Monday, March 03, 2008

The Tears Of A Clown

Gigantic weeping and wounded, New Canada's New Government's New Prime Minister New Steve Harper is suing Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion, Deputy Leader Michael Ignatieff and House Leader Ralph Goodale for libel. What a fucking wuss. This is the same disingenuous twat that impugns the patriotism of members of opposition parties, for disputing the wisdom of his war mongering, in the House of Commons. This is the same bloated sac of piss that suggests that criticism of his tough guy pose is somehow equated with allegiance to the Taliban. Waah! Poor Steve, why if he sheds any more bitter tears he'll dilute the most precious of his bodily fluids, gravy.

From the Globular Mail:

“These statements are false and devastatingly defamatory,” say the documents. “These malicious and reckless statements impugn the reputation of the Prime Minister and meant, and were understood to mean inter alia, that the Prime Minister knew of a bribe of a Member of Parliament and was an accomplice to that bribe.”

See, it isn't that the Cons didn't make an attempt to bribe Cadman, it's just that the Pillsbury PM (then leader of the opposition) didn't know. Because plausible deniability is what is really at stake.

"The libel notice says the articles suggest that Mr. Harper is “dishonest, unethical, immoral and lack integrity.” The documents also say the articles suggest that Mr. Harper “knowingly breached the Criminal Code of Canada.”

Holy shit kids, honesty, ethics, morality and integrity all blemished by these wild accusations that the biggest control freak, micro-managing authoritarian leader in Canadian history had no idea that his underlings might be trying to bribe a dying MP. Absurd I tells ya. And the suggestion that Steve "knowingly" broke the law, well, everyone knows that ignorance is a perfectly sound defence. I think I'll just have to mail big Steve a tissue.


Here's the document sent by Harper's lawyers in an attempt to get out from under a potential scandal and bully the leaders of the opposition. This will be fun to watch. To be honest, I don't think there's a leader worthy of being the Prime Minister in any of the parties at the moment. I kind of hope they all just destroy each other's credibility and the country gets a do-over all around.


Anonymous said...

If Stevie had balls he'd actually sue instead of say he may...
What a whiny baby...

This is just a diversion as it's getting traction...

He's not going to sue as no judge will hear such a weak case...

Mike said...

Hey, isn't there an actual recording of Steve-o talking about the offer?

What a jackass. Dump the bastards now...

That guy said...


CC said...

Yes, Stephen, you make a big deal about the possibilities of legal action against defamation -- give Linda Keen something to think about.

Red Tory said...

Mike — I believe the claim now is that the tape was doctored.

Oh, and that Cadman's wife and daughter are liars.

And that this is part of a shameless book promotion.

And that the Liberals may have counter-bribed Cadman.

And that Cadman was delusional because of his meds.

And that... [insert made up story here]

Mike said...

Well, when it comes to doctored incriminating tapes, the Cons are experts. Just ask Gurmant Grewal.

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

I heard that Cadman was part of the famous LSD experiments in the early 60's, but nobody can remember it.

Jeff said...

Oh, and that Cadman's wife and daughter are liars.

Except when she said she believed Harper. She was lying about everything else though...

Red Tory said...

Jeff — Ha, ha. Yeah... quite so. They do contradict themselves a lot, don't they?

Anonymous said...

This is such a typical right-wingnut neo-Con tactic, borrowed from the rabid Repubs down south: get caught in malfeasance, and glare the accusers right in the eye, threaten them with every dire fate imaginable, and DARE them to have the balls to stick you with the truth.

They can't back down. They can't back down. They can NOT back down.

Meanwhile -- the most bizarre, surealistic part of this entire thing is that after the way the neo-Cons treated her husband, stabbing him in the back first of all, then trying to BRIBE him when they finally realized he had some power -- she is still running for the neo-Cons!

Chimera said...

Harper's lawyers are welcome to add my name to their little list. I just called him out, and I bypassed the suggestions and went straight to accusations.

Those "quotes" from Dona are very suspect. Unless she's a fifth columnist, in which case, more power to her!

The Seer said...

I gotta know. What's with Sandra? Is she out to lunch?

If George W. Bush got caught trying to bribe a member of Congress, he'd call a terror alert. Shut down shopping malls, or some such thing, from coast to coast on the basis of secret intelligence — which the national interest prevents Him from sharing with anyone outside the White House — that brown people are going to fly planes into shopping malls, or something equally cataclysmic. He'd call off Easter, for His sake. This happens often enough even the American MSM has figured it out.

Doesn't Sandra read the American papers? Watch American television? Can't Sandra figure out how to kill a story?

Maybe the pressure is starting to get to Sandra.

Nullig said...


It IS bizarre - makes you wonder if that was the "price" for sticking up for Harpie in this sordid affair.

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Shit. There's something familiar to this, but I can't put my finger on it.

Does anyone remember what Mulroney's reponse was when he was accused in that Airbus thingie?

JJ said...

PSA - You're tagged