Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: The creepy stalking continues.

From a recent post, here's a comment that deserves wider coverage, and I'll address it on the weekend. In the meantime, I know exactly what this person is talking about -- Patrick has a long and creepy history of stalking and doxxing people he doesn't like.

More later.

I recently had an unfortunate interaction with Patrick Ross on X where he was outright lying about an issue and I called him out on it. Things escalated pretty quickly after Patrick started throwing out data points which only proved his position was wrong, but he somehow did mental gymnastics to convey he was right. He wasn't. It was embarrassing for him and that's when the harassment started. Now he's creating accounts to keep the conversation going because I blocked him from interacting with me.

How does someone get rid of this guy? I've read everything you've written about Patrick along with other blogs that I can only assume are friends of yours or people who've had to deal with him in the past. I don't understand how he's never been charged with online harassment or stalking, nor do I understand how he's able to get away with not paying damages to you while filing dishonest lawsuits against others. As you've likely have the most experience dealing with Patrick, I come hat in hand looking for advice.

Instead of emailing you, I'm asking here because I'm sure someone else is dealing with the same situation and your advice could prove extremely valuable. Patrick has now invaded my Facebook account and before long I have no doubt he'll start attacking my wife and family. He escalates so quickly and he's extremely devious by impersonating people I've friended on different platforms. It's gotten to the point I don't trust that I'm talking to the person I should be talking to, or if it's Patrick impersonating another individual. He's attained information that I've only said in private communications with others and used it against me. I've tried contacting the RCMP but they've less than helpful. A Constable I spoke to in Grande Prairie who's dealt with Patrick in the past informed me that it's his belief Patrick is extremely mentally ill and he's not seeking treatment to mitigate his behavior issues.

My second question to you is, you've been chasing Patrick for a decade. What chances do you give yourself to extract damages from Patrick for the entire amount he owes you within his lifetime? He doesn't look healthy by any stretch of the imagination and while he purports to working out at gyms, just walking in the building to sit down to ogle women shouldn't classify as a workout? Does it? He's far too obese and eats a disgusting calorie buffet for a diet to ever effect any meaningful weight loss on his frame. With every meal he's shortening his lifespan.

From your blog the appearance is that Patrick owes you over $120,000. He doesn't appear to have any appreciable assets to seize and doesn't have ties to anyone meaningful in his life that could possibly help you gain information regarding where he hangs his hat or is employed. From the outside looking in, and you could certainly have information you haven't released to the public, what odds do you realistically give yourself to get $40,000? $50,000? $75,000? $100,000? Full payment from Patrick? Personally from everything I've about the man, I'd put your odds around the same as 3 major lottery wins in a month. I'm not trying to be negative to your plight, but Patrick leads a nomadic lifestyle largely based on where he can reliably watch wrestling each week or a free UFC pay per view. Pinning him down to allow agencies to extract funds from him seems impossible.

Last question is, how come no one that Patrick is currently suing has filed for dismissal to bring him before a court? Wouldn't that be the quickest way to have Patrick atone for his past actions and pay all awards you've been granted?

I know that was a long read but I don't understand how Patrick has gotten away with this behavior for so long. Is this simply how bad our legal system in Canada has become? Has he fallen through the cracks? The entire life of Patrick Ross baffles the law abiding minds of regular folks like me.

Here is one suggestion that might be effective: It's possible that Patrick still works for FluidPRO Oilfield Services; you should consider calling their Human Resources department and filing an official complaint against Patrick, describing in detail Patrick's harassment. (I would also specifically ask for a contact in the legal department.)

I'll have more to say this weekend, but I think you should start there.

P.S. If anyone has more current information about where Patrick works these days, let the rest of us know.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Buy Canadian! Hot sauce makers in Canada

Feel free to leave a comment as to any additions or corrections to this list. Comments are moderated to eliminate the inevitable spam associated with any social media platform.

Also, if you're a Canadian business, make sure that information is right up front on your website -- don't make people have to work to figure it out.

P.S. I've extended the references to include some salsa and BBQ sauce makers, as long as heat is involved.

British ColumbiaAlberta
OntarioQuebecNew Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy new year and happy interestversary!

It is a brand new year and, more importantly, we're now well into a new year wherein undischarged bankrupt and vexatious litigant Patrick "I'm smart enough to be my own lawyer" Ross has still failed to proceed with his utterly meritless August, 2022 defamation action against me, so here's my plan.

While the courts are generally accommodating of self-represented dingbats, they do eventually run out of patience, so I'm thinking that I will let this molder until August of this year, making it a full three years since Patrick filed, then failed to follow through. It will be remarkably similar to the situation wherein Patrick filed a worthless appeal of his 2014 bankruptcy ruling, then let it sit for three and a half years, whereupon I filed to have it dismissed as abandoned, and wherein the judge ruled that Patrick's 3.5 year delay in proceeding with that appeal was both "inordinate" and "inexcusable" and granted my motion.

So it seems that three years is a good metric for what a court considers just wasting someone's and the court's time, and it's highly unlikely that Patrick is going to do anything about this since, as we have already established, he would have to disclose his whereabouts and contact information and, given how many people are looking for him, I doubt he's ready to do that.

Finally, I am always in the market for the latest scoop on where Patrick is hanging and where he is working (Fluid Pro? elsewhere?), so keep those cards and letters coming in, kids.

Oh, right ... given this ruling from a few years back, Patrick now owes me in the neighbourhood of $125,000:

an amount increasing by several hundreds per month, and that doesn't include what he still owes pursuant to his Conditional Discharge Order (another $25,000 or so).

I'm guessing that 2025 is not going to be a fun year for Patrick.

P.S. It's worth pointing out how Patrick, who once fancied himself as an up-and-coming journalist and online pundit, is easily one of the most dishonest human beings on the planet.

Years ago (before he turned his life into total shit), Patrick contributed to at least one online right-wing rag, and clearly saw himself as a budding conservative provocateur. To this day, he describes himself as a "podcaster" (HA HA!!) and "online political commentator," so it's mirth-making to see just how sleazy he can be.

Regarding the recent Mark Carney limo hatchet job, despite all evidence to the contrary, Patrick descends into pure derangement:

So let's dissect this, shall we? First, it's been established that there is absolutely nothing linking Carney to the limo that appeared briefly at his presser; even the limo company insists they have no idea who ordered the car, but Patrick -- being the principled investigative journo that he is -- is uninterested in a total lack of evidence. But it gets worse.

See, it's also established that the limo showed up about an hour before Carney's presser to pick someone up. Given that the presser was still an hour off, what possible sense would it make for Mark Carney to order a limo to pick him up at that location before his presser had even started!?!?

This is the level of Patrick's dishonesty, so it's entertaining to remember that he once upon a time had grand designs of being a popular and influential online source of conservative punditry; instead, here he is, spewing trivially refutable nonsense out of a sense of childish petulance.

If Patrick ever wants to improve his lot in life, he might start by not being so much of an obvious hack.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Nothing really new at the moment.

I'll have more to say in a couple of days at the next interestversary but, in the meantime, if you haven't seen Patrick Ross' moist panty adoration of quack and grifter Dr. Jordan Peterson, well, have at it. There is something amusing in watching a 40-something loser wax poetic about Jungian psychology and archetypes when he couldn't even get a simple sociology degree after seven years, and his life can be reasonably described as a dumpster fire of a train wreck of a plane crash.

In any event, check back in a couple of days.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Jordan Peterson fanboyishness activate!

As a short followup to the last post (wherein I refer the long-suffering reader to a tedious 18-minute bromance of Patrick Ross directed at deranged quack Dr. Jordan Peterson), there is another savage beatdown of Peterson, which I refer to here.

I would normally say that it is beyond comprehension that any sentient life form could take Peterson seriously, but this is Patrick Ross we're talking about.

P.S. In the midst of a gaggle of tendentious and meaningless Jordan Peterson quotes, it seems that our Patrick might pay close attention to quote 52:

“To suffer terribly and to know yourself as the cause: that is Hell.”

I guess even the good doctor gets it right once in a while.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Wonder incel powers activate!

I can only imagine that this latest pathetically sad podcast from undischarged bankrupt and Dr. Jordan Peterson fan boi Patrick "Stud Muffin Chick Magnet" Ross is aimed at me, given that I have on occasion pointed out how the good doctor is an ignorant quack of the highest order. As of this typing, I made it all of 1:13 into Patrick's podcast before I had to stop -- perhaps I'll watch the rest of it later after drinking heavily.

I could go on at length about how Peterson is a purveyor of pseudo-scientific horseshit of the highest order, but I will say simply that, for someone who is convinced that Jordan Peterson is the answer to living a full and happy life, Patrick's life is a train wreck of a leaking septic tank of a dumpster fire, which might make him ponder whether Peterson's life advice is really doing him any good. All evidence to the contrary.

P.S. There are numerous brutal eviscerations of Dr. Peterson online; here is just one of them. I could supply a dozen more just as savage and on-point.

OH, DEAR GOD ... I sucked it up and am viewing the rest of Patrick's unwatchable podcast and he makes an utter fool of himself starting at the 12:50 mark by insisting that Dr. Benzo Boy must be taken seriously because "he has taught at Harvard!" This is particularly ironic since Patrick himself makes it clear that a rhetorical appeal to authority is a logical no-no:

And yet, there's Patrick, falling face-first into his own discredited argument. It is not a mystery why Patrick, even after seven years, failed to get a degree from the U of Alberta.

BONUS TRACK: While trying to go all intellectual, Patrick informs us that he is currently slogging his way through Peterson's latest pompously-titled train wreck of a tome, "We Who Wrestle With God." Mercifully, The Guardian saves us the trouble of caring what it says. But this revelation by Patrick gives us the opportunity to check if Peterson's advice imparts any practical value since, once Patrick finishes it, we can check in on whether Patrick begins to behave any more like an actual grown-up and take responsibility for the shitfest that is his life, or whether he continues to act like a petulant, vindictive 12-year-old.

So let's give Patrick some time to finish the book, at which point we might have some confirmation as to whether Dr. Peterson's life advice is worth the paper it's Crayola'ed on.