Saturday, August 20, 2022

TUPOC: The legal dumbassitude.

Jesus Christ, this is truly Patrick Ross-level legal imbecility:

I have no idea what means "knowingly false and defamatory eviction notice" ... either the eviction notice was properly registered with the court and is enforceable, or it isn't; there is no grey area there. If one thinks an eviction notice was improperly obtained, then one has the legal right to file a motion with the court and argue the point. But until that happens, if you're served with an eviction notice, you've been evicted. And, by now, it's time for the local constabulary to start bringing in the tow trucks.


Anonymous said...

Kinda wondering how TUPOC expects to raise community bonds to pay their rent on a building they no longer hold a lease for.

Anonymous said...

I actually wondered whether he was providing Will Komer with strategic and legal advice.

Anonymous said...

Earlier this year, the local constables were taking selfies with shouty men blowing big horns and waving F*ck Trudeau banners. They certainly made no effort to enforce court orders until the EA hammer dropped. Some things don't change.

Anonymous said...

Story behind that first TUPOC tweet ...

Komer is out in the parking lot telling CTV and various streamers that:
"We understand we've breached the Police Services Act. We were told actually by officers last evening that they've been instructed to basically not be providing services or answering or dealing with calls from this address..."

To prove his point he whips out his phone & calls them.
They answer right away.
He relates again what he's just told CTV et al plus that he just tried to flag down a cop car to report aggressive behavior from 2 people on the TUPOC front walk but they drove away.

Dispatch says she doesn't know anything about that, are the aggressive people still there and could he be more specific about their actions.

Komer says they're still there & they yelled at him.

Dispatch asks if they are yelling at him now.

Komer says no.

Dispatch advises he stay on the phone and go inside and lock the door if he feels unsafe.

Komer tells CTV this and they all trail inside and, presumably, lock the door behind them.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Komer tells CFRA he's not going to talk to them (at a PRESS CONFERENCE), and that they should call him to book an appointment.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess. The documentation confirming their possession of St. Brigid's is written on a sheet of looseleaf paper in thick, black Sharpie pen, and reads "Dis BiLl DIng iz ArRrRreZZzZz!"