Sunday, April 27, 2008

Shorter “Hunter”:

Don't waste your money on newspapers — the media is lying to you!!!! And because of this, young women are coming to Alberta to prey on all the young men who are uneducated but making lots of money. They’re like bloodthirsty lionesses only they’re money-hungry. Or something like that.

It really needs to be read in order to appreciate the complete driving-off-a-cliff insanity of the entire post. I need more coffee ...


Prole said...

Yes men are so powerless over predatory pussy that they neglect to use a condom! It's all the wimmin's fault of course.

Say LuLu, let's meet up in ChancreTown I mean Ft. McMurray and rope a couple of dopes! Yee haw! Then after some high doses of penicillin, we can live high on the hog on welfare with our younguns - it'll be awesome! Remember, those big stoopid studs are rendered completely helpless when confronted by gurls and feminine wiles and such.

LuLu said...

That's like the bestest plan evaaaaah, Prole. We'd be rich, rich, rich!

How do these people get through the day this catastrophically stupid?

Prole said...

Hey, I call dibs on the guy who left the truck running unlocked with radioactive materials in it!

liberal supporter said...

I don't think you can get welfare without deducting the child support payments. I doubt the poor scammed fellow would neglect to inform the social services of his contribution wherever the lioness and cub decide to stay.

Would it not be likely that these are white babies being produced? Where's the problem then?