. on a long weekend Saturday and less than four hours ago, already heading for 2,000 views:

Poor Patrick ... all these years of trying to be an online somebody, only to discover that absolutely no one is interested in his childish rantings. That's what happens when you make some really poor life choices.

P.S. Views is now over 3,500 in less than 5 hours, and you can keep up with the popularity here. I assume Patrick will find some way to mock this without admitting to the utter humiliation.

UPPITY DATE: Over 41,000 views in well under 12 hours -- a readership poor Patrick with his 36 viewers can only dream of:

Yeah, I'm being cruel.

MORE UPPITY DATE: This took, literally, less than 24 hours:

I look forward to Patrick mocking this and explaining how it proves I'm a loser. Or maybe how he's "winning" his lawsuit against me. Or something equally childish.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the intellectualism.

It is hard to believe that Patrick is 43 years old.

It is extremely easy to believe that he is an undischarged bankrupt with no chance of a meaningful relationship ever.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Reward offer to Ross siblings for information.

I've been thinking about this for a while so, what the heck, it can't do any harm. I am offering the reward of $500 to the first of Patrick Ross' siblings who can supply me with a certified copy of the late Ken Ross' will, which will allow me to plan how I can legally seize any portion of the estate that was left to Patrick. There are actually two independent ways to collect that reward.

  1. First, a properly notarized copy of the will showing that Patrick is receiving significant assets from the estate of the late Ken Ross.
  2. In the alternative, if the will shows Patrick receiving nothing, then additional proof of some earlier version of the will showing he was a beneficiary but has since been removed.

In addition, the first sibling to get me that information not only collects the reward, but also gets an assurance that I will do what I can to not screw up their inheritance.

If any of the Ross siblings is interested in discussing this, they can reach me at; I am open to negotiation depending on what information they can provide. Short of working out some sort of compromise, I will be doing everything I can to interfere with the distribution of that estate until I can collect what I am owed by Patrick Ross.

The clock is now ticking, and only the first respondent is eligible for the reward.

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy Lawsuitversary!

It is now exactly two years since undischarged bankrupt and vexatious litigant Patrick "Super Mullet Stud Muffin" Ross filed his idiotic and meritless defamation lawsuit against me, and has subsequently made zero effort to move it along in the courts, and two years seems long enough before starting to think about filing to have that stupidity dismissed as abandoned.

Regular readers might recall that that is exactly what I did with Patrick's asinine appeal of his Conditional Discharge Order -- an appeal he "filed" in late 2014, then let languish for over three years, whereupon I filed to have it dismissed for want of proceeding, and the judge agreed with me entirely, writing (in part) of Patrick's pathetic appeal (the reference in para 14 to "Mr. Day" should actually read "Mr. Ross"; otherwise, the paragraph makes no sense):

The upshot of that 2018 ruling was to kick Patrick's appeal to the curb as abandoned, clearing the way for all of the subsequent legal ass-kicking I administered to Kid Cash Nexus Thunderbolt etc etc etc.

In any event, I think two years grace is more than enough for someone who, while making no effort to proceed with his own lawsuit, nevertheless has spent countless hours bragging about it on social media. We'll see what the court thinks of that sort of childish arrogance.

BONUS TRACK: An early part of the same ruling shows J. Barrington-Foote summarily dispensing with Patrick's feeble rationalizations for why he did nothing with an already-filed appeal for three and a half years:

Hilariously, even the judge makes fun of Patrick's submission, quoting the unnecessarily pompous use of the word "deleterious," then further disembowels the rest of Patrick's childish whining. And when I eventually file to have Patrick's current lawsuit dismissed as abandoned, you can rest assured that I will be using the above as Exhibit A of Patrick wasting the court's time exactly like this in the past.

In the end, Patrick's own contemptible behaviour with the courts is going to come back to bite him big time in his burger-infused butt.

ABOUT PARA 15: It's worth noting that the judge, in paragraph 15 above, makes it clear he is aware that Patrick, rather than restricting himself to issues related to his 2014 bankruptcy appeal, is trying to re-litigate the original judgment from back in 2010, which means that after all those years, Patrick still does not understand how the law works.

It is a fairly basic principle of law that, when in court, you confine your arguments to the matter that is before the judge, and you cannot arbitrarily start whining about other stuff. At the time of the 2018 hearing above related to Patrick's dormant and moldering bankruptcy appeal, it was long established that I had sued Patrick for defamation, I had won that suit by default, Patrick no longer had any recourse to object to that ruling, Patrick had filed for personal bankruptcy, and at his 2014 hearing, he was assessed a Conditional Discharge Order (CDO) to pay a certain amount per month for a number of years.

None of the above was reviewable, other than that final issue of the CDO -- that was the basis of Patrick's 2014 appeal, and my subsequent filing asked the Court to throw out that appeal due to obvious lack of interest on Patrick's part to move forward with it. What this means is that the only issue before the court was my request to dismiss Patrick's appeal, while Patrick's job was to convince the court to allow it to move forward. That's it, that was the entirety of the motion before the judge, nothing more.

And yet ... and yet ... Patrick decided to bitch and moan about how he didn't like the original judgment, and perjury, and harassment, and various nonsense, which the judge (as you can read) had no patience for. None of that was relevant to the hearing that day, and it is depressing that Patrick (who loves to brag about his stellar legal acumen) chose to embarrass himself that way. He lost that motion, of course, because he chose to obsess over irrelevancies rather than address the actual issue.

Patrick is not very good at law. He never has been.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy 3-YEAR Interestversary!

Hard to believe that it's been three long years since a Saskatchewan judge told undischarged bankrupt and self-described bikini designer Patrick "The Dangers of Home Schooling" Ross how much he owed me, while cranking up the interest rate on all that dosh to five percent:


Nothing really new to report so we can sum up Patrick's life as, let's see, going on 15 years since I went after him for defaming me and getting my $85,000 default judgment against him because he was too arrogant to even submit a defence; chasing him around Alberta for a couple years during which he was found in contempt of court twice; Patrick declaring personal bankruptcy while lecturing everyone else on how conservatives are the party of accountability and personal responsibility; getting his ass kicked at his bankruptcy discharge hearing by a Registrar who effectively called him an unprincipled weasel; getting a truly favourable Conditional Discharge Order that he ignored to the point where I had him removed from the protection of bankruptcy, thus reinstating the full amount of what he owed me plus all those years of interest; ignoring numerous settlement offers over the years, including one for the paltry sum of $10,000 that could have made all this go away years ago; my currently having a collections order against Patrick in the province of Saskatchewan and, finally ...

... if rumours are to be believed, Patrick's sole "residence" -- the home of his late, deranged parents -- perhaps being prepped for sale, leaving Patrick with no permanent residence other than whatever crap room he's renting while making a living as a "swamper" in the black fly-infested environs of northern Alberta and gorging himself on greaseburgers while wondering why women just aren't hitting on him like they used to.

Have I missed anything? Oh, and he currently owes me in excess of $120,000, an amount going up several hundreds of dollars per month as he dithers and dawdles about how to proceed with his execrably stupid and meritless defamation lawsuit against me, knowing that any effort to move it forward will require him to interact with the court system, where I guarantee there will be various legal parties waiting for him when he shows up.

So, yeah, Patrick's life is going swimmingly. It reminds one of that time many years ago that Patrick challenged me to bring the pain:

Excuse me while I return to my 12,000+ adoring followers on Twitter, and leave Patrick wondering where he's going to live come October.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Stepping on those rakes again.

Yes, it's also Happy Interestversary -- which I will deal with later -- but here's Patrick, once again inflicting damage on himself:

Having insisted since the beginning that the Freedom Convoy was fully lawful and legal, Patrick very unwisely reproduces a Public Safety snippet that refers quite clearly to the [emphasis added] "Winter 2022 illegal demonstrations and blockades."

Patrick is not the sharpest sandwich in the picnic basket, is he?

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: More affidavit hilarity.

Having recently mocked an excerpt from one of the affidavits of undischarged bankrupt and possibly soon-to-be-homeless Patrick "Well, hellllooooo, ladies" Ross, I present you with another snippet, this one from a November 2022 affidavit wherein Patrick takes issue with my submission that there might have been a family farm handed down by an ancestor, and Patrick insists that having made that claim is wildly defamatory. Here is almost the entire page from that affidavit:

The first couple paragraphs are not relevant to this point, they're just to chuckle once again over Patrick's obsession to use the most legalistic and bombastic verbiage possible, as in, "The issue binding Mr Day to the conduct of his co-defendants is not necessarily a matter of formal association, but rather a matter of formal affiliation through common action." You can be forgiven if you fell asleep halfway through that; I have previously posted examples where, in front of an actual judge, Patrick tried this kind of nonsense and the judge responded simply with, "What in the name of Michelle Ferreri's wine box are you babbling about?".

In any event, even as Patrick insists that I defamed him by discussing the possibility of farm land, review the above and note well the very careful qualifiers I used. Even as Patrick wants to claim that I was making statements of fact, one can clearly see how carefully I chose my conditionals: "according to rumours (which I have not yet substantiated ...", "I have been informed", "I have been told" and "If any of the above is true". Even a child can see that I am couching my writing in speculation, and making it clear that while I have heard these rumours, I have seen no proof of them. This is a big problem for Patrick, as he knows well that that is a defence against defamation, but he will of course deny this, but the above also demonstrates why Patrick gets his ass kicked so often in court.

You see, Patrick is easily one of the most dishonest rhetoricians on social media -- he perpetually and relentlessly misrepresents others' writings and points of view, then claims victory by dispatching an opinion that was never made. This is his modus operandi -- it is the definition of arguing in bad faith.

Patrick's major failing is that he takes this same behaviour into the courtroom, and appropriately gets absolutely crucified for it. Patrick utterly fails to appreciate that, while his childish word games might play well on Twitter, it invariably blows up in his face in front of a judge, just as the above is going to do if it gets to court, as any competent judge will trivially explain to Patrick that all of the above production of mine are obviously statements of opinion given all those qualifiers, and Patrick will get humiliated once more.

Tune in again when I mock and humiliate another excerpt from Patrick's legal filings.

BONUS TRACK: It's worth pointing out that Patrick continues to make the same mistake on the very next page regarding my speculation about a "fraudulent conveyance" if Patrick's family tried to hide his ownership of the rumoured farm land. Here is the relevant portion of Patrick's affidavit:

Yet again, note well my clear and unambiguous qualifier when I write [emphasis added]:

"In the context of this spat with Patrick, the possibility of an FC arises with respect to two rumours I have been hearing:"

How does one reproduce that sentence and not appreciate that, once again, I am indulging in speculation and openly admitting that these are unsubstantiated rumours? (And lest you think I am taking things out of context, you're welcome to read the entire post here.)

This is, quite literally, the quality of Patrick's legal filings -- grotesque misreading and misrepresentation of what I wrote, out of which he fabricates bogus accusations. As I said, this might play well with Patrick's dozens and dozens of Twitter followers, but it will not end well when placed in front of an actual judge.

It never does.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Of bounties and surveillance.

As a bonus for my loyal and long-suffering readers, I will gift you with another snippet from one of Patrick Ross' affidavits related to his meritless defamation lawsuit against me, just so you can truly appreciate the utter lack of foundation it has -- this bit comes from a November 2022 affidavit, wherein Patrick is suggesting to the court that ... oh, just read it and we'll come back to it:

First, appreciate Patrick's desperate and painful attempts to sound high-falutin' and legalistic -- "financial inducements" in aid of "incentivizing" people to do certain things. Patrick really does love his five-dollar words, but what he is suggesting is simply ... weird.

With regard to my open and quite public invitation for people to check in on Patrick in Lloydminster and, further, to perhaps reimburse them for their trouble and gas, Patrick bloviates as to how this somehow constitutes offering an illegal "bounty" according to the Criminal Code of Canada [CCoC]. I have looked, and I have been unable to find anything in the CCoC that prohibits offering to compensate people for time and travel expenses. But it gets worse.

In terms of what I am asking for, I've been quite open in asking people to do nothing more than drive by the Lloydminster residence and let me know of any interesting developments. As long as one stays on public property, there is absolutely no problem with this, but Patrick subsequently launches into this pearl-clutching diatribe as to how those people are clearly not "licensed" to do such surveillance work and therefore it is "unlawful."

I could go on, but I believe you're starting to get the idea of the vacuousness of Patrick's filing against me -- his argument to the court is that, by trying to find him in order to enforce my collection proceedings against him, I am breaking the law simply by asking others to help me and perhaps reimbursing them for their expenses in doing so.

This is the level of absurdity to which we have descended.

Chronicles of Twatrick: Keep providing that evidence.

As I pointed out recently, I have attracted my own personal, obsessed online stalker in one Patrick "Super Mullet Kid Cash Thunderbolt etc etc etc" Ross, who seems determined to comment on every single thing I tweet. First, it is amusing that poor Patrick still gets almost no views as no one wants to read his perpetual bitching and moaning:

More significantly, every one of those creepy rebuttals is being added to my collection of evidence that Patrick seems to have plenty of time to yap on social media, while claiming to be too busy to proceed with his defamation lawsuit against me. I can assure you, the court will not be amused, but Patrick is invited to continue digging that hole.

Most people whose spectacularly self-destructive life choices end up with them being $120,000 in debt and an undischarged bankrupt who has been found liable for malicious defamation might take a minute and rethink their choices. Apparently not.

P.S. Regarding Casa Ross and its alleged preparation for being put on the market, a reminder that I have online access to knowing when that house goes on the market, I have online access to Saskatchewan land title information, and I have a Lloyd-based confidential informant who is keeping me up to date on daily developments.

So, yeah, I have a handle on the situation.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Wheels in motion.

As I mentioned recently, an anonymous commenter (really, I have no idea who it is) suggested that Patrick, while yapping his face off at a Lloydminster burger and beer joint, disclosed that he is occasionally hanging out at Casa Ross and that he is prepping the place for an October sale. No evidence was presented for this, but it does make a certain amount of sense as it has been over a year since the passing of Ken Ross, and one assumes that unless that family of gormless hillbillies wants to keep the property, they would really, really, really want to unload it and take the cash.

In preparation for that possibility, I have been in touch with, well, various authorities and, for once, I'm going to play this close to the vest to not give Patrick any warning of what I'm organizing; I will say simply that, the instant I learn that that house is on the market, things will start happening. I have been advised by people who know this sort of thing that, yes, I do have legal recourse in the event that Casa Ross is sold and part of the proceeds is destined for Patrick. More than that, I'll keep to myself for now.

So now, I guess we wait, as my Lloydminster confidential informant continues his surveillance.

P.S. I think I can safely disclose the following while keeping the rest in reserve.

If (and I stress if) my anonymous commenter is correct and Casa Ross is being prepped for sale, it is entirely possible that that family of goobers has played games with the will in the sense of having Patrick removed from it for the purpose of claiming that he is not receiving anything I can seize. I have been advised that that would be a dangerous strategy for them and here's why.

If all of Patrick's siblings share in the proceeds of the sale but Patrick gets nothing, a court would be very interested in the oddity of this situation, and I would (predictably) make the argument that this is a childish attempt to defeat my collection enforcement. The obvious argument on my part would be to have the court order those goobers to turn over all versions of the will, including earlier versions that might have included Patrick. But here's where it gets dangerous.

I would not just be arguing about Patrick's potential share of the sale proceeds. No, I would argue that none of the proceeds can be disbursed until this issue is resolved, which means that no one would be getting any money while this matter works its way through the courts. And given that, if they fight this, it could conceivably take years, that entire gang of gormless halfwits might be sitting on their hands for quite some time as this is contested.

If Patrick and his siblings want to take that chance, I have the time and the resources. Let's see how badly Patrick's family members want to protect him if it comes to that. Oh, and if I eventually win, it's almost a certainly that I would be awarded substantial costs. So, yeah, bring it on.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Peace (River) out, dude.

As described previously, regular surveillance of Casa Twatsy in Lloydminster is underway; the latest report from yesterday is of no untoward activity, which is not surprising as another confidential informant tells me that Patrick has been posting pics from the Peace River area, suggesting that Patrick is still employed in Alberta somewhere, and commuting home for weekends where he might very well be working on cleaning out the family residence in preparation for unloading it.

My local spy is watching carefully, particularly for any "FOR SALE" sign wherein I might be in the frame of mind to have a chat with the realtor and explain the situation. It's unlikely that I could interfere with the sale of the house itself (if the proceeds go to the estate), but I will certainly step in to block the transfer of whatever share Patrick is slated to receive.

In any event, my covert surveillance program is working nicely, and I will keep you posted.

P.S. Yet another CI reports that Patrick is yet again talking smack about me on social media but, frankly, I have no interest in viewing any more of his childish bloviatings. I will simply let the interest keep piling up.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Oh, my.

First, let the surveillance begin. I have recently arranged for a confidential informant to start doing regular drive-bys of Casa Ross in Lloydminster (possibly even daily) for the next several weeks, and keep me apprised of any unusual developments. Said CI has been instructed that photos are not strictly necessary unless it's particularly informative; other than that, verbal reports will do just fine. But here's the kicker.

Just left as an anonymous comment on an earlier post:

"Patrick's back living at his dad's house when he's not working. The truck with the transformers logo is his. He's keeping up the place until they sell it. House is getting prepped for sale by October 15."

This jibes with what my CI has already told me, in that there is a storage trailer parked in the driveway, most likely in aid of cleaning out the place in preparation for sale. It remains to be seen what sort of activity occurs over the next several weeks, but I am assured that I will be informed of it in detail.

How Patrick factors into the sale is unknown, but I have everything in place to start collection proceedings in case Patrick gets a cut of the proceeds. In the meantime, Patrick is invited to continue bragging about how I am *losing* a lawsuit to him. Whatever helps him sleep at night (wherever that is once he's homeless).

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: My own personal stalker.

It is minimally amusing to have one's own personal online stalker, as perpetual bankrupt and financial dumpster fire Patrick "Kid Cash Thunderbolt etc etc etc" Ross continues to haunt my Twitter feed and publish devastatingly puerile retorts to whatever I write. Oh, look ... having once accused me of being a pedophile (with life-altering results for him), Patrick now suggests I am a virgin (note obligatory #cdnpoli hashtag to try to attract clicks):

Ironically, one of the two defamation lawsuits Patrick accuses me of currently "losing" is one filed by him -- that would be the one he filed almost two years ago and now refuses to move along since he knows how that would end, but I did promise some revelations about that this weekend and I am a man of my word.

One of the meritless pieces of paper Patrick filed related to that action was a December 1, 2022 Affidavit, in which Patrick ... well, I'm not going to reproduce the whole thing (maybe some other time), but I am going to post the final page of his submission (not including the howlingly funny and idiotic exhibits), but before I do that, let me set the stage by pointing out that, when you're trying to accuse someone of malicious defamation and harassment and threats of violence, and you submit an Affidavit, one would think that you would take great care to make your submission focused, and specific, and devastating, and that for the last page, you would save the best and really lower the boom on your intended target, yes?

So understanding all that, here is that last page from Patrick's Dec 1, 2022 Affidavit, wherein he is supposed to be laying out a case against me ... but it doesn't work out that way:

Make sure you grok what is happening in the above -- Patrick, when he should be putting his best foot forward in terms of laying out a case against me, spends almost that entire page complaining about ... someone else.

Seriously, make sure you understand that Patrick devotes almost that entire page whining about the behaviour of someone who is not even a party to the action. That is the embarrassing lack of merit of this action. But the best part is, of course, the final paragraph 57, wherein Patrick awkwardly concedes that I did not do any of that stuff.

This is the basis of Patrick's lawsuit against me -- to accuse an independent third party of misbehaving in all sorts of ways, then to sullenly admit that I did not participate in any of that but, for whatever reason, I should be sanctioned anyway for ... having nothing to do with it. Are you starting to understand why Patrick really doesn't want to drag this before a judge?

P.S. Patrick really needs to dial back the idea of calling other people virgins. I'm just throwing that out there.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Not sure what's going on here.

Apparently, Kid Cash Nexus Thunderbolt Super Mullet Babe Magnet Swamper Thing is crowing about ... well, not sure, something about currently winning Ross v Day II (whatever that is):

So let's recap, shall we? Since 2010, I have with respect to Patrick:
  • Won (by default) my lawsuit for malicious defamation, with a resulting judgment against Patrick of $75,000 plus costs
  • Forced him in 2012 to declare personal bankruptcy (in which he still resides 12 years later, with little chance of ever getting out)
  • Defeated his 2014 motion to get an absolute discharge from bankruptcy
  • Succeeded in having his 2014 appeal of the above dismissed as abandoned
  • Defeated an idiotic motion from Patrick accusing me of perjury and harassment
  • Won my action to have him removed from the protection of bankruptcy, thus reinstating the original judgment amount (plus interest), and had the accruing interest rate kicked up to five percent
  • Won my motion to register my judgment in Saskatchewan
  • Successfully filed to initiate collection proceedings in Saskatchewan (which is still in effect)
In the meantime, Patrick filed a defamation lawsuit against me in August 2022 which he has done nothing with and refuses to proceed with. But, sure, I'm the one that's losing. Whatever helps Patrick sleep at night.

I will, this weekend, have some previously undisclosed news about Patrick's defamation lawsuit against me, and you won't want to miss it.

P.S. Poor Patrick is currently crowing about the Kirkland Lake bot farm story being a "nothingburger." Seems like a pretty substantial burger given the news coverage it's getting.

LET THE SURVEILLANCE BEGIN! I have just arranged for regular surveillance of the Casa Ross residence in Lloydminster for at least the next several weeks, in which my confidential informant will be taking copious notes of the activity in that vicinity, noting in particular who appears to be there and at what times, vehicles that come and go, any activity related to cleaning out the house or the garage and so on.

If things get interesting, I am assured there will be photos.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Just because I'm feeling cruel.

I will have more to say this weekend about Patrick Ross' indescribably stupid (and dormant) defamation lawsuit against me; in the meantime, let's check in on Patrick's frustration with the fact that I am a popular, widely-read and much-beloved social media personality while Patrick is read by, well, nobody.

Here's one of my tweets from less than 12 hours ago, where you can see the 17K+ readers and, if you're curious, you can pop over there to catch the number of people who think I'm moderately entertaining.

Patrick, on the other hand, still being the creepy online stalker that he is ...

It must eat away at Patrick "Kid Cash Thunderbolt Quintuple Threat Nexus Super Mullet MMA Cosplay Bikini Designer Chick Magnet Alpha Male" Ross that I have such an audience, while he is read by, well, no one.

As it should be.

P.S. Patrick might note the proper use of smiley emojis is to put them on other peoples' work, not your own.

P.P.S. I would be negligent in not pointing out that even the mainstream media reproduces my work. Now I'm just rubbing it in.

AFTERSNARK: Perhaps the creepiest thing about so many of Patrick's tweets is not the fact that he adds laughing emojis to his own tweets, but that he hashtags so many of them to try to drive their engagement. And it still doesn't do him any good. It's just ... sad.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Living rent-free in Patrick's head.

It's kind of sad-making that undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross has this obsessive need to stalk my Twitter account and respond (stupidly) to everything I publish ... here's the latest excretion, wherein Patrick insists there is nothing to see regarding the Pierre Poilievre Kirkland Lake bot farm story, despite it having actually trended on Twitter yesterday:

But Patrick's obsession is also driven by the fact that, well, no one on social media reads him (47 views, whoo hoo!), whereas my simply asking a question yesterday generated almost 85,000 views:

It can't be much fun being Patrick and realizing that your life sucks and no one cares what you think.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Racist or misogynistic? You make the call.

And sometimes, people just give up trying to hide their racism and misogyny:

Monday, July 29, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: OMG, I'm dying here.

Wherein the genetically humourless Patrick Ross does not understand that he is requoting satire.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: One of these things is not like the other.

It must just eat away at Patrick that, in the grand scheme of things, he has next to zero readership for his emotionally and intellectually childish petulance and name-calling, while a single Twitter thread of mine gets over 156,000 views in less than a day:

I know this absolutely irks Kid Cash Thunderbolt Nexus Quintuple Threat Chick Magnet Bikini Designer Porn-Writing Stud Muffin, since one of Patrick's favourite putdowns over the years is to dismiss people who disagree with him by pointing out how he has more Twitter followers, and that that is clearly a sign of intellectual superiority. Which is why (admittedly childishly) it's fun to rub Patrick's nose in the fact that people actually read me on social media and him ... eh, not so much.

Carry on.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy lawsuitversary!

It was August 26, 2022 when undischarged bankrupt and greaseburger recycle bin Patrick "Yeah, ladies, I'm single" Ross filed his frivolous and meritless defamation action against me -- an action that included childish whining about stuff that happened, literally, over 15 years ago, and which consisted for the most part of complaints against two other people (one of which is not identified to this day). So you can see how successful this action will be if Patrick ever tries to proceed with it ...

... which he has not, so I'm thinking that maybe after two years have gone by, it might be time to file to have his idiocy treated as abandoned or, in the alternative, to ask the Court to order Patrick to get his crap in order and move ahead with it, which would involve him having to disclose all sorts of information and to sit down for an examination under oath ... an examination which would include Patrick having to disclose stuff like, you know, employment and address and inheritance.

So Patrick has had almost two years to move this along. I'm not holding my breath.

P.S. Perhaps the most baffling part of Patrick's August 2022 filing is this opening to Paragraph 4:

"In 2008, the Plaintiff served upon Defendant Day a libel notice ..."

Perhaps my memory is going but I do not recall ever being served with a libel notice in 2008 by Patrick Ross or anyone else. I'm fairly sure I would have remembered that.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Time for a probate lawyer, methinks.

As a followup to yesterday's post wherein I verified that, according to the provincial entity that tracks land titles in Saskatchewan, the property that is Casa Ross is still listed under the names of both of Patrick's deceased parents, and it has been over a year since his father passed, so it does make one wonder what is happening with that property and whether maybe it's being contested.

To that end, I think I'm going to find me a probate lawyer who might be able to dig into this and figure out what (if anything) is going on, and I'm open to recommendations. It might not be necessary to find someone directly in Lloydminster, but I suspect finding someone in Saskatchewan would still be a good idea, so if any of my loyal fans know of someone who could be a good fit for this, drop me a note.

I'm not ready to do anything drastic just yet, but I do want all the information I can get my hands on.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Land title search.

I just received the information I was after from the entity that tracks all of the land titles in Saskatchewan, and the property that is Casa Ross is listed as still being in the names of Patrick's deceased parents, so it has clearly not gone anywhere, title-wise.

Interesting. One wonders what they're waiting for.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary -- Part Deux.

I won't bore you with recapping the saga of undischarged bankrupt and malicious defamer Patrick "Hey, girls, I'm still single" Ross, who we all know now owes me over $120,000 after having maliciously defamed me years ago, then unwisely decided to not even defend my lawsuit. The more interesting story is what it will take for Patrick to get out of bankruptcy, and while I've published that he still has an outstanding $25,000 or so on his 2014-issued Conditional Discharge Order (CDO), it turns out that it's more complicated and potentially far uglier for Patrick than that. Let me explain.

The whole point of bankruptcy is that, if your debt far exceeds your assets, you try to convince the judge to let you off with paying a fraction of your debt, after having handed over all of your seizable assets. In Patrick's case, he was ordered to pay a grand total of $34,000 out of a total debt of almost $100,000; again, he stupidly decided not to do that which is why he's in the trouble he is in now. But here's the kicker (and I have written about this before).

After declaring bankruptcy, as you are paying off your CDO, you're not allowed to suddenly come into a pile of money and subsequently keep it all; such a windfall (such as an inheritance) is referred to as "after-acquired assets" and as it would be massively unfair to your creditors for you to get the benefit of bankruptcy while keeping all those assets, they are required to be turned over to the trustee, who can then distribute them to the creditors above and beyond what they are owed due to the CDO.

I will say that again to make sure you understand it -- even if you got a really favourable CDO, your after-acquired assets must be handed over to the trustee, who will then distribute it to the creditors even if that exceeds the amount of the CDO so that, depending on the size of the windfall, the creditors could end up getting the full amount of what you owed them. The principle is simple -- you don't get the benefit of bankruptcy while simultaneously getting to keep all that cash.

If you want proof, I refer you to the 2003 case of one Steven Sindaco, in which Sindaco, owing only $2,500 pursuant to his CDO, while still bankrupt managed to win $500,000 in a lottery, at which time he was told quite clearly that all that dosh was after-acquired assets and his creditors were entitled to the original full amount he owed them.

This brings us, of course, to the case of the aforementioned Patrick Ross who, while he owes only around $25,000 on his CDO, almost certainly got a sizable inheritance when his enabling and psychologically unstable father passed away, and you can see where I'm going with this.

See, based on conversations I have had with the fine folks at Canada's Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, the day Patrick decides to try to get out of bankruptcy, he will first have to get a trustee (doesn't need to be the same one), and the very first thing that trustee will tell Patrick is that he has to get current on all of the missing years of his financial reporting, and that will absolutely include a full and complete list of all after-acquired assets, at which time (as you can see based on the Sindaco ruling) those assets will be distributed to all of his creditors.

It's not clear exactly how this would play out, but I have made it clear to everyone involved that the instant Patrick tries to get out of bankruptcy, the relevant authorities will be asking about any after-acquired assets, including but not limited to inheritance, proceeds from selling property or other assets, and what have you. And if you don't believe me, I suggest reading that Sindaco ruling again.

In any event, as always, let me know what ever you hear about Patrick's latest travels, employment status and accommodations. I want to make sure I'm ready to go when the time comes.

P.S. It's worth noting that there are times when it's hard to say how all of this will play out legally since almost everyone who's come into contact with this case admits they have rarely seen anyone so thoroughly screw himself as badly as Patrick has done. Even as far back as 2014, the bankruptcy registrar -- in issuing her ruling -- described this case with:

After considering the unique facts of this case, the common law principles governing discharge applications and, in particular, the reprehensible nature of the conduct that ultimately created 99% of the debt in this bankruptcy, ...

It is unlikely that Patrick getting out of bankruptcy is going to be either simple or straightforward, given how even the people who deal with bankruptcies on a regular basis are gobsmacked over how uniquely fucked up this is and how contemptuously Patrick has behaved. If Patrick thinks he's going to get any sympathy from the Court, he seriously needs to rethink that.