Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ah, yes, the crippling irony.

Over at Kate McMillan's White Folks Bar and Grill, guest blogger EBD gets all moral compassy and everything (no link -- if you want to read, go find it yourself):

A Moral Compass

Un-Liberal Prime Minister Stephen Harper, speaking in Oakville today:

Ahmadinejad's declarations, particularly recently, particularly...not just the detention of Canadian citizens, not just the flagrant abuse of human rights, but his recent declarations - just disgraceful, insulting declarations denying the holocaust - there is no way I'm going to permit any official of the Government of Canada to be present and give any legitimacy to remarks by a leader like that.

Yeah ... Stephen Harper lecturing others on the flagrant abuse of human rights, including the appalling mistreatment of Canadian citizens. It could only be funnier if he went on to condemn racism, fiscal mismanagement and incivility in modern politics.

In related news, numerous Blogging Tories joined in the chorus of condemnation of Holocaust deniers, then promptly went back to telling anyone who would listen that climate change is a liberal myth, and that whole "evolution" thing is total leftard bunk.

DOUBLE PLUS GOOD IRONY: Yes, Mr. Harper ... why don't you lecture us all on the abuse of peoples' rights? Let me make myself comfortable first.

P.S. I love the fact that that worthless turd Lawrence Cannon is named personally in the suit. Ruining him utterly in every way imaginable would almost be worth cracking a bottle of my 2006 Dead Arm Shiraz.



Unknown said...

Don't worry, Stephen. Sending a member of your government to Iran wouldn't give them any legitimacy at all.

Anonymous said...

So they walk out of a speech and all the freedom warriors will get little stiffies...

Like any good Conservative they turn around and hide at the first sign of something offensive... or maybe Timmies was giving out free donuts...

Maybe some should read the Goldstone report (that is if most were not so illiterate with the understanding of catatonic pre-schoolers)

Lawrence Cannon is a fucking joke of a human. I'm still waiting for his secretary to return any of my calls.... Now, maybe if I'd told him what a good job he was doing it would be different...
I remember calling Fortier's office to complain not one call back - the day I had something positive, a fluffer called me back the same day -

Hypocrites the lot of them who deserve a good scrotum kicking (as it seems to be the only thing they understand).

Sheena said...

That is by far the most offensive and heinous thing I've EVER read on this god-forsake cesspool of a blog.

NO-body in their right mind would open an '06 Dead Arm until at least 2016.

Fuckwad socialist boors the lot of you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sheena eat my fuck....

Cameron Campbell said...

Four words: Central Otago Pinot Noir