Monday, March 08, 2010

Talking points! Get yer wanker talking points here!

Blogging Tory Adrian MacNair rips the morning's output from the fax machine and dutifully goes to work. I hope you're getting paid for this, Adrian -- it's a really dumb hooker who doesn't insist on compensation.


Anonymous said...

Don't you love how so many Blogging Tories get mad that the Taliban refuses to just line up in the open to get shot... I mean the nerve of them not letting Conservatives and other idiot not have their fantasies...

So, after 8 years, maybe it's time to declare victory and leave because it seems that the boys in charge are getting a little frustrated by the lack of cooperation from the Taliban... or whoever we are fighting over there this week...

I see that Adrian, like all good Conservative cocksuckers, it indeed puking up Connie bile....
Rather amusing that someone who went by another name in the National Post and on his blog would be lecturing about credibility and lying...

Rev.Paperboy said...

yeah, its like those stupid Minutemen who wouldn't come out and line up like proper infantry so the redcoat Hessian mercenaries could kill them properly, or those lousy Frog and Czech bastards who kept murdering innocent German soldiers from 1940 to 1945, but wouldn't come out and fight a proper battle.