Some long-time American cycling buds ran across this motley collection, abandoned by the side of the road during a ride in North Carolina. Most of them have good homes by now. Enjoy.

P.S. A couple are still available, if you're in the vicinity of Durham/Chapel Hill.
The very last kitteh looks just like the stray baby boy and I took in a few weeks ago -- now affectionately referred to as "Klunk".
Ahhhhh...Friday Catblogging comes to Canadian sweet!
Awww. How cute.
mmmmm Cat,... the other white meat
Don't be fooled. If cats had thumbs, they'd kill us all. Though mine would probably outsource the job.
Wow, Mom was busy. There are like three different phenotypes there.
Abandoned!?? Awww!
Your friends are awesome for helping these poor little guys.
They're adorable.
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