Does Mrs. Chunk know that her Husband and Master to Whom She Submits in a Goodly Christian Fashion is shaking hands with a man?!? Quickly children, into the closet for prayers and scourging. Who wants to bet that Stockwell Day is weeping jealous tears?
I don't get it.
sorry red, perhaps the joke is too obscure, harkening back to his ascension to PM. there was the photo of his steveship shaking hands with his kid on the way to school. there was a bit of a running gag of the hand shake being the pinnacle of intimacy in steveville. oh well.
Ah, I see. I do remember that quite vividly and with some fondness (it still makes me laugh just thinking about it), but I didn't recall the "counter-argument" about the significance of shaking hands or connect the two things at all. But thanks for the explanation.
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