Friday, December 29, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: JUXTAPOSE!

Undischarged bankrupt and legal fugitive Patrick Ross, who has taken to demeaning various people with the monikers of "Bobbles", "Skidmark", "Cryler" and "Pedochuckles", will now lecture the rest of us on name-calling.

OK, then.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Getting his ass kicked in court again.

From back here, anonymous commenter seeks clarification:
I'm confused. Patrick said he won that hearing because Skinner's defense was in shambles and had evidence included or something.

Your article reads as if Patrick lost the hearing horribly. Is this more dishonest engagement from ole triple chin? Soon that will be quadruple chin based on his latest Youtube fodder for his 13 followers.
I have the full transcript of that August 30, 2022 hearing, and I can assure you Patrick had his ass handed to him by the judge. Unsurprisingly, Patrick thoroughly misrepresents what the judge said, so let me clear that up.

Patrick was attempting to strike the defense of one Peter Skinner in Patrick's ludicrous $17.8 skajillion defamation action against Skinner and (as you can read from that earlier post) made such a total fool of himself that ... oh, read it for yourself (the judge erroneously refers to Skinner as "Mr. Peters"):

THE COURT: Mr. Peters [sic], I will not need to call on you. We have a saying in business that an individual who represents himself may have someone that is unwise as a client. In this particular case, Mr. Ross represented himself in filing the defamation lawsuit and a claim of person injury in the nature of harassment. He also was met with a defence by Mr. Skinner. Today, Mr. Ross indicates that the defence is inadequate and inappropriate and, perhaps, should be struck. The difficulty with that is that, like beauty, the quality and nature of a defence is often in the eye of the beholder. 
We allow in the court system people to represent themselves. Is it wise? No, we do not think so, and many a statement of defence has resulted in a court case going against a defendant because of irregularities and inappropriate comments in a defence document. This is not the forum to determine that.
Note first that the judge makes it clear that he doesn't even need to hear a rebuttal from Skinner. This is typically a bad sign -- when you've made such a pathetic and incomprehensible opening presentation that the judge does not even need to hear from the opposing party. But it gets worse for Patrick as it is the very next paragraph of the ruling that Patrick subsequently misrepresents:
Mr. Skinner has the right to be wrong in his document and face the downstream consequence. In this particular case, Mr. Ross may ultimately win the war, but he loses this little battle. He should plan on taking the case forward based on the quality and nature of the documents that are before him.
Patrick has consistently represented the above as the judge saying that Skinner's defense is wrong. That's not how I read it -- from the full context of the hearing, it's not clear the judge has even read Skinner's defense; he is simply saying that, in the general sense, Skinner has the right to file his own defense, and has the right to submit whatever he wants, whether it makes sense or not. This is not a specific criticism of Skinner's defense; rather, it is an opinion on self-represented litigants and their filings in general, nothing more.

The judge clearly ruled against Patrick, and did so without even needing to hear an argument from Skinner. Patrick -- desperately trying to salvage something to brag about -- dishonestly re-interprets the judge's words.

I'm sure you're shocked.

BONUS TRACK: Let me pat myself on the back by pointing out that I wrote this blog post a full two weeks before that hearing. Did I call it or what?

MORE BONUS: This is the perfect example of Patrick misrepresenting the ruling as a slap against Skinner's defense specifically, when it is simply a general opinion of the judge related to the pleadings of self-represented litigants.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Man who filed for personal bankruptcy in order to dump his self-inflicted debts on the rest of society will now crap all over (*checks notes*) government handouts.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: All quiet on the wanker front.

One of my Lloydminster-based CIs sends me this recent pic:

showing precious little activity at Casa Ross -- perhaps a harbinger of that dump eventually going on the market. Fortunately, I have no lack of eager beavers, volunteering to keep an eye on that property and let me know if anything changes.

That's how it works when you have friends.

P.S. I will not publish the address of the above property; it's easy enough to learn from Patrick's numerous legal filings. But if you are in the vicinity and are inclined to do a drive-by and take a pic or let me know if a "For Sale" sign suddenly appears out front, that would be just ducky as I have legal assistance ready to step in to try to block the sale.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Someone is in a bad mood this holiday season.

Personally, I'd like the guy who filed for bankruptcy and dumped his debts on society to stop mocking the guy who pays for his own vacations.

But that's just me.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Not quite the silver-tongued devil in court.

While I will still have a longer piece on the ongoing (mis)adventures of undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "Kid Cash Thunderbolt Nexus Martial Arts Chick Magnet" Ross in a day or two, here's something to tide you over. While Patrick loves to wax philosophical about his legal acumen, the fact is that when Patrick gets into court, he invariably morphs into a blubbering, weepy sack of inarticulateness.

As just one example, I will use snippets of a transcript from August of 2022, when Patrick tried to strike the defense of one Peter Skinner. Here, on page 4, the judge just wants to understand the basis of the underlying action, whereupon Patrick ... oh, just read it:

As you can see, the poor judge just wants to understand what is happening, while Patrick blathers on incomprehensibly when all the judge wanted to confirm was that Patrick filed an application.

Sadly, not taking a clue from the judges's brevity, Patrick once again launches into a soliloquy immediately thereafter:

Still unclear on how to comport himself in a court of law, Patrick once again responds to a simple question with extended blathering, this time being cut off by the judge who appears to have had quite enough of his meandering irrelevancy:

Shortly thereafter, the judge tells Skinner that he does not even need to hear from him, then proceeds to kick Patrick's application to the curb.

The point here is not that Patrick lost his application (I, in fact, predicted that he would, for exactly the reason the judge provided), but that Patrick -- for all of his online bravado and bluster -- is a stunningly poor and inarticulate participant in legal actions, barely capable of putting sentences together to the point where a judge will simply cut him off. (This is exactly what happened years earlier when I got him in front of a judge in March of 2012 -- it was painful.)

In any event, there will be more on this in a day or two but this should hold you until then.

BONUS TRACK: Given that Patrick loves to, on occasion, dismiss people he doesn't like as "groomers," he might be interested in this latest development, wherein slagging someone as a "groomer" opens one up for (you guessed it) a defamation lawsuit.

Honestly, Patrick just doesn't seem to know when to stop digging, does he?

MORE BONUS: It's worth pointing out yet more of Patrick's utter lack of comprehension of how the law works. Above, you can see where Patrick claims that Peter Skinner accuses Patrick of criminally defrauding his company. A serious claim to be sure, except that there seems ample evidence that Patrick has, over the years, done exactly that to several people ... as long as you understand the claim being made.

There is a difference in Canada between charges of "identify theft" and "identify fraud" and you can read all about it here. If you don't understand what I wrote there, go back and read it again until it sinks in.

YET MORE BONUS: I've written on this before: standard Canadian bankruptcy law is quite clear that, if you are an undischarged bankrupt, you are typically not allowed to initiate any legal actions on your own; rather, you must get the blessing of your trustee. Patrick is quite convinced that he has precedent that allows him to do this; in this, he is sadly mistaken but let's go with that thought.

During the above proceeding, when the issue of Patrick's bankruptcy came up, that was the perfect opportunity for Patrick to disclose to the judge that he did not, in fact, have a trustee, his trustee having discharged himself in February of 2014 due to Patrick's ongoing non-compliance with his legal obligations as a bankrupt.

Note this first exchange, where Patrick gets a massive opening to disclose his lack of trustee, whereupon he quickly changes the subject:

It's clear that the judge is asking Patrick about getting permission from his trustee, the perfect time for Patrick to admit he has none but ... he passes on that chance, deliberately leaving the judge with a misconception as to what is going on.

And on the very next page, the judge once again gives Patrick the golden opportunity to clear up that misconception and, once again, Patrick dodges and weaves:

Now, it's hard to say if one can accuse Patrick of straight-up lying to the judge, but there's no problem with saying that he obviously and deliberately misled the judge by concealing a significant fact.

OK, I think I'm done for today.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

Another month, and another several hundred dollars added to the swelling debt of Lloydminster's favourite undischarged bankrupt and fugitive village idiot, Patrick "Super Duper Hyper Warp Speed Nexus Mullet Ass Kicking Quintuple Threat Bad Ass Chick Magnet" Ross:

At the moment, I have a buttload of end-of-week deadlines, so you will all have to be patient to hear the latest scoop on the train wreck dumpster fire that is Patrick's life:

All this, even as Patrick is hiding out somewhere in the wilds of northern Alberta, hoping that knock on the door is not yet another process server or someone from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. So, hang in there, and I'll have something more substantial this weekend.

BONUS TRACK: To no one's surprise, here's Patrick, still insisting on the "Freedom Convoy" being a totally legal and peaceful get-together, despite it being nothing of the sort:

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Into the Wayback Machine!

As one more example of the weirdness of Patrick Ross' currently very dormant 2022 defamation lawsuit against me, I will reproduce nothing more than the first four words of the paragraph opening the third section of his Statement of Claim; the section that purports to document my defamation against him:

"Between 2021 and 2008 ..."

I am not making this up ... Patrick is asking the Court to consider his wildly-embellished claims going all the way back to 2008.

Make of that what you will.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: The weirdness of the lawsuit.

While I may write more about the weird and meritless defamation action against me from Lloydminster's favourite financial fugitive and debtor, I will give you a single example of its quality (or lack thereof).

In a Dec 2022 Affidavit, Patrick devotes almost a full third of that affidavit describing to the court my allegedly threatening behaviour. This sounds impressive ... until one reads that section and notices it refers entirely to the actions of other people I have never even met. I could mock that content further, but it's worth simply jumping to the end to read this opening to the very last paragraph of that Affidavit:

"In the interest of fairness it is worth noting that [CC] engaged in no threats of physical violence himself."

Go back and read that again to truly appreciate the worthlessness of that part of the Affidavit. After introducing that lengthy section with the subtitle, "THE ROLE OF [CC] IN THREATENING BEHAVIOUR," at the very end, Patrick openly concedes that none of that had anything to do with me.

Thanks for stopping by.

P.S. It is worth noting that Patrick has already admitted that the rationale for his lawsuit against me is simply to try to get even with how much he owes me from my successful 2010 defamation judgment against him; after he filed it, he explicitly offered to drop it if I withdrew my judgment against him. What is so strange about that offer is that, given that Patrick is asking for $4,000,000, winning that would more than make up for what he owes me, so if Patrick truly thought his lawsuit had any merit, why would he offer to make that kind of settlement?

All of this will end up in front of a judge in due course.

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Four million dollars, you say?

While I will have far more to say about Lloydminster's favourite undischarged bankrupt closer to the end of this month, this should keep you amused for at least a few hours. I have already mentioned that Patrick Ross filed a defamation suit against me well over a year ago; it is, of course, utterly without merit, but we'll get to that in due course.

What is amusing is what he is asking for:

That's four million dollars.




Patrick thinks his personal reputation is worth four million dollars.

Keep in mind that, when I sued Patrick back in 2010 and the judge found that I had absolutely been defamed, and maliciously, I was awarded $75,000 (plus $10,000 in costs). And that was based on clear and unmistakable malicious defamation. Patrick, on the other hand, is convinced that he needs four million dollars to heal all that butthurt.

You can draw your own conclusions.

Monday, December 04, 2023

Chronices of Twatrick: Arguing in bad faith.

OK, I'm ready to believe that undischarged bankrupt and closet incel Patrick Ross is simply trolling me; how else to explain him accusing someone else of not arguing in good faith:

when Patrick's entire online career is simply one bad faith engagement after another, as I so wittily documented back here.

So, yeah, he's trolling me. The idea that he's actually serious is ... well, frightening.

Sunday, December 03, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still dumb as ever.

You know, the Charter also guarantees freedom of expression but, oddly, Patrick owes me a truckload of money for what he once said about me. It's almost as if there are limits to those Charter rights that Patrick refuses to accept.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: You can't make this stuff up.


This would be Patrick, mocking someone who could "never hope to pay off a judgement against them."

Words fail me. Seriously.

AFTERSNARK: Yes, it is entirely possible that Patrick is simply trolling me at this point with these hilariously self-referential tweets. Oh, well ... each month, another several hundred dollars added to his bill. I suspect Patrick can continue to run and hide for a little while longer, but that does not appear to be a viable long-term strategy.

Chronicles of Twatrick: That lack of self-awareness again.

Speaking of burning all of one's bridges on social media and having nowhere else to go ...

BONUS TRACK: And in today's episode of "Tweets That Did Not Age Well" ...

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: After 13 years, as dumb as ever.

So, after having destroyed his life savings, credit rating, career and relations with his immediate family members by having defamed me maliciously back in 2010, Lloydminster's Patrick Ross seems to think that the wisest course of action is to ... publicly suggest I have carnal relations with barnyard animals.

I'm guessing that Patrick has no clue that all of this is admissible in a court of law as clear intent that he plans on continuing to defame me even as he owes me way over $100,000. I'll have more to say about this in the December 19 Happy Interestversary post, but rest assured that I have screenshots of all of Patrick's ongoing defamation, every bit of which is relevant in any further legal proceedings when he tries to throw himself on the mercy of the court and pretend remorse, and I can prove he doesn't mean a word of it.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: You don't say.

Collected wisdom from an undischarged bankrupt university dropout who spent years sprawled on the couch in his mom's basement playing video games, making unwatchable YouTube videos and harassing random people on Twitter.

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the irony.

Wherein massively-in-debt, morbidly obese, university dropout undischarged bankrupt currently on the run from Saskatchewan sheriffs, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and God knows who else will now opine on the worth of other people:

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: The death of irony.

JUXTAPOSE! Man who has two Twitter accounts, three blogs, a Facebook account and a YouTube channel, and who politically hashtags every single tweet to make sure everyone reads them, will now mock someone else as looking for attention.

OK, then.

BONUS TRACK: Man who destroyed his life and now owes me a truckload of cash for lying about me will now mock someone else as ... oh, just read it.

OK, then.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It is now a full 27 months since a judge told trustee-less, undischarged bankrupt and fugitive from financial justice Patrick "Super Bad MMA Cosplay Dude Mullet Bikini Inspector Triple Patty Quadruple Chin Quintuple Threat" Ross how much he owed me, and cranked up the accruing interest rate on that debt to a delightful five per cent:

I have no immediately new developments to report (I am saving that for the year-end December 19 holiday edition), but there is a bit of info that might amuse y'all.

Lately, Patrick has been cackling about how, some months ago, I filed a motion to dismiss his current lawsuit against me for being, well, a pile of absolute swill; I lost that motion, and Patrick has been positively gleeful about that ever since.

What Patrick does not disclose is that I lost that motion because I screwed up and failed to file suitably adequate paperwork -- that was my bad, and the judge quite reasonably and correctly pointed that out and dismissed my motion for purely that reason. In short, my motion was never tested on its merits; I simply fucked up in my filing.

What Patrick also does not disclose is that, even as the judge was explaining this to me, he clearly saw my argument and pointedly said that I had a "pretty strong case" -- his exact words. In other words, if I had paid closer attention to the filing instructions, there is a fair to middling chance I would have won that motion, and the judge even said as much. Again, something Patrick doesn't like to admit.

So Patrick is welcome to continue gloating about his vacuous legal victory, even as what he owes me continues to climb to truly uncomfortable levels. And given that Patrick no longer has his addlepated parents to protect and enable him, them chickens are inevitably going to come home to roost.

We'll see you next month for the Christmas edition of this ongoing saga.

P.S. Strangely, Patrick has on a number of occasions suggested that his lawsuit against me somehow cancels out his financial obligations to me until it is resolved. I'm not sure where he gets this idea, but it doesn't work that way.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Tracking the elusive Rossosaurus.

Apparently, undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross is now threatening to serve someone:

Amusingly, Patrick claims to know the potential servee's address. I say "amusingly" since, for years now, Patrick has milked the fact that he has misrepresented his actual address for legal service, the end result being that it is nigh impossible for anyone to properly serve him. For all these years, he has listed his address for proper legal service as his late father's residence, but for all these years, Patrick does not seem to have lived there and his father perpetually refused to accept service on his behalf, so let me make a humble suggestion.

If Patrick tries to serve any legal papers, make sure you insist that he supply an actual address where he resides so that he can be served in return. I would further demand that Patrick produce some official documentation proving his official residence, to avoid any more of Patrick's constant time-wasting legal shenanigans.

Given that Patrick loves to play these childish games, the only proper response is to make him act like a grown-up and follow the rules of the Court.

P.S. It is worth pointing out that, according to Canadian bankruptcy law, an undischarged bankrupt is rarely allowed to initiate a legal action against anyone without the permission of their trustee. In fact, during a hearing on 30 August, 2022, Patrick was told precisely this by the presiding judge:

Patrick is, of course, convinced otherwise, but he cannot escape the fact that a Court of Queen's Bench judge told him quite pointedly that he should work through his trustee (of which there is none -- a fact he deliberately and misleadingly withheld from that judge).

In short, there is little doubt that, if Patrick really wants to sue anyone, he is almost certainly going to have to convince a judge that he even has the right.

I will have more to say about Patrick's unfortunate situation in the near future.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: No, he isn't.

Only a few days until next interestversary, but it appears that Patrick is currently yammering on about how he is "successfully suing" me for defamation. Spoiler alert: no, he isn't. I will have more details on this come next interestversary but, in the meantime, you might ponder that, if you hear conflicting stories from the two of us, which of us do you think has more credibility?

Just something to think about.

P.S. Patrick seems to think that suing me cancels his $100K+ debt to me. That's, uh, not how it works. Just so you know.

P.P.S. This might be one of the dumbest public admissions in the history of dumb public admissions:

That's the sort of thing that can come back to bite one in one's pasty ass when trying to get out of bankruptcy and the trustee asks you to disclose all of your after-acquired assets, and they already have a screenshot of your bragging about your multiple raises.


Sunday, November 12, 2023


BREAKING! Canadian Jewish community outraged over attacks on Jewish schools and places of worship.

Chronicles of Twatrick: Developments at Casa Ross?

It's not like I have groundbreaking news here, but one of my Lloydminster-based confidential informants sent me some pics and a video of recent goings on at Casa Ross, which may or may not herald upcoming developments.

Video shows a number of things:
  • at the edge of the property (not blocking either of the garage doors) is what looks like the same storage trailer from before,
  • nothing parked in front of either of the garage doors (that is, nothing blocking entrance or exit to the attached garage), and
  • a maroon(?) Ford F-150 parked in front of the house, and attached to it a transporter trailer carrying what appears to be a grey Chevy Impala.
I'm not going to post any pics since I don't feel like I have to prove anything to anyone; the relevant people will know whether I'm reporting accurately (and perfectly legally, as I have explained before).

What all this means is unclear, but it establishes that I still have people keeping an eye on things and reporting back. Which is all I'm after right now.

P.S. Despite the recent re-instatement of my CC Twitter account, I will restrict all Patrick Ross-related content to this blog. Just so you know.

P.P.S. Closer visual inspection of the photos I was sent suggest that the pickup truck parked in front of Casa Ross is the same one that was parked in the driveway previously. Beyond that, I will draw no further conclusions.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick.


Actually, you're all debt. But I see the point you were trying to make.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

I'm baaaaaaaaaccccckkk!

For utterly incomprehensible reasons, Twitter decided to reinstate my "Canadian Cynic" Twitter account, once again apologizing for their dumbassitude. So I'll do tweet stuff over there, and longer pieces will remain here.


  • Israel drops hundreds of thousands of pounds of bombs on hospitals, schools, universities and refugee camps, killing thousands of Palestinian civilians including women and children: "Israel has a right to defend itself!"
  • Omar Khadr allegedly (allegedly as all the evidence contradicts this) kills a single special forces soldier on the actual battlefield: "War crime!"
Do I really need to explain the rancid hypocrisy?

BONUS TRACK: Crackpot Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says the quiet part out loud -- that the U.S. obsession with Israel is all about naked political opportunism and military power and control of natural resources:


Sure, new GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson has no bank accounts, credit cards or financial records of any kind but, hey, Hunter Biden!

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Some interesting opinions about Rebel News' in-house wife-beater Avi Yemini.

Fascinating thread.

Yes, Alina Habba is as dishonest as you heard.

Hey, kids, remember when I blogged recently about how slimy right-wing hacks are quoting something from Judge Arthur Engoron wildly out of context by reporting only part of what he said related to Donald Trump's behaviour on the stand?

To no one's surprise, Trump's monstrously incompetent and unqualified lawyer Alina Habba pulled the same dumbass stunt on Fox News (first three minutes is all you need).

These people simply cannot help but lie.

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the gullibility.

Here's financial and law enforcement fugitive Patrick "Bad Company Super Mullet Triple Patty Quadruple Chin Soft Core Porn High School Chick Magnet Nexus of Assholery" Ross, shrieking ignorantly about a pro-Israeli demonstrator allegedly being "beat to death":

Hey, I know ... let's actually do some, you know, research and figure out what really happened.

In other words, Patrick is full of shit as always and, amusingly, the sheriff involved could have been speaking directly to him:

I swear, one could write an entire thesis on the dishonesty of social media based on Patrick's Twitter account alone.

BONUS TRACK: I have been informed that Patrick has still not figured out the difference between visiting someone's web site using "http://" versus using "https://". This is the level of dumbth we are dealing with.


"Pro-life" Canadians who tearfully insist that every single child's life is sacred and is a gift from God and must be protected at all costs still totally fine with bombing the fuck out of Gaza and slaughtering hundreds of innocent women and children combined.

Go figure.

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Ah, the dishonesty of right-wing hacks.

I'm sure you've seen at least a few examples of this -- right-wing asshats like Jason Miller quoting the one line from Judge Arthur Engoron, without following it with Engoron's very next line, quite properly clarifying that Trump's purpose is not to ramble on like a deranged Barbara Kay, but rather to answer the questions specifically put to him by the NY AG and her team:

P.S. The most amazing thing about Donald Trump and his lawyers in court is that, one, his lawyers seem utterly unfamiliar with the most basic rules of court and what they are and are not allowed to do and, two, they have not even remotely prepared their client for how to behave.

Monday, November 06, 2023

Gosh, that's too bad.

Well, darn:


I'm sure Ezra Levant and Rebel News will step up and help out financially, right? Right?



Good point, Brian. Now do the "Freedom Convoy."

Sunday, November 05, 2023


Chronicles of Twatrick: Stealing your personal data?

Apparently, undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross might be trying to pay off his debts by scamming visitors to his blog:

He really should come clean about what he's up to. I mean, besides running from a $115,000 debt.

P.S. Apparently, Patrick is trying to pull something on more than one of his blogs:

I would be careful leaving any of your personal financial data with that guy; I hear he owes money.

Saturday, November 04, 2023

A lawyery question, if you will.

What happens when you express contrition in order to get the charges against you stayed, only to subsequently insist that all that remorse was a pile of horseshit?

Chronicles of Twatrick: Watching and waiting.

While it's still a couple of weeks until the next interestversary, a note or two about recent developments. As it happens, all property title information in the province of Saskatchewan is available through an entity called Information Services Corporation (ISC), so I availed myself of the opportunity and did a simple search for what I could find about the residential property in Lloydminster, SK previously occupied by the late Kenneth Edward Ross. In short order, I had the full title info including parcel type, title number and status and much more. (And given how undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "Kick Ass Bad Company MMA Cosplay Quintuple Threat" Ross loves to shriek about harassment and invasion of privacy, I will assure all that this information is available to anyone who wants to create an account with ISC and do a similar search.)

Most interestingly, the title lists precisely two owners -- the late parents of Patrick Ross -- and while this might be perfectly appropriate for the moment, it seems that, given that both of the listed owners are now deceased, there needs to be some sort of disposition of that property in the near future, as I assume one cannot simply leave a residential property indefinitely under the ownership of, well, dead people.

To that end, I am going to do the obvious ... I am going to watch and wait to see what happens with that parcel. At the same time, I will be checking on a regular basis to see if it goes on the market, and I also (again, perfectly lawfully, despite Patrick's hysterical shrieking) have a gaggle of confidential informants who will do the occasional drive-by of Casa Ross to see if anything changes, and if there is suddenly the appearance of new vehicles, or a "For Sale" sign, or whatever.

Quite simply, given that one assumes the family wants to eventually dispose of that valuable property in some way, I plan on being ready for when that time comes, ready to step in and perhaps put a hold on such disposition until such time as any benefits that would have gone to Patrick are intercepted and end up in my pocket. In short, I plan on doing whatever I can to interfere with the eventual disposition of Casa Ross until I get my cut. And if any of Patrick's siblings are unhappy with this situation, well, they should have a chat with Patrick about it.

P.S. If any of Patrick Ross' immediate family members read this and want to discuss the situation, I am available for a conversation.

Friday, November 03, 2023

Well, sure, it's cute ...

... as long as you don't think about the father wanting to bone the daughter on the left:


Has anyone else noticed how Westerners, when hearing of alleged killings of Israeli children, immediately explode in bloodthirsty lust, demanding the absolute annihilation of an entire civilian population they hold responsible, but when hearing of yet another mass shooting of children in the United States, shrug it off with a, "Thoughts and prayers, right? Whaddya gonna do?"

If only Americans cared about their own children as much as they cared about Israel's.

It's just ... odd.

Chronicles of Twatrick: Indeed.

Patrick's recent attempt at philosophy:

The fucking around:

The finding out:

This will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever stop being funny.


Thursday, November 02, 2023