Monday, January 18, 2010

And if there's any money left over, I have a suggestion.

This is so heartwarming:

Canada to take lead building 'New Haiti'

OTTAWA — Canada will host politicians from key countries playing a lead role in building a “New Haiti” later this month.

Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon announced this afternoon that representatives from Haiti, the U.S., Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay will gather in Montreal Jan. 25 to reassess pressing needs and to develop a long-term plan for rebuilding Haiti.

Will there be new schools? I'll bet there will be new schools. I'll bet these folks will be puzzled by that.

It's odd how the Conservatives always seem to find the money to build schools for other people.

BY THE WAY, while the natives at Attawapiskat keep waiting for their fair share, I'm sure they'll be consoled that not everyone is so hard up for cash these days.

Sometimes, it's good to be Catholic.

1 comment:

double nickel said...

Apparently foreign affairs heavyweights from Peru and Uruguay will be in attendance. Whoohoo.