Sunday, October 02, 2022

Beating the sleazy CPC at its own game.

Here's Canada slimiest politician, reveling in the lack of decorum and civility he's brought to the House of Commons:

But if the Speaker (who is an utterly useless dwonk) refuses to ban the mockery of someone's name on the floor of the House of Commons, then the Liberals should -- during QP -- begin referring to Poilievre openly as "Pierre Poutine", Or possibly "Skippy." And if the Speaker has no problem with the name "Justinflation," he has no grounds to object to Poilievre being satirized in the same way.


Anonymous said...

Pierre Poo leaver

Anonymous said...

Pierre is a petulant child wondering why sane people mock him.
He wants to be respected while disparaging the institutions he seeks approval from.
His hubris only shows extreme lack of confidence.
You get the feeling that he thinks he's an intellectual just by owning books and reading the words (without understanding the meaning). Knowledge does not come by his weird osmosis...

Skippy thinks he clever by using the simpleton tag "JustinFlation" - but in reality, it only underscores how little Pierre Poutine understands the economy.

There is nothing edgy or clever is what he does or is.
Just another right-wing populist that has no clue what he is doing.

b_nichol said...

I prefer "Peter Polyestre"