Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Poor Suzie ALL-CAPS …

I think we have her in a bit of a state because she just can’t do anything right.

Once again, Lulu is showing her ignorance.

Child Protection?" I'm sorry, Suzie ... did you suggest "Child Protection?" One of those socialist, taxpayer-funded programs that you and the rest of your Blogging Knuckle Dragger colleagues are always to trying to defund? That's where you suggest putting unwanted children?

Actually SUZANNE, that’s CC’s post down here — try to keep up. My post is the one you cherry-picked here so that you could come to the following stunning conclusion based on sweet fuck all.

Lulu thinks that lacking housing, being a single parent, or lacking support is the cause of child abuse.

Let me give you a piece of advice SUZANNE, try not to decide what I think because you don’t have the first clue. Nowhere in my post do I say that any of these things is the cause of child abuse. What I said, you sanctimonious hypocrite, was this:

True to form, SUZANNE provides no suggestions about how to help these children once they’re born, no ideas on support programs for single parents, no calls to donate to local housing or peer programs. Just the same old tired don’t have an abortion because a fetus is a child but once you actually have that child and are overwhelmed and completely unprepared for what’s ahead, well, too bad for you. So sorry but I have another blastocyst to save, an unknown fetus to pray for, a pregnant woman to harass ... no time for the real, live babies.

And if you take the time, you'll see that all of those links lead to support groups and affordable housing for young and/or single parents in the Ottawa area ... something that took me all of 5 minutes using Teh Google.

Thanks for once again proving my point. You really have to stop making it so easy.


Anonymous said...

SUZANNE, so how many orphans has she adopted?
How does she help? Apart for carrying a little fetus amulet, I'm pretty sure sweet F.A.....

Lindsay Stewart said...

she was an ALL-CAPS gal in a lower case town. yeah, she was used to the jeers of people that didn't know better, folks what wasn't enlightened by mister invisible and his kid the zombie. she knew deep in the cockles of her heart that those cells were meant to be together, just a couple of crazy bits of tissue fixed on mitosis. sure they said, they ain't viable, but what's viable got to do with it anyways? just on account of some broad don't want to serve as host, just 'cause that dame don't want to play second fiddle to a zygote... well, what's a poor little blastocyst to do, i asks ya? it ain't like some dopey dame and her life are more important than a microscopic cluster of cells, right?

mikmik said...

well, what's a poor little blastocyst to do, i asks ya?

Get a job and quit freeloading! I mean, you(Joe/Jane blastocyte) get more respect than fully functional 16 year old, or even a needy, whining, infant FFS!

I tell ya, those bleeding heart wankers are all soft on you but that means you get a free ride? Well, there is more to life than free womb and board, than being a poster cell cluster for sanctimonious, provincial, idealogues.
Maybe when you show that you won't be born without a brain (like my sister's daughter - lived ten minutes) or sacrifice the life of a sentient, then I may consider your worth. But this fucking up real peoples lives, I draw the line if they are expected to suffer cruely and/or die.

Hey, tell you what: why don't you get a sponsor or something. There's folk that will kill for you(your womb and board for instance), and if they promise to take care of you and provide for your upbringing, to love you when you 'move out' and provide an emotionally functional enviornment, that you'll be happy and brought up safe, I'll support a microscopic cell culture.
But, and this is a big but, I don't think the pro-life wankers will help you, or even consider you much worth except as punishment to your parents, or even want more than to give you the death penalty if you fuck up - I mean once you are 10+ years old...

Anonymous said...

Lulu, you know who you are, and these mini minds can never take that away from you, no matter how hard they try. Youse the cock of the hoop, and with great boots too.