Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"Ron" from UWO, after some double-checking, assures us that both Ann Coulter and her psychologically-crippled groupies are equally deranged:


I just spoke to another person I know who was in the audience, and he attested to the fact that she did say that when a Dem is in charge, taxes go up and the World Trade Center goes down. Unbelievable. And no one even tried to call her on it... I can't believe I didn't even notice the inaccuracy until hours later....


In unrelated news, Canada's Blogging Tories would like to assure you that there will be no deficit, climate change is a hoax and the Earth is 6,000 years old.


DM said...
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Romantic Heretic said...

You have to remember that to Coulter & Co Bush and his coterie were liberals. So from their point of view they are speaking the truth.

Lindsay Stewart said...

pray to the fictional sky bully if you like there dm. the grown ups have better things to do.

CC said...

Don't worry, Lindsay ... DM has just gone bye-bye.

Ti-Guy said...

What's the big deal? The former vice president, the former mayor of New York City and the last press secretary of the Bush administration have all said the exact same thing on American broadcast news media, that went unchallenged at the time they said it.

I've been saying for years that it's not just a tactic for wingnuts to blame 9/11 on liberals (which, for Canadian wingnuts actually means *Canadian* lib/lefties as well)). They actually believe this.

I believe it's rooted in their conviction that our resistance to letting them commit genocide and/or ethnic cleansing when it comes to brown people and/or Muslims empowered them; that if only brown people had known their place better, they'd never have been so bold.

If Osama Bin Laden is dead, he died laughing.

Anonymous said...

It's a pity that we have to live with these despicable people.
I really wonder about the sanity and intelligence of Conservatives.

Ann Coulter gets to speak in Canada and complains of discrimination.... Liberals want to talk about maternal health and the Conservative go on abortion and "anti-American" rant...

Truly these people are mentally ill.

sooey said...

You can't talk about women's health without saying the word "abortion". Go big or go home, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

You know you have lost when:
The Canadian military has quietly stopped reporting when soldiers are wounded on the battlefield and will instead deliver annual statistics to the public.
Now the TheoCons can revise all they want with impunity...