Friday, April 04, 2008

Old Dogs, New Tricks

Just had a look at the comments over on the CTV article covering the belated repentance of cured homophobe Tom Lukiwski. There is an almost endless stream of Con loving chunder heads with their hackles all raised, swearing up and down that this is desperation.

Gosh isn't it horrible that these desperate lefties have to dig up old dirt on such upstanding fellows as the author of this remark,

"Let me put it to you this way -- there's As and Bs. The As are guys like me. The Bs are homosexual faggots with dirt under their fingernails that transmit diseases."

To which I respond, isn't it just awful that all of those same apologists and fellow travelers are the very same characters that still peddle the
Lieberals am Corrupt, see Adscam meme? Aren't they the same folk that campaigned and won an election on the vilification of a government under a different leader and a scandal of dusty vintage? What is the best before date on scandal? 13 years is okay, 16 years is ancient history.

Perhaps Mr. Lukiwski should spare us his 'truly, truly sorry' and demonstrate his change of heart, perhaps volunteering at an AIDS hospice. And it would be most heartfelt of all if his voting record on GLBT issues reflected his new and more tolerant mind set. I won't be holding my breath as I hum the refrain from that old Cyndi Lauper song...

1 comment:

Dana Hunter said...

LOL! The perfect accompanyment, PSA! I'll be humming it at every scandal from now on.

Really, what these right-wing freaks mean when they say "I'm truly, truly sorry" is "I'm truly, truly sorry that voters who care about such things found out what a frothing bastard I am." Their tears are as self-directed as a serial-killer's.