Friday, July 26, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy lawsuitversary!

It was August 26, 2022 when undischarged bankrupt and greaseburger recycle bin Patrick "Yeah, ladies, I'm single" Ross filed his frivolous and meritless defamation action against me -- an action that included childish whining about stuff that happened, literally, over 15 years ago, and which consisted for the most part of complaints against two other people (one of which is not identified to this day). So you can see how successful this action will be if Patrick ever tries to proceed with it ...

... which he has not, so I'm thinking that maybe after two years have gone by, it might be time to file to have his idiocy treated as abandoned or, in the alternative, to ask the Court to order Patrick to get his crap in order and move ahead with it, which would involve him having to disclose all sorts of information and to sit down for an examination under oath ... an examination which would include Patrick having to disclose stuff like, you know, employment and address and inheritance.

So Patrick has had almost two years to move this along. I'm not holding my breath.

P.S. Perhaps the most baffling part of Patrick's August 2022 filing is this opening to Paragraph 4:

"In 2008, the Plaintiff served upon Defendant Day a libel notice ..."

Perhaps my memory is going but I do not recall ever being served with a libel notice in 2008 by Patrick Ross or anyone else. I'm fairly sure I would have remembered that.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Time for a probate lawyer, methinks.

As a followup to yesterday's post wherein I verified that, according to the provincial entity that tracks land titles in Saskatchewan, the property that is Casa Ross is still listed under the names of both of Patrick's deceased parents, and it has been over a year since his father passed, so it does make one wonder what is happening with that property and whether maybe it's being contested.

To that end, I think I'm going to find me a probate lawyer who might be able to dig into this and figure out what (if anything) is going on, and I'm open to recommendations. It might not be necessary to find someone directly in Lloydminster, but I suspect finding someone in Saskatchewan would still be a good idea, so if any of my loyal fans know of someone who could be a good fit for this, drop me a note.

I'm not ready to do anything drastic just yet, but I do want all the information I can get my hands on.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Land title search.

I just received the information I was after from the entity that tracks all of the land titles in Saskatchewan, and the property that is Casa Ross is listed as still being in the names of Patrick's deceased parents, so it has clearly not gone anywhere, title-wise.

Interesting. One wonders what they're waiting for.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary -- Part Deux.

I won't bore you with recapping the saga of undischarged bankrupt and malicious defamer Patrick "Hey, girls, I'm still single" Ross, who we all know now owes me over $120,000 after having maliciously defamed me years ago, then unwisely decided to not even defend my lawsuit. The more interesting story is what it will take for Patrick to get out of bankruptcy, and while I've published that he still has an outstanding $25,000 or so on his 2014-issued Conditional Discharge Order (CDO), it turns out that it's more complicated and potentially far uglier for Patrick than that. Let me explain.

The whole point of bankruptcy is that, if your debt far exceeds your assets, you try to convince the judge to let you off with paying a fraction of your debt, after having handed over all of your seizable assets. In Patrick's case, he was ordered to pay a grand total of $34,000 out of a total debt of almost $100,000; again, he stupidly decided not to do that which is why he's in the trouble he is in now. But here's the kicker (and I have written about this before).

After declaring bankruptcy, as you are paying off your CDO, you're not allowed to suddenly come into a pile of money and subsequently keep it all; such a windfall (such as an inheritance) is referred to as "after-acquired assets" and as it would be massively unfair to your creditors for you to get the benefit of bankruptcy while keeping all those assets, they are required to be turned over to the trustee, who can then distribute them to the creditors above and beyond what they are owed due to the CDO.

I will say that again to make sure you understand it -- even if you got a really favourable CDO, your after-acquired assets must be handed over to the trustee, who will then distribute it to the creditors even if that exceeds the amount of the CDO so that, depending on the size of the windfall, the creditors could end up getting the full amount of what you owed them. The principle is simple -- you don't get the benefit of bankruptcy while simultaneously getting to keep all that cash.

If you want proof, I refer you to the 2003 case of one Steven Sindaco, in which Sindaco, owing only $2,500 pursuant to his CDO, while still bankrupt managed to win $500,000 in a lottery, at which time he was told quite clearly that all that dosh was after-acquired assets and his creditors were entitled to the original full amount he owed them.

This brings us, of course, to the case of the aforementioned Patrick Ross who, while he owes only around $25,000 on his CDO, almost certainly got a sizable inheritance when his enabling and psychologically unstable father passed away, and you can see where I'm going with this.

See, based on conversations I have had with the fine folks at Canada's Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, the day Patrick decides to try to get out of bankruptcy, he will first have to get a trustee (doesn't need to be the same one), and the very first thing that trustee will tell Patrick is that he has to get current on all of the missing years of his financial reporting, and that will absolutely include a full and complete list of all after-acquired assets, at which time (as you can see based on the Sindaco ruling) those assets will be distributed to all of his creditors.

It's not clear exactly how this would play out, but I have made it clear to everyone involved that the instant Patrick tries to get out of bankruptcy, the relevant authorities will be asking about any after-acquired assets, including but not limited to inheritance, proceeds from selling property or other assets, and what have you. And if you don't believe me, I suggest reading that Sindaco ruling again.

In any event, as always, let me know what ever you hear about Patrick's latest travels, employment status and accommodations. I want to make sure I'm ready to go when the time comes.

P.S. It's worth noting that there are times when it's hard to say how all of this will play out legally since almost everyone who's come into contact with this case admits they have rarely seen anyone so thoroughly screw himself as badly as Patrick has done. Even as far back as 2014, the bankruptcy registrar -- in issuing her ruling -- described this case with:

After considering the unique facts of this case, the common law principles governing discharge applications and, in particular, the reprehensible nature of the conduct that ultimately created 99% of the debt in this bankruptcy, ...

It is unlikely that Patrick getting out of bankruptcy is going to be either simple or straightforward, given how even the people who deal with bankruptcies on a regular basis are gobsmacked over how uniquely fucked up this is and how contemptuously Patrick has behaved. If Patrick thinks he's going to get any sympathy from the Court, he seriously needs to rethink that.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

I'll keep this brief as today is a travel day, but it is now 35 months (just under three years!) that a Saskatchewan judge issued this ruling, telling undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross how much he owed me and cranking up the interest rate on the outstanding amount to five percent:

While all of the above has been covered before, I'll have a longer piece this weekend which might cover a few new issues, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, feel free to keep track of Patrick and let me know what he's up to.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: My level of readership must be killing him.

I will never have to worry about the cost of housing since I live rent-free in Patrick's head:

I think the most pathetic thing about Patrick's tweets is his insistence on adding tears-laughing emojis to all of them as if they are the funniest things he's ever read.

Here's some advice, Patrick ... you're supposed to use those emojis for other peoples' tweets, not your own. Honestly, it's like Arnold Rimmer giving himself the nickname "Ace."

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Every boy has a dream.

Some 40-somethings have noble hopes and career goals ... others, eh, not so much.

I'm guessing the subject of personal bankruptcy never came up.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The Healthy Eating Compendium.

It is almost a meme for undischarged bankrupt and soft-core porn author Patrick "Yeah, ladies, you can have some of this" Ross to be wolfing down even more grease and carbs but, well, there you go:

What is interesting is that, from the description of that heart disease looking for a place to happen, it appears that Patrick is back in the Lloyd, so if my confidential informants want to do a drive-by of Casa Ross and report on whatever they see, that would be delightful.

It is hard to believe that Daddy Ken Ross left the Lloyd residence to be used as an occasional drop-in centre for Patrick when he's in town, as that would almost certainly piss off the rest of the family who would be expecting to share in the spoils, but who knows what that deranged group of hillbillies is up to. In any event, it should be easy to figure out whose name is on the title these days, and to watch for any change in ownership. Because I can assure you that if that property is transferred to one Patrick Ross, I have everything ready to go to step in and take it from him.

Stay tuned.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Paradise Valley bound?

One of my confidential informants gifts me with this nugget -- undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "Stud Monkey Chick Magnet Helllooooo Ladies" Ross posts this pic, suggesting that maybe he is now working closer to home so he can commute from the Lloyd:

In any event, if anyone is still in the vicinity of Casa Ross in Lloydminster, dropping me a note as to the current activities there is always welcome. More later.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy Canada Day!

In honour of Canada Day, a picture of my Chez Lucien burger which, unlike the numerous burgers consumed by undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross, has a salad.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy (actual) interestversary.

Not much to add to my recent post, other than to suggest that undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross appears to be a wee bit frustrated these days with how little attention his public frothing is attracting. Time was, Patrick would denigrate people quite regularly about how few followers they had compared to him, as if regular audience was a sign of literary quality or something. So it must grate on him that, while he has less than 2,300 followers on Twitter, I have over 12,000, and while his tweets typically get, at most, a few hundred views (if that), I've recently had a thread exceed 125,000 views.

So, nothing really to report, other than that I'm doing just fine in terms of reading audience while I suspect a large chunk of Patrick's readers are simply people keeping tabs on him so they can tell me what he's up to.

Until next month.

AFTERSNARK: It must just burn Patrick's butt that almost no one reads his shash, but I can get over 12,000 views for a single tweet in less than a day.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still talking smack.

Apparently, massively-indebted undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive from the Saskatchewan Sheriffs, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and God knows who else Patrick Ross is still blar-har-har'ing over at his predictably unread Twitter account about ... oh, what does it matter? Patrick is welcome to insult one and all about how he is so much smarter than everyone else but it's a safe bet that he cannot run forever and that someday there will be, for Patrick, a very painful reckoning.

FYI, I have already contacted four private investigation agencies that service the Lloydminster area and I am collecting quotes for surveillance of Casa Ross. I have heard that Patrick is on the road at the moment, so anyone I hire should have no fear of Patrick trundling out of the front door and screaming obscenities and threatening anyone who is simply doing their job.

I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, keep those cards and letters coming in as to where Patrick shows up and what he's driving.

P.S. While I'm formalizing the agreement with the PI, if anyone just happens to be in that area, any reports or photos related to activity around Casa Ross are appreciated, especially ones that reveal regular activity in terms of someone living there and/or maintaining the place in terms of cutting the grass and so on.

OR MAKE THIS A GROUP EFFORT: Commenter just now suggests an obvious approach to surveillance ... rather than paying a single PI to check on Casa Ross regularly during the week, it would work just as well to have a number of people who have the time to do a drive-by maybe once or twice a week, and combine all those observations.

An "observation" could be as simple as "Drove by Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., no vehicle in driveway but lights on in living room. Lawn looks freshly mowed."

So, sure, if there are people in or around Lloydminster, SK willing to take a few minutes out of their day to do this on an occasional basis, that would be just ducky. If this amuses you, drop me a note at and let me know your availability.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Whistling past the graveyard.

Predictably, undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross is following this blog and, having read my latest production, thinks it's clever to gloat thusly:

Patrick is indeed correct that my initial attempt at dismissing his meritless defamation lawsuit failed, but he also knows full well that that was because I screwed up some of the paperwork and failed to submit a proper Affidavit. He knows this as he was on that Zoom call and heard it. He also heard the judge telling me that, while he had no choice in dismissing my application because of that, I had a "pretty strong case." Again, Patrick knows this since he was on that call and heard it.

So it seems inappropriate for Patrick to be gloating over this when he's quite aware that I failed on a technicality -- an error I do not plan to make again.

P.S. I am moving ahead with my plan to hire a Lloydminster-based private investigator to check on what is happening at Casa Ross, although I am always open to anyone in that area driving by and letting me know what they see.

P.P.S. Patrick also insists that my position is that he absolutely cannot, as an undischarged bankrupt, initiate a lawsuit. If you read the previous post, that is not what I said. What I said was that if Patrick thinks he can, he can make that argument to the Court and see where that goes. But Patrick lying about what others have said is what got him in all this trouble in the first place.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy (early) interestversary, and it's clobbering time.


As this week is going to be crazy busy work-wise, I'm going to get this monthly opus out of the way a few days early, and there's quite a lot to talk about so make yourself comfortable because here is your chance to help nail undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "Superfly Chick Magnet Helllloooo Ladies" Ross to a wall.

As usual, it is now another month that Patrick has racked up several hundred dollars in debt to me as the interest keeps piling up, it now being a full 34 months since a judge told Patrick how much he owes me and cranked up the interest rate to a delightful five per cent per annum:

And here's where I explain what I've been pondering for a while, and it's that rather than let Patrick continue to skate on this, I am going to lower the boom and you are more than invited to help.

First, there is the issue of where Patrick is hanging his cowboy hat these days, as recent photographic evidence suggests he is back in the Lloyd at Casa Ross, at least part of the time:

so this brings us to the first item on the TO DO list.

I want to resolve whose truck that is, and how often it hangs out at Casa Ross, so I'm looking for someone local to Lloydminster, SK to do drive-bys on a regular basis and keep notes on when it's there and when it isn't and so on. What I need is surveillance, and not just on an occasional basis as I want to understand the visitation patterns of that vehicle. If that is indeed Patrick's Chevy Avalanche, it's critical to know if it's there in the daytime, in the evening, or both, and also if it's there during the week (suggesting Patrick has a job in Lloyd if he has a job at all), or only on the weekend (suggesting he might be commuting to, perhaps, Grande Prairie, AB).

This is why I really need someone local to that area -- I need to understand the pattern of presence of that vehicle and, if possible, who accompanies it. And all of this can be done perfectly legally as long as one remains on public property. So if you have the wherewithal to do this, yes, I'm willing to compensate you for your trouble, but understand that I need regular eyes on that place for this to work. (Obviously, it would be useful to know if Patrick is seen driving around town as well, but that's just a bonus.) And there's more.

A major reason for wanting to know if that's Patrick and whether he's actually living there is that I'm preparing to drop some legal paperwork on him, and I'd like to verify where he lives to make sure the process server doesn't waste time looking for him. I was originally happy to just leave Patrick in legal limbo, but I've decided that I want to stomp on him and this is part of the preparation. So here's my plan.

Once I have everything ready to go, I'm going to file a motion to dismiss his idiotic defamation lawsuit against me, the basis for that dismissal being a pile of reasons. On top of the issue of whether Patrick even has standing to sue given that he is an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee, he has a number of other problems to deal with.

First, his moronic lawsuit listed as one of my "co-defendants" a still-unidentified "John/Jane Doe" -- unidentified after almost two years. As if that wasn't silly enough, much of the Statement of Claim does not even complain about me; rather, it documents the alleged defamation and harassment originating from other parties, so it's not even clear what sense that makes.

Also, Patrick's biggest hurdle is that he now owes me over $120,000 and has made no effort to resolve this, so my most forceful argument is going to be that, if Patrick truly wants to proceed with this dumbass lawsuit, he first needs to pay me off in full. I've been advised that this is an extremely persuasive argument, as the Court really doesn't like to let someone refuse to pay costs or judgment while allowing them to continue to file frivolous actions. In short, I will be arguing vociferously that not only is Patrick's lawsuit against me of no merit, but if he really and truly wants to move ahead with it, he should first pay off his debt to me in full so that we have a level playing field financially.

(Side note: I will also argue that, given Patrick's evasion of his financial obligations all these years, he needs to turn over some serious change in surety -- say $25,000. That would be on top of paying me off in full, but that's a separate issue.)

So that's what I'm thinking these days -- the plan is to file to dismiss Patrick's lawsuit for a number of reasons or, in the alternative if Patrick is still determined to go down this road, have the Court order Patrick to first do all of the following:
  1. Submit an amended Statement of Claim that restricts itself exclusively to claims against me, with no reference to other parties (named or anonymous),
  2. Pay me in full what he owes me (over $120,000), and
  3. Hand over significant surety (say, $25,000).
Which brings us to the final part of this opus ... that since Patrick filed this idiocy at the courthouse in Grande Prairie, AB, I'm looking for a recommendation for a lawyer somewhere in that area to assist me in all of this. I already know what I want my filing to say so I'm after someone to just help me format documents, make sure everything is in the proper format, help me with filing and so on. Effectively, I could make do with a paralegal who would know how all this works, so if anyone has any recommendations, let me know.

So, to sum up, if any of my regular readers want to be of assistance, I'm looking for people to report on any regular goings-on at Casa Ross in Lloydminster, and I'm looking for someone to assist me in putting together the appropriate filings to kick Patrick's ass at the courthouse in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Lines are open.

P.S. I will most likely be adding random thoughts to this post, so check back on a regular basis.

AFTERSNARK: There is one other request I will be making of the Court with respect to all of this. As regular readers will know, Patrick seems convinced that, even as an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee, he has the standing to file lawsuits. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, but it seems that it would be only reasonable to ask the Court to schedule an earlier hearing at which Patrick can make that argument, the point being that if the Court does not agree with him, this whole action vanishes.

So I will be asking the Court to order Patrick to attend a preliminary hearing at which Patrick can -- at his own expense -- make that argument, and then we can all see just how persuasive is Patrick when presenting his scintillating legal analysis to an actual judge. I've seen this, and it rarely ends well for Patrick, but he's welcome to give it a shot.

UPPITY DATE: A private correspondent makes a tantalizing suggestion -- rather than try to co-ordinate one or more confidential informants to track the comings and goings at Casa Ross, it might be more productive and cost-effective to just hire a Lloyd-based private investigator to make a few passes by the place and take notes.

It's unlikely to take more than a few hours of investigative work, as we already know the address, the vehicle of interest, what Patrick looks like and so on and, let's face it, Patrick is not exactly an evil genius, so a few hours of sleuthing might be all that's necessary to figure out what's happening.

In addition, a PI can certainly be hired to canvass the immediate neighbours and ask them what they've seen. Put all that together and I think this might actually be the most effective approach, so if anyone has a recommendation for a PI in the Lloydminster area -- ideally near Casa Ross -- drop me a note at And let the gumshoeing begin.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Patrick back in the Lloyd?

After checking my archives for references to the aforementioned Chevy Avalanche parked in the driveway at Casa Ross:

it is entirely possible that that is, in fact, Patrick's ride these days, as a close-up of the back reveals a small silver sticker that, upon further examination, is a "Transformers" logo, and one imagines that Patrick is the only one of his siblings classless enough to be a 40-something that would pimp out his ride with cartoon characters meant to appeal to 8-year-olds.

In any event, if that is indeed Patrick, that inspires a number of thoughts. First, it would make it so much easier to serve him so I am making a note for my next process server to try there first. But there is a potentially much bigger issue here.

If Patrick is simply living there, that means that property is not going on the market, and that might be causing some friction between Patrick and the rest of the Ross clan, who might be itching to sell it so they can share in the proceeds.

Another possibility (which I have mentioned before) is that perhaps that gaggle of hillbillies has some sort of arrangement wherein Patrick gets the house, while the rest of them get larger shares of the rest of the inheritance. That would be very interesting since, if the house has been quietly handed over to Patrick in any legal way, I would absolutely have a claim to the property to settle Patrick's relentlessly increasing debt to me.

I think perhaps it's time for lawyers to get involved to clarify what is happening here. Who knows? I might end up owning a house in Lloydminster. Only one way to find out.

STAY TUNED: While I will have my monthly "Happy interestversary" post next week, I will let y'all in on other upcoming developments in that post.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Current activity at Casa Ross.

Yesterday, I received from one of my confidential informants this recent drive-by pic of Casa Ross, with a blue Chevy Avalanche parked in the driveway. There is no apparent "For Sale" sign so one suspects this might be one of Patrick's siblings perhaps maintaining the place while the will is still being processed, who knows?

In any event, yes, I have eyes on the place so I'll know if Patrick ends up back in town, or if the house goes on the market. This is the benefit of having friends.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: You really want to go there?

Here's Patrick Ross -- on the hook for over $120,000 for defaming me maliciously in particularly disgusting ways almost 15 years ago -- now presuming to lecture others on honesty.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Socialistic freeloading for me but not for thee.

Undischarged bankrupt Patrick "Helloooooo, ladies!" Ross clarifies that socialism applies to people who apply for personal bankruptcy so that society can pick up their tab, but not to anyone else:

Tune in next month when Patrick gives all of you financial advice. Or possibly relationship advice.

P.S. I have been told that Patrick continues to talk smack about me on his unreadable Twitter account, but I have yet to see any indication that he is trying to move ahead with his meritless defamation lawsuit against me.

Try to look shocked.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy (early) interestversary.

It's a few days early but I'm heading out today for a week and a half of European vacation, that being a bunch of cool stops in Spain and Morocco (where I have every intention of riding a camel). In the meantime, it will surprise precisely no one that I have heard nothing from Lloydminster's favourite bankrupt, Patrick "Atkins Cheeseburger Diet" Ross, who appears to have relocated on a somewhat permanent basis to Grande Prairie to further his mid-life career in the swamping industry.

When Patrick decides to proceed with his idiotic lawsuit against me, he knows precisely where an actual process server can deliver the papers. For the time being, I'll soak up some sun and see what Moroccan happy hour looks like.

P.S. I almost forgot ... it's now 33 months since a Saskatchewan judge told Patrick how much he owes me and jacked up the interest rate:

You can do the math.

P.P.S. If anything exciting is happening at Casa Ross in Lloydminster, drop me a note.

AFTERSNARK: I don't spend much time these days checking out Patrick's petulant, childish excuse for a Twitter account as the vast majority is little more than gleeful celebration over people he doesn't like getting beat up. However, if anyone spends any time there and sees Patrick continuing to brag over his dead-in-the-water defamation action against me, please take a screenshot or, even better, save a copy at the Internet's "Wayback Machine" since all of that is immensely useful for me when I decide to have his action dismissed, as the court is typically unimpressed with people who gloat over launching a legal action, only to not do anything with it.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Nothing new to report.

Frankly, I haven't even had the interest to trudge over to Patrick's compost heap of a Twitter account to see what he's up to; I can simply report that I am still waiting for Patrick to move on his long-dormant defamation lawsuit against me. Patrick's legal silence is not surprising since he knows that moving that action along will require him to disclose where he's living and working and so on, and I'm pretty sure he's not keen on that idea, especially since I'd hand all of that over to the various authorities and entities who would love to have a chat with him.

As always, keep me posted on any exciting developments regarding Casa Ross in Lloydminster.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It's hard to believe that it's now a full 32 months since a Saskatchewan judge told undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "Yo, me and my homeboys, yo yo yo" Ross:

that Patrick owes me a whackload of money, an amount that is now increasing at 5% per year, so you can do the math but it's most likely over $120,000 by now and climbing by more than $6,000 annually:

In unrelated news, several tipsters tell me that Patrick is once again talking smack about me over at his unreadable Twitter account, which is fine ... I don't spend a lot of time there, unlike Patrick who I know obsesses over every one of my tweets and blog posts but, whatever fills up his life and makes it meaningful, I guess.

As always, keep me posted on any Patrick-related developments and any news involving the disposition of Casa Ross in Lloydminster.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Bankrupt's Delight."

"I'm Mullet Boy Patrick and I'm here to say,

Declaring bankruptcy is A-OK."

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Back in the Lloyd?

The evil genius that is undischarged bankrupt Patrick "Hey, ladies!" Ross continues his devious evasion of the authorities by (*checks notes*) posting pictures of his location and most recent artery-clogging 5-pound lump of fat and bacon grease tucked in a bun:

As always, we here at CC HQ are interested in what Patrick is doing back in Lower Twatsyville, where he is staying and why he's not hard at work in Grande Prairie swamping away.

P.S. If anyone wants to do a drive-by of Casa Ross in Lloydminster and report on any goings-on, that would be most excellent.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: What the heck is going on *here*?

Some tipsters bring to my attention a recent brouhaha happening over in Lower Twatsyville, where there may or may not be sock puppets involved:

If anyone knows the story behind "Five Buck Chuck", it might be moderately entertaining.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Glass houses and all that.

JUXTAPOSE! Man who lived with his parents into his 40s and declared personal bankruptcy to avoid accountability for his behaviour will now mock people on social assistance.

You can't make this stuff up.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Chronicles of Patrick: When you dial back your life goals.

Oh, dear ...

This is the sort of thing you brag about when you're six years old and Dad just got home from work ... it's not really the sort of thing that 42-year-olds announce to the world as a major accomplishment.

P.S. I am always open to getting information related to the whereabouts of Patrick Ross.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Choose your heroes wisely.

Pretend to be surprised that one of Patrick's idols is a guy who crossed a state line to kill two people.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It's now 31 months since a Saskatchewan judge told financial fugitive Patrick Ross what he owes me, and cranked up the interest rate to a delightful five per cent:

While I have collected a few thousand dollars since then by way of seizing Patrick's bank account (until he closed it), feel free to do the math to figure out what he owes me by now.

In the meantime, Patrick mouths off as to how he is "successfully" suing me, while still making no effort to move his frivolous action along.

That's pretty much it.

P.S. I am still interested in anyone with the time and wherewithal to do drive-bys of Casa Ross in Lloydminster and report on any breaking developments, such as evidence of new residents or a For Sale sign or what have you, all of that being perfectly legal despite Patrick's hysterical bloviating.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The danger of nonsense.

In a recent comment, regular reader "MgS" writes of the almost wholly nonsensical filings of undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross:

"That’s kind of the problem with a statement of claim - a claimant can put all sorts of nonsense in it, and it comes down to the court process to winnow out what’s actually relevant to the claim of libel. (And self-represented litigants are far more likely to insert huge amounts of irrelevant material into those statements)."

While I agree with most of that, I will take minor issue with the idea that, when one files total rubbish, it is the court's job to "winnow out what's actually relevant."

When a filing originates with an actual lawyer or someone who knows the law, that filing is typically concise, focused and to the point, as it's been written by someone who wants to be taken seriously and who has taken the time to understand what the Court needs to know related to the matter at hand. As MgS suggests, self-represented litigants are more likely to submit rambling rubbish that is more like a grievance fest than a meaningful filing.

But in the latter situation, is it really the Court's job to "winnow" through all that nonsense to figure out if there is a point? That's a good question, especially with Patrick, whose submissions and Affidavits are so vacuous and irrelevant that they have been pointedly slapped down by the respective judges. In 2018, a judge made it clear that Patrick's filing weirdly tried to claim "cruel and unusual punishment" related to his bankruptcy Conditional Discharge Order:

A later submission of Patrick's was such rubbish that the judge wrote ... well, read it for yourself:

So the question is, when a judge is faced with the sort of sophomoric twaddle as that produced by Patrick, at what point is the judge within her rights to throw up her hands and say, "I'm sorry, it's not my job to parse this dreck to see if there's a point buried somewhere herein"?


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The joy of re-litigation.

As a few people have observed, one of the favourite tactics of undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross is that, regardless of the focus of whatever motion is in front of him, Patrick consistently tries to re-litigate my 2010 judgment against him, and is just as consistently pasted by the Court for doing so. Herein, I reproduce the majority of the ruling that dismissed as abandoned (after 3.5 years of no action) Patrick's appeal of the 2014 Conditional Discharge Order against him, where you can see Patrick doing what he always does:

  • making excuses of being depressed while providing no supporting evidence,
  • trying to re-open the case years after the deadline to do so has passed, and
  • claiming "harassment" even as the judge points out he can see no evidence of same
(NOTE: Para 14 reads, "Mr. Day [sic] faces the same hurdle ..." clearly should refer to "Mr. Ross," otherwise it makes no sense.)

The end result of that hearing was that I won that motion, and Patrick's moldering, three-and-a-half-year-old appeal was unceremoniously fed through a woodchipper, but I thought it was worth you seeing the utter lack of merit of Patrick's filings, and how Patrick likes to make dramatic claims in his Affidavits but is completely unable to back them up in front of a judge.

Same as it ever was.

P.S. Note how even the judge seems put off by Patrick's obsession with trying to use two-dollar words by putting Patrick's adjective of "deleterious" inside quotes.

Note also how Patrick loves to brag about how skilled he is at The Law, only to -- when push comes to shove -- plead with the Court about how he didn't understand the simple concept of who to serve with the perfected appeal and hopes the Court takes pity on him.

P.P.S. When I (eventually) file to have Patrick's current lawsuit dismissed as abandoned, you can count on my putting the above before the Court as the perfect example of how Patrick uses the legal system purely for the purpose of harassment. I'm pretty sure any judge will be more than a little interested in Patrick's history of filing actions, only to stuff them in a drawer and leave them there for years without acting on them.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Speaking of surveillance ...

Not sure if I already wrote about this but, in his Affidavit of November 2022, undischarged bankrupt and swamper to the stars Patrick Ross writes the following curious bit of nonsense:

I included several paragraphs to put it in proper context, but it is Patrick's bizarre claim in Paragraph 33 that raises eyebrows, wherein Patrick insists to the Court that any surveillance of the Ross family home is unlawful unless performed by some mysteriously "licensed" individual.

As regular readers are well aware, I have invited anyone in that vicinity -- if they are so inclined -- to do a drive-by of the property and keep me posted of any interesting developments. I have also made it clear that that is to be done only from the roadway or other public property so that it is absolutely and perfectly legal in every respect.

I am unaware of any laws that dictate that one must have some sort of licensing to observe any publicly-viewable edifice as long as one remains exclusively on public property, so it behooves one to ask -- does anyone have the foggiest idea what Patrick is talking about? Remember, this is a claim that Patrick is making to the Court as part of an official Affidavit, so you would think Patrick would take great care to make sure he is describing the situation accurately.

Anyway ... thoughts?

BONUS TRACK: It's worth reading Paragraphs 33-34 carefully, as Patrick makes another head-scratching claim. Patrick refers to the area of "collections law," and suggests that people who are not somehow "licensed" debt collectors (whatever that means) are barred from engaging in surveillance or in any way assisting in the collection of debt.

It's not clear what Patrick means by this, as I have never represented myself as licensed to do such a thing, and I have never encouraged anyone to pass themselves off as such. But, in fact, I know what Patrick is blathering on about, and it is predictably idiotic.

Once upon a time, when I pondered the possibility of being able to seize all of Patrick's worldly possessions, I complained that I had no way of loading them up at Casa Ross and most likely dumping them at Goodwill or Value Village, and asked for any local residents for assistance, whereupon a couple people chimed in that they were in the area and owned pickup trucks and would be delighted to help out.

That is what Patrick is talking about.

Patrick is prepared to go in front of a judge and describe as unlicensed and unlawful debt collection services the idea of a couple dudes saying, "Yeah, I got a bad-ass truck if you need a hand." That is what Patrick is talking about, and I would almost pay money for Patrick to make that argument in court to see how it works out for him.

Saturday, March 09, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Waiting on a miracle.

Here's cripplingly indebted undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross, first desecrating the concept of Wagyu beef, then hoping to win the lottery to salvage the smoldering wreckage that is his life:

Frankly, I hope Patrick wins big since that would make it so much easier for me to finally collect what he owes me. Until that happens, I am assuming that Patrick will remain on the run from numerous parties who would all love a short chat with him. Preferably under oath and in the presence of a court reporter.

Thursday, March 07, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Patrick still whining about never being served with judgment.

Nothing really new to report today but I'm not sure I ever mentioned this little tidbit. From the very beginning, Patrick Ross has complained to anyone who would listen that he was being treated unfairly because he had never received a copy of the 2010 judgment against him. (He did, of course, receive it numerous times as I had lawyers representing me that entire time and they always did things by the book so, yes, Patrick most certainly was served with that judgment on countless occasions.)

As I described recently, here's Patrick making that claim at a hearing in Calgary on March 6, 2012:

and here's the judge from that same transcript, making it thigh-suckingly clear that she does not believe him:

To this day, Patrick insists he has never been sent what he describes as "a copy of the original judgment," which somehow hindered his ability to respond. But given that he most certainly has been served with that judgment, why would he keep saying this, year after year? Well, here's why.

Because Patrick is an idiot.

More expansively, Patrick has -- for all these years -- not recognized when he got a copy of the original judgment that was sent to him, for the following reason. Here is, in all its fulsomeness and glory, the 2010 endorsement:

Note how short it is. And also keep in mind that Patrick, only hours after this was posted online in November of 2010, openly admitted to seeing and reading it. But he kept whining about how, endorsement aside, I and my lawyer had for whatever reason continued to deprive him of what he considered the full and original judgment. And here is why Patrick is an idiot:

That is the full ruling from the Court. In its entirety. The whole thing.

If you don't believe me, I present the relevant screenshots from the 4-page Certified Order that was used to register my judgment in Alberta well over a decade ago, wherein I suspect you can see that that Order contains little more than the endorsement:

And why was the "ruling" so brief? Because Patrick chose to not defend or even to submit a Statement of Defense. Under those circumstances, the judge had no obligation to go on and on and tediously on, since all he had to do was allow my lawyer to present my overwhelming evidence of malicious defamation, make a determination, and write it up.

And now you can understand Patrick's monstrous screwup, as it is obvious that -- all this time -- he has laboured under the misconception that the endorsement was just the short form, and that there must somewhere be a long version of the ruling that he could pore over and misunderstand. Even to this very day, Patrick insists that I have nefariously kept such a fictional document from him in order to inconvenience him. But now you understand Patrick's ignorance.

There is no "long form" of that endorsement; what you see above is everything, which Patrick has already admitted he is aware of. So for the last 13 years, Patrick has whined to the Court about the lack of a document that has never, ever existed. And all he's done in all that time is piss off every judge who's had to listen to his complaining.

P.S. Over those 13 years, if Patrick really and truly believed he was being deprived of the "long form" of the judgment, all he needed to do was contact the Ontario courthouse and order it. In all those 13 years, he's never done that. But he continued to whine.

I'm sure you're shocked.

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: If you want to know why Patrick is always in such trouble ...

If you need to understand why massively indebted undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross is in the sorry state he's in, it is useful to note that he is still (in his own mind, cleverly) lying about people and misrepresenting what they are saying. (It is precisely that habit of Patrick's that has him lying low in the hinterlands of northern Alberta and currently owing me around $120,000).

Here's Patrick, lying about what the Prime Minister said, suggesting the phrase "two-fer" was obviously a "racial slur":

Amusingly, even the Toronto Sun, when writing about that incident, put the phrase in its proper context, making it clear it had nothing to do with racism:

This is how Patrick operates -- he knowingly and deliberately mangles the meaning of words for rhetorical victories, except that, sometimes, he pushes it a bit too far and it does not end well for him.

Stay tuned for more developments when, next time, I explain the story behind Patrick's insistence that he has never, ever, ever been properly served with a copy of the 2010 default judgment against him.

BONUS TRACK: If you want to appreciate how little patience the Canadian legal system has with bankrupts who try to play games, here is a 2023 ruling out of Alberta. I am in no way implying that Patrick has done any of this, only that if he has, it's clear that the bankruptcy regime in Canada does not look kindly on that sort of chicanery. And, yes, when Patrick's meritless defamation lawsuit moves forward, I can assure you that, under oath, Patrick will be answering questions about his assets over the last several years, all of which I will pass on to the federal Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.

P.S. As always, I am interested in anyone in the vicinity of Lloydminster to do a drive-by of Casa Ross and report on any developments.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy lawsuitversary!

It occurs that in addition to the monthly "Happy Interestversary" post, I should also mark the passage of time since undischarged bankrupt and northern Alberta swamp thing Patrick "Stud Muffin" Ross filed his worthless four million dollar defamation action against me back on August 26, 2022:

And while this might seem slightly juvenile, it actually has some legal value as reminding Patrick of his moldering, dormant action will be used when I eventually file to have it dismissed as abandoned, and I can prove to the Court that Patrick had this pointed out to him on a regular basis and still neglected to move his moronic lawsuit forward.

So, happy lawsuitversary.

P.S. And, yes, I'm still interested in someone who can file motions for me in Alberta. Not asking anyone to do this for free; of course I'll pay.

P.P.S. Anyone in the vicinity of Casa Ross in Lloydminster is invited to do a drive-by and report on whether anything interesting is happening there. It's been well over half a year and if the property has not gone on the market, that suggests that its disposition had already been resolved before now.

AFTERSNARK: I have just had it confirmed by a legal acquaintance that regularly (and publicly) reminding Patrick of his ongoing negligence regarding this lawsuit is actually fairly clever since it will demonstrate to the Court that, when I eventually file to have that stupidity dismissed as abandoned, I did not try to spring it on Patrick; rather, I gave him plenty of warning at regular intervals. Any reasonable Court will find that I satisfied my (minimal) obligations to want to move this along, and it was Patrick who wasted all this time and refused to do so.

That will not play well with the Court.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The courtroom emasculation.

Apparently, undischarged bankrupt and swamp thing Patrick Ross is once again mouthing off at his "OutlawTory" account, opining as to how my thoughtful and nuanced publications here are so much cat food and no one need take them seriously and he knows the law reely, reely well and there's this "Repetition Rule" and I'm in big trouble even though he still refuses to move his lawsuit along and so on.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Patrick talks big on his Twitter account, but his blustering, bad faith arguments don't translate to the courtroom, something you would think he'd understand after almost a decade and a half of doing this. As a prime example, I will repeat a couple of snippets from the transcript of a March 6, 2012 hearing in Calgary, for which Patrick prepared by bragging online about how much he was looking forward to it and he was going to have such fun and he was going to tear my lawyer a new orifice, etc, etc.

(Side note: this hearing was to hold Patrick accountable for having refused to complete, notarize and turn over a Financial Statement of Debtor and nothing more than that; it had nothing to do with whinging, complaining or trying to re-litigate my judgment which had been registered in Alberta for over a year. Keep that in mind as you read about Patrick's behaviour, which should have concentrated on precisely and only that issue before the Court.)

As you can see from Patrick's first couple of minutes, things did not start out well when he had to apologize for being late and then proceeded to confuse the hell out of the judge:

Note how Patrick, when it's important that he put his best foot forward to make a good impression, simply confounds the judge with bafflegab and irrelevancies to the point where the poor judge simply admits she has no idea what Patrick is yapping on about. And does this inspire Patrick to rein it in and focus on the issue at hand? Good Lord, no, as he continues:

The issue before the Court is that Patrick has not handed over a notarized Statement of Debtor pursuant to my judgment against him; instead, Patrick decides to re-litigate the case and promptly drags in the Charter of Rights, and the concept of freedom of expression and freedom of conscience and God only knows where else he would have gone if the judge had not finally had enough and cut him off and reminded him of why he was there.

None of this is to embarrass poor Patrick; rather, it is to demonstrate how Patrick can spin a good yarn over on his Twitter account and sound all lawyery and well-read, but that never, ever, ever translates to the courtroom, where he invariably makes a fool of himself as you can read above. So if you are ever tempted to think, "Hey, that Patrick guy seems to have a point," well, no, he doesn't. But any time he wants to move this lawsuit along and schedule a two-hour hearing where he will be required to answer questions under oath in the company of an official court reporter, he knows where to find me.

BONUS TRACK: If you haven't figured it out by now, Patrick loves to toss in as much legal verbiage and fancy words as he can as he thinks it impresses the Court. Note in that first snippet how he first expresses his "misgivings" about the "pursuit" of this "particular matter" particularly in the "post-judgment." One could have said simply, "I have some issues with this case I'd like to address," but no, not Patrick, if he can announce his "misgivings" about the "pursuit" in the "post-judgment," etc, etc.

And when the judge admits she has no clue what the fuck Patrick is whinging on about, he proceeds to expand on the concept of the "post-judgment", explaining that it means "post the issue of the judgment" as if this somehow clarifies everything. And, dear God, Patrick's verbal diarrhea from the second snippet, where he thinks it's useful to refer to "the specific matters at hand in this particular case" ... one can almost hear the judge's eyes rolling back in her head.

And if you think the above is painful, you should read some of Patrick's fiction.