Ah, the good old days:
Ah, the not-so-good, newer days:
U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 4,000
Grim milestone reached when IED kills 4 U.S. soldiers in Baghdad
If only they were fetuses, Canada's conservatives would care.

Yes, Rich, I'm sure you are. That's a good boy.
just remember, it's not a quagmire!
Actually, it's beginning to smell a lot like Vietnam
I continue to believe that the "Iraq death toll" includes those who died "in Iraq," before the wheels on the plane taking the injured to Rhamstein lifted off the runway. In other words, I believe the actual death toll is substantially higher.
Well, I guess it serves me right for blogwhoring, but would someone come and sweep up after "Alpha Male" -- he's your troll, he just followed me home.
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