Remember, the Haitian Earthquake is *all about her*.
She had more integrity and honour when she was a dominatrix. And I mean that seriously. I don't have a problem with that particular trade (what goes on between consenting adults is no business of mine). I have much bigger problems with her blogging, however.
She did, however, make a comeback on Brassballs radio recently. With her producer/Homer Simpson sound-alike side kick, with her shamelessly flirting with her guest, Andrew Lawton of the neo-con who thinks all gays are child molesters.
Guess she gave up on Mark Steyn
Seriously, I can do a far better podcast/talk radio show than she can...with better music selections too...
Oh gentlemen! Just checked her twitter feed: Seems she has not been paying her hosting fees--she's begging for money on Twitter to get her damned site up and running again; 30$ short last check
Gad, she might have had a point, but those comments were as disgusting as her own "daugher fuckers" puke.
Remember, the Haitian Earthquake is *all about her*.
She had more integrity and honour when she was a dominatrix. And I mean that seriously. I don't have a problem with that particular trade (what goes on between consenting adults is no business of mine). I have much bigger problems with her blogging, however.
i guess she never heard of bill clinton....
She did, however, make a comeback on Brassballs radio recently. With her producer/Homer Simpson sound-alike side kick, with her shamelessly flirting with her guest, Andrew Lawton of the neo-con who thinks all gays are child molesters.
Guess she gave up on Mark Steyn
Seriously, I can do a far better podcast/talk radio show than she can...with better music selections too...
Oh gentlemen! Just checked her twitter feed: Seems she has not been paying her hosting fees--she's begging for money on Twitter to get her damned site up and running again; 30$ short last check
Nah, I don't believe all gays are child molesters CK -- though I do believe that gays who post child porn onto a public website are.
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