Friday, January 08, 2010

Christ, but Stephen Taylor is a whiny little runt.

Here's the dumbest and whiniest political pundit in Canada, Captain Canada Stephen Taylor, doing what he does best -- whining piteously:

Aaron, you should put my comment in context. I was wondering why 20,000 earns you the main headline on the front page of the Toronto Star while 127,000 gets no such treatment.

A couple things for you to chew on, Stephen. First, it's possible that no one takes your 127,000 anti-coalition droids seriously because, as we've all discovered after years of painstaking observation, your particular brand of Canadian conservative is utterly incapable of independent thought, and simply waits by the fax machine for the next set of talking points and marching orders. And it's not particularly impressive to muster a group of people who are united only by their Canadian constitutional ignorance and seething hatred for democracy.

Add to that that the anti-prorogation Facebook group really does seem to tap into some massive national frustration with your adorable hero Stephen Harper, and anyone who isn't an intellectual cripple (see: Blogging Tories, Canadian Conservatives) should recognize this as a legitimate news story that deserves front page coverage.

More to the point, though, Stephen, given that your precious Blogging Tories have perpetually slagged the Canadian mainstream media (particularly the Toronto Star) for being horribly, horribly biased and anti-Harper, it's pretty fucking rich to accuse them of blatant bias, then keep whining about how they're biased. What's the point of having written off the Star as being shills for the Liberals, while simultaneously trying to hold them up to a standard of fairness and objectivity and complain that they don't succeed?

If you think the Star is biased, Stephen, then say so, write them off and shut the fucking fuck up about it. And quit your pathetic whining. It's really unbecoming.


sooey said...

He's either a handsome fellow or very photogenic. I can't be too upset with his politics.

Greg Fingas said...

First, it's possible that no one takes your 127,000 anti-coalition droids seriously because, as we've all discovered after years of painstaking observation, your particular brand of Canadian conservative is utterly incapable of independent thought, and simply waits by the fax machine for the next set of talking points and marching orders.

Actually, at last notice the two groups put together to try to support the Cons on prorogation had 434 and 176 members respectively. So the biggest news in this month's events may be that there actually is a point where even the most shameless of Harper dittoheads can't bring themselves to fall in line when the Dear Leader Signal gets flashed.