Canada's untouched by human hands, Minister of Extra Cookies, the man in the hermetic trousers, the one, the only (more than one would be an insult to nature), the unfuckable Jason Kenney has had his Wikipedia entry repaired by a mysterious samaritan. Canada salutes you and... oh, some poop has set it back to its original noxiousness already. Well it is a damn fine thing that there happens to be a screen cap to refer to...

Tip of the cranial implant to the mighty Antonia and the effervescent Pale. Good catch!
Oh thanks alot!
Now I'm going to have that song associated with a picture of Jason Kenney for the rest of my life!
Then again, he is a cuddly cub in red plaid, denim and stilettos.
(Unfuckable??? C'mon Jason let hear ya squeeeal like Jon Voigt)
"Minister of Extra Cookies" !
PeBo : Cubby. Another excellent nick for him.
PS Someone has naughtily unpooped the wiki entry again
Those are jesus cookies......
He's so gay. Someone should really tell him.
sooey, as a gay male, I really have to request that know one tell life is better as long as at least some of the idiots out there play for the other team.
In any event, I understand that even gays have standards.
Python Fans of Canada unite! You have nothing to lose but these Cons!
now, that's truly funn wiki entry. it's a shame that the edit has been undone.
It's my understanding that the original tweet and screenshot were by @seanmhair. It was in turn retweeted by pmoharper, Antonia and, subsequently, a good chunk of the Canadian political Twitterverse.
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