Prime Minister Stephen Harper praised outgoing U.S. President George W. Bush for never promising anything he could not deliver as the two began a 48-hour North American leaders' summit.
But it was unclear Monday whether anything will be promised, much less delivered, during the fourth annual Security and Prosperty[sic] Partnership meeting among Harper, Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderon.
"What I appreciate most, what I've appreciated in our relationship over the past couple of years, is the fact that whether we agree or disagree, we're always able to talk very frankly, very upfront," Harper said at a photo opportunity Monday after an hour-long meeting with Bush.
"The president has never promised me anything he couldn't deliver and that's always appreciated."
It’s a wonder Big Daddy could actually say all those nice delusional things considering he’s got his head so far up the Boy Emperor’s ass he could probably kiss Dubya’s colon.
Just a friendly piece of advice, Steve, from someone who will never, ever, NEVER vote for you — the majority of Canadians think Dubya is a flaming asshole. So sucking up to him in such an incredibly public manner really isn’t going to win you votes. I’m just sayin’.
And furthermore. Note the interesting wording:
"The president has never promised me anything he couldn't deliver and that's always appreciated."
One wonders — did the Boy Emperor actually deliver on everything he promised? And what did he promise? One wonders indeed ...
And further-furthermore. Speaking of cuddles — it looks like Big Daddy just doesn't know how to quit Dubya. Eewwwwwwwww.

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
maybe after steve finishes gagging on george's pretzel they'll have a cuddle. maybe he promised to be gentle. who knows what goes on in the darkened rooms where flaming cons gather to work their dirty mojo.
I can't think of anything those lying motherfuckers in the Bush cabinet have said or would say that could be construed as a promise. They're far too canny to be caught with anything like that.
Oh, wait, maybe I can think of a couple. I believe he promised to bring the perpetrators of 9/11 to justice (Osama still at large), and to rebuild New Orleans (hundreds of thousands still cannot return to their homes).
But he probably never "promised" to find WMDs in Iraq, so he gets a pass on that one, right, Steve?
Harper was so giddy and giggly and gushy in the presence of Bush I was afraid he'd dive into Dubya's codpiece at any second.
Avert your eyes, children!
"The president has never promised me anything he couldn't deliver and that's always appreciated."
Yeah, about that pony...
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