Sunday, September 18, 2022

The stupid. It burns.

This person is an actual journalist at the Washington Post.

No, really.


Coolxenu said...

The puerility of modern conservatives is breathtaking. - Dr. Pfeffer

Anonymous said...

Gee I dunno, maybe it has something to do with that time they threw the tea into the Harbour or something???

MgS said...

"journalist"? ... no, that twit writes opinion columns filled with misinformation for American consumption.

Journalist implies an interest in facts and research.

Anonymous said...

That purported journalist is also a purported Canadian. Maybe someone needs to explain the concept of the Commonwealth to him.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same shitposting McCullough we all knew from the days of blogging?

Anonymous said...

I mean, if he's having trouble understanding why that's the case, maybe the British could send over members of their military (in period-accurate garb for 1814) to Washington, D.C., and set fire to the White House. Maybe it'll help refresh his memory.

Yes, I know that this event happened several decades after the initial skirmish that led to America's independence, but sometimes you have to provide a visual aid to properly make a point. Especially for a country that on average goes to war every decade, if not less, which means the wars in question all blend in with one another aside from the odd detail.

*Sees White House on fire* "...oh...right! THAT'S why the Brits don't care for us."

Anonymous said...

Has his own Youtube channel too. I watched some of it. I need a shower.

Anonymous said...

I mean, yes, he's at the Washington Post.