Monday, September 07, 2009

No reason.

Just a decent, early September tune:


Lindsay Stewart said...

Ultrabland! The Eagles had a few good songs a number of decades ago. This wasn't among them. I keep hoping Joe Walsh will run up and shove Henley off the stage.

Boris said...

Ok, so it's fluffy poprock tune, but i find it arguably better than a lot of other fluffy pop rock tunes. It also serves two distinct purposes. First, it encourages dancing girls, girls in sunglasses, girls in summer, girls and the sun, which many would agree can only be a good thing for the planet. Second, the bland generic lyrics also serve as a warning bell when they suddenly start to resonate with the male listener. Not me of course, just sayin' in general they might. Really. Seriously. Don't look at me like that.

wv= dopedne, like dopemine?

Lindsay Stewart said...

It would still be a better song if Joe Walsh shoved Henley off the stage.

Frank Frink said...

Lindsay, the least Walsh could do is stuff Glen Frey into one of one of the cable cases after shoving Henley off the stage.

Pay money to see The Eagles? No, but I'd pay money to see that.

JJ said...

I beg to differ... this song is great, brings back many memories for me (good and bad).
"Out on the road today I saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac..." ahhhhh...

Thanks CC.

KEvron said...

"Pay money to see The Eagles?"

only if their backing linda ronstadt.


KEvron said...

oof! "they're"


Lindsay Stewart said...

poor silly peoples, you must trust docter frink and i, as musicalizing experts we know what's best for you. and that is henley punted off stage and frey locked in a cable case. that is of course providing he's at the bottom of the case. it really is for the best.

Lindsay Stewart said...

The Eagles were among the first of the decrepit and creatively bankrupt bands to hit on the notion that they could gouge audiences for incredibly high ticket prices. Because a reunion of spent has beens is somehow "special". I guess they found it was possible to put aside their personal beefs and acrimony when the healing power of unfettered greed was inserted into the equation. Still can't figure out why Joe Walsh is still wasting time with this lame outfit, that dude is a legit legend and bona fide crazy person.

James Bow said...

Count me in as one who has fond memories of this song, though I didn't know that the Eagles were responsible for it.

Anonymous said...

Well, couldn't find Mojo's ode to Don Henley on youtube, so you get this:

Randall said...

Actually, this was originally a Henley solo number. Later covered by, I believe, the Ataris.

This has been another entry of pointless musical facts.

Frank Frink said...

My name is Frank Frink and I'm a musical prostitute... or maybe I'm a melody pimp.

I have a confession to make. The boys in the band and I once played as much as we could remember of Hotel California for $20.

Yeah, filthy lucre. I'm still dealing with the shame.

wv = 'hantics'. What the band gets up to on the fret-and-keyboards.