Monday, April 07, 2008

A steaming turd by any other name ...

Blogging Knuckle Dragger "Neo Conservative" drags himself away from his police scanner long enough to make fun of slapping lipstick on a pig:

You could call this place Vatican City... and that won't change a single damn thing with what's wrong here...

"University Heights. That's the new name, all right? ... And we have a logo and everything and you'll be seeing that all over."

-- Ward 8 Councillor Anthony Perruzza, on his mission to rebrand Jane and Finch

I know, I know... I'm such a downer... but this brainstorm is on a par with Stephane Dion's idea to address "climate change"... by calling his dog "Y2kyoto."

Quite right, Neo -- a simple change of name is rarely enough to conceal the festering, pustulent rot hiding just below the surface. I think we've all established that by now.

BONUS WHACKJOBBERY: Feeling a bit left out, Five Feet of Compost Heap jumps on the Neo bandwagon:

Wouldn't "High School Dropout Depths" be more accurate?

Perhaps, Kathy, but only because "Unemployable, Begging Blogger Crescent" was already taken:

If you want to show Kathy some tip love, I'm guessing you won't have to take a number.

1 comment:

Ti-Guy said...

I'm sure Kathy is bitter over some "big bamboo" episode in her sorted, drunken past.