Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dumbass quote of the day -- Twatrick Ross edition.

A bit dated, but oh, the entertainment value:

Canadian Cynic, with his constant bullying of anyone who dares disagree with him, cannot be allowed to undermine the very foundations of progressive politics.

Yup, that's us. Here at CC HQ, we are all about the political foundation undermining. Coming next: The New World Order. And just wait 'til you see the re-education camps.


E in MD said...

Twatrick will probably flunk out. He obviously wasn't educated right the first time.

LuLu said...

Why would Patsy even care about "progressive politics"?

Can I wear my boots when we go to camp?

The Seer said...

I personally consider it an honor to be involved in my own small way in undermining the political foundation of, well, I guess he means, civilization. I always thought civilization was over-rated anyway.

Niles said... his argument really "since I call you all 'progressives' you're not allowed to say boo about people like me because you have to tolerate everything - says so in your playbook - that I have right here - BUT since I'm NOT a progressive, I can call you all a bunch of stinky liars and sneer at you every 1.65 posts on my website and retain my massif personal integrity."???

If there's any bullying to be had, it would be the guy who demands civility off someone so he can pound the crap out of them without being tattled on to the principal, and if tattling does occur that's justification for future beatings because everyone hates a school snitch don't you see.

Patrick Ross said...

No, you morons missed the point.

First off, you fail the first litmus test of progressivism when you start trying to silence people.

You fail the second litmus test of progressivism when you start encouraging hatred of people who think differently than you do.

It all comes down to the most simplest irony: that you clowns would start behaving precisely like the "extreme right wingers" you profess to hate so much.

As I've pointed out before, it must really suck to realize you've become everything you hate.

Fortunately, I don't share your particular affliction.

...Now, pardon me for interrupting. I believe at least one of you was going to insist that it's OK when you do such things?

CC said...

Twatrick lies once again:

"First off, you fail the first litmus test of progressivism when you start trying to silence people."

I'd ask Twatrick to provide a single example of us trying to literally "silence" people but I already know what I'm going to get -- Twatrick will interpret merciless mockery and ridicule as precisely that.

Twatrick World: In which words mean whatever you conveniently want them to mean.

Pale said...


Talk about projection?


Golberg's skool of the english. We Just make shit up as we go!

Patrick Ross said...

Ah, so the "merciless ridicule" is meant to encourage people from voicing their opinions.

Right. I totally believe that.

By the way, you guys get muchos bonus points for predictability.

Frank Frink said...

No, you morons missed the point.

If and when I see a point, I'll address it. (there was a point?)


Ti-Guy said...

Ah, so the "merciless ridicule" is meant to encourage people from voicing their opinions.

Actually it's meant as a call to smarten the hell up. It's not working, obviously, but most of us have resigned ourselves to that most unfortunate of realities.

The Seer said...

Patrick — darling — how have we tried to silence people?

Mechanically, what did we do to silence people?

Who was silenced by what we did?

As I indicated above, I am honored to have a role, however limited or humble, in undermining foundations. But give me some guidance, how have we accomplished this in the past? What do you think we could do to improve our effectiveness?

CC said...

Twatrick is, as usual, full of it. Case in point: we've been mocking him for months, and it hasn't shut him up even slightly.

I rest my case.

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

It does comes down to the most simplest irony. We don't encourage people from speaking. Rather, we dissuade them to be herd. And urge them from making a difference. Now, and then.

I think that's what Patrick is getting at here.

liberal supporter said...

Putting out a bounty on personal identifying information, claiming "we're getting close", creating redirects to nazi and pedophile websites, and attempting to make trouble with a person's livelihood are all "trying to silence people".

Mocking and ridicule are not.

Ti-Guy said...

Good reminder, LS, although I'm sure Twatsy will have mucha sofistria to aim at that.

CC said...

By the way, I could, of course, point out how Twatrick clearly and unambiguously talked about outing me and destroying my blogging career here, but, as I'm sure we all realize by now, Twatrick's response would be to explain how that was somehow different.

It always is, isn't it?

Cameron Campbell said...

It's funny how idiots like this always miss the point: It's not the positions that they hold (well not necessarily) that make them objects of scorn, it's the manner with which they present their positions and the dishonestly, hypocrisy and utterly amoral manner with which they conduct themselves.

Lindsay Stewart said...

¢räßg®äšš spaketh thusly:

"Rather, we dissuade them to be herd."

yet splatrick did verily go into the fields and make his cud and he did chew. for his was the way of bovinity.

the preceding comment is an earned exclusive comment because no one else made this comment. this exclusive comment is my comment, except for the bits what ¢räßg®äšš wrote which is ¢räßg®äšš'$ exclusive comment on which i added my comment making it an exclusive comment by me... including the other bit. exclusively.

LuLu said...

yet splatrick did verily go into the fields and make his cud and he did chew. for his was the way of bovinity.

This is the word of Brother PSA - can I get an "Amen"?!

The Seer said...

The blasphemous Lulu sez:

"This is the word of Brother PSA"

Puhleeze. It was an "earned exclusive comment" from PSA.

KEvron said...

"First off, you fail the first litmus test of progressivism when you start trying to silence people."

shut the fuck up, twatsie.


KEvron said...

btw (from twatsie's blog):

"Also, all comments made by Kevron are deleted without being read."

lol! before you attenpt to tweeze the mote from my eye, twats, pull the dong outta yourn.


Red Tory said...

LOL. Good one.