Sunday, October 02, 2022


Conservative Party of Canada: "All of that February 'Freedom Convoy' unpleasantness could have been avoided if Justin Trudeau had simply gone out there and spoken with all those racists, bigots, white nationalists, Nazis, Confederate flag wavers, 'FUCK TRUDEAU' banner carriers, and various people who advocated for violence against him. The fact that he refused to engage with seditionists who openly called for him to be killed just proves what sort of coward he is."

Also Conservative Party of Canada: "It's critically important that we be protected from a journalist that made a joke about one of our MPs. We feel threatened. The police need to get involved."


Anonymous said...

Ever get the feeling the CPC isn't acting in good faith?

Purple library guy said...

I don't believe I've ever gotten the feeling they WERE acting in good faith since, well, Joe Clark would be the last time.