Friday, September 25, 2009

When the monsters turn on their creators: Part 8,529.

Blogging Tory Adrian "Raphael Alexander" MacNair really is the gift that keeps on giving. Every time I pop back there, another nugget of dumbassery is delivered into my waiting hands.

Here's one of Adrian's commenters, yapping on about the Abdelrazik-flavoured injustice and opportunism, having learned well at the feet of her master:

Fay Says:

These type of Canadians are becoming very predictable. Ask not what your country can do for you!!!

Amusingly, Adrian -- having for quite some time slagged numerous brown folk as being not real Canadians or just Canadians of "Convenience" -- now tries to pass himself off as the voice of reason and moderation:

Hang on now Fay. Without any evidence of wrong-going, I don’t see why Mr.Abdelrazik was denied repatriation in a timely manner.

Sorry, Adrian, but it's a bit late for that. You've been a shrieking racist for so long, demeaning dual citizens and questioning their creds, that you don't get to start walking it back now.

You encouraged Neandertals like Fay to spew their bigotry all over the Intertoobz. And now that you're hanging out there for everyone to see, you want to transmogrify into a thoughful moderate to salvage your rep? I think not.

Show some fucking spine, Adrian, old boy. Embrace your racism. Own it. Or are you just a Conservative of Convenience when circumstances call for it?


thebanana said...


Lindsay Stewart said...

In Raphelzander's defence (did I just type that?!?) on the Abdelrazik file, he's been on the side of reason all along. I'm the first to cdall him on his bigotry but in this instance he set his prejudices aside. fair's fair, smack him for what he says but don't smack him when he's in the right just because he's been wrong other times.

He's still a douche though, let's be clear on that point.

Unknown said...

His first post that mentioned him, back in February, didn't come off as so reasonable. Given that he lumped Abdelrazik in with Abdellah Ouzghar, who he consistently referred to as a "Canadian" (including the quotes). Although maybe that was just residual racism, since he also argued there wasn't much point in extraditing Ouzghar to France.

Anonymous said...

He's still a douche though, let's be clear on that point.

Was there ever any doubt?

Anonymous said...

"In Raphelzander's defence (did I just type that?!?) on the Abdelrazik file, he's been on the side of reason all along."

Sadly, not.

KEvron said...

"Sadly, not."


"Why, 'Abdellah' is as Canadian as Maple Syrup, of course. Vaira, Omar, Bashir, Abdihakim, and Abousfian are also very important Canadians."

that's gonna leave a mark.
