Thursday, August 11, 2022

Um ... what the hell?

So we're selling timeshares?

And this "Liberty Planet" gang? Oh, dear ... And there's the home page. What the hell is happening here?


MgS said...

Huh - the grift is thick here. According to their website, they are based out of Nevada, and now they're trying to buy into an old Church in Ottawa?

Interesting to say the least. It suggests strongly that our "friends" over at TUPoC are well connected to their American compatriots...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like little Billy Komer has adopted the Rebel News business model of creating a billion, supposedly unrelated entities that all point back to donating money to one central group.
This is starting to look like some bastard combination of a pyramid scheme and a money laundering operation, furiously mashed into one.
Somebody needs to report this to FINTRAC.

chris said...

Well, they seem nice. For a group of homophobic, pro-gun antivaxxers from Reno, Nevada that is. WTF indeed.

Anonymous said...

@Chris: Don't forget racist. I noticed an article saying Sweden is "rethinking multiculturalism", which is white supremacist code for "kick the darkies out".
I remember repeating shit like that back when I was a Reform Party Youth back in the 90s.
Definitely racist.