This fucking stupid:

Apparently, we can now refer to the inane rantings of Maria "Dodo Can Drool" Nunes and racist eliminationism of "Neo Conservative" as official Harper government pronouncements. The possible entertainment value here is pretty much off the scale, wouldn't you say?
(Wag of the tail to commenter Cherniak_WTF.)
If anything, it proves the connection betwixt the BT's and the CPC.
Which is what you said, but i'd like to hammer it home, "dodo can spell is now a place to look for the mindset of the present government of Canada."
Fuck I hate that government. Liberal MP's have been (overly) careful in not singling out the dweebs and feebs that make up the Blogging Tories, I imagine with the understanding that no party should imply that private citizens officially represent the Parties. And yet here we have a fucking Conservative MP, a cabinet minister no less, doing just that.
I blame Kinsella for this, however. The idiot grandstanded the other day and announced that he was leaving Liblogs on the strength of this one post.
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