Over at Blogging Tory Raphealian MacNalexander's, commenter "Ontario girl" addresses the Helena Guergis aide sock-puppetry fiasco and packs all kinds of stupid into two sentences:
What a joke….good for the aide…..too bad we don’t have the FBI on all the LIBERALS who write in on behalf of the LIBERALS….Give your pathetic heads a shake.
Yes, dear ... we'll get the FBI right on that, as soon as we work out those pesky jurisdictional issues.
Just when you thought, a BT could not descend any further in the morons pool....
Just when you thought...
I've never had any reason thus far to think that. These people have been getting dumber since the Reagan years. They'll all sound like MaryT eventually.
I don't think she can get any dumber.
I thought the FBI did have jurisdiction up here. All those little 'joint' task forces and meandering around well inside our borders. 'Joint' being literal as well as metaphoric, considering the extradition of the marijuana guy to the South for American punishment.
But other than that, I do consider the BTs to be not very well disguised American wannabees. Right up to where they realize they'll lose their comfortable socialist benefits and gain the fact they're not special and they're not Americans (see Puert Rico), no matter how much they suck up to the real thing. Then they'll blame 'liberals' for making Americanism fail them.
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