Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Time for a better role model, methinks.

Over at the Blogging Neo-Nazis, BT member Diogenes Borealis is all about the right-wing cinematic punditry:

The folks over at Libertas had an interesting post up: ...

That's pretty much where I had to stop reading, given that Libertas is one Jason Apuzzo, and Jason Apuzzo is ... well, let's let John take it from here.

Astonishingly, only one person could possibly make Diogenes look moderately intelligent by comparison, and he conveniently stops by:

Yes, Brian ... "Bad Country For Old Men" ... that one was definitely overrated, wouldn't you say?

Brian also didn't much care for 2008 Oscar nominees "There Will Be a Flood" or "Michael Claymore." Damn Hollywood liberal flicks, the lot of them.


Ti-Guy said...

Another reason to despise the Blogging Tories...their importing that insane conservative "cultural critique" from American righwingers. Not that conservative cutlural critique is an intellectually bankrupt notion. The only problem is that it's being promoted by mediocrities who can't create anything the culture (especially the American commerce/culture) wants...like Jason Apuzzo and the fatheads who read Libertas.

The conservative critique of culture is actually found in things like The Simpsons, and if the conservatives want to compete with liberals, they're going to have to stop promoting mediocrities to handle the analysis.

Frankly, I don't think they can. Critique requires looking at reality, and conservatives just doing like reality all that much.

Humourlessness of course, doesn't help either...

Red Canuck said...

"Violent with no purpose, little character development, and bad hair"

Hmmm. Sounds like a description of Patrick Ross.