Monday, March 03, 2008

Dick Evans' kids. Social services. NAMBLA. NAMBLA. NAMBLA.

Oh ... yawn:

It appears that the blogger Canadian Cynic is deeply unhappy about someone buying a domain name reflecting his name and re-directing it to a child rape site.

In retaliation for this action, Canadian Cynic is threatening to use his blog to post information about his opponent's kids.

He doesn't want to sue the guy for defamatory content-- that would mean revealing his identity, which he is too cowardly to do. Instead he's picking on the guy's kids. He's already published their names and address.

I don't care what the issue is: putting his kids at risk is going too far.

It's time to report Canadian Cynic.

Go to his blog:


At the top there's a button called "Flag Blog".

Then use the report the content to Blogger.

Yes ... I'm putting Dick's kids at risk by posting deeply personal information about them, such as, oh, their names, and, um, their home address and telephone number. Yes, SaintNobody, I am genuinely a dangerous individual, aren't I?

The Blogging Tories: Because if you're mean to them, they're definitely going to tell Mommy on you. 'Cuz that's just the kind of courageous, kick-ass studs they are.

: If you haven't figured it out yet, there's some serious irony going down here. All I've done is post information about Dick's family that is firmly in the public domain (put there, I might add, by Dick himself), while it's Dick that's publicly connected himself and, by association, his children with a campaign to advertise and promote a web site that advocates child rape. So ... who exactly is putting Dick's kids at risk here? But wait ... there's more.

Dick (and his mouth-breathing groupies) seem convinced that I'm threatening Dick's kids just by posting personal information about them. And yet, what is Dick's big promotion these days? Oh, right ... it's a $750 offer to anyone who can furnish him with information about my identity. Now isn't that special? Dick is howling with outrage over the exposure of some of his personal information, while offering cold, hard cash to anyone who can supply him with some of mine that he can publish.

But wait, you say, that's not the same thing since Dick is only trying to out you, not your kids. But what's the difference here? It's certainly possible that, in trying to harm me (which is unequivocally what Dick is trying to go), my kids might end up being collateral damage, and yet Dick seems blissfully unconcerned about that possibility.

If Dick is so bent on destroying me, my reputation as a blogger, and perhaps my livelihood in terms of how I make a living, then it's only fair that he come clean and admit that he's just as happy doing that kind of damage to my family -- including my kids. (And let's not even get into Dick's co-bloggers' explicit threats against me, involving things like, oh, "baseball bats" and "crimping shears".)

And, finally, let's remember that I explicitly promised Dick that I was prepared to post increasingly personal information about his family only if he continued to use the domain name "" to promote NAMBLA and child rape. And Richard's response:

The domain stays up...

Do your best CC...

And there you have it -- I offered Richard an easy out, and he rejected it utterly. In short, he has only himself to blame. So how about no more whining about what kind of mean and classless guy I am? Really, it's getting tiresome. If Dick wants to ally himself with NAMBLA and embarrass himself and his family, far be it from me to discourage him. And if, God forbid, something unfortunate happens to his children, I wouldn't want to be Dick when his wife has the temerity to ask who insisted on this blogspat in the first place.

, I hesitate to point this out but if Dick Evans wants to consider the possible consequences of his blog-inspired NAMBLA obsession, well, let's imagine someone in Calgary who's into child sex, and who approves of the whole philosophy of NAMBLA, and is looking for potential child sexual partners, and who pops over to Google and checks out, oh, the combination of "Calgary" and "NAMBLA" ...

Oh, dear.

Have fun explaining that to the little woman, Dick. It's out of my hands now, isn't it?

BY THE WAY (2), when I say that it's out of my hands, this is what I mean. Once Google gets ahold of you, you're pretty much done, wouldn't you say?


Richard said...

Sorry CC but I won't be bullied.

The redirect stays.

The reward is still offered.

Your identity will be discovered and you will be held accountable both in a court of law and in the court of public opinion.

You should have thought about the consequences of your actions when you first picked up your keyboard...

Raphael Alexander said...

I think social services should remove the children of an individual who links to child rape sites. In fact I would be at Richard's door today if that were my occupation.

liberal supporter said...

Your identity will be discovered and you will be held accountable both in a court of law and in the court of public opinion.

And by your ARMED THUGS, right Dick?

I think physical violence is pretty obviously being threatened here.

Ti-Guy said...

You should have thought about the consequences of your actions when you first picked up your keyboard...

Fuck you, you fucking NAMBLA-obsessed fascist. As we've all discovered, you are a drunken cyber-stalker and net-pest who should have realised...before he picked up the keyboard...that other people would challenge his smears, lies, grotesque defamation with criticism and ridicule.

If you didn't like that, you should have learned to ignore it. It's the reaction you get all the time, after all.

I can't begin to imagine the level criminality Richard Evans has sunk to in his life, but judging from the relentless cyber-stalking, I doubt I'd be surprised by any of it. He really displays no self-control whatsoever.

Mike said...

Richard won't be ironic. will, however, go down the memory hole....

Raphael Alexander said...

I can't actually understand why a politician would engage in an internet flamewar with an internet nobody [no offense]. It's just... "dumb". If I were a politician I wouldn't so much as visit this site.

thwap said...

Look CC,

Our corner of the internet is a small, unimportant world.

If Richard Evans isn't providing laughably bad analysis, or saying anything different, just ignore him.

He's happier than a pig in shit with all the attention you're giving him.

For what it's worth, it was Evans who made his family information public before linking to all those NAMBLA and StormFront pages.

I hope his wife has half-a-brain (maybe Evans is good in bed or something, or his parents were rich) and puts the kibosh on his childish behaviour.

But just ignore the stupid fuck.

Richard said...

And by your ARMED THUGS, right Dick?

Violence is neither implied nor condoned...

I think social services should remove the children of an individual who links to child rape sites. In fact I would be at Richard's door today if that were my occupation.

If you think you've got a case, call them up and send 'em on over.

Fuck you, you fucking NAMBLA-obsessed fascist.

If exposing pedophiles and their enablers makes me a fascist then I guess I'm guilty as charged...

Oh, don't go thinkin' that you're immune in all this ti-guy. I'll find out who you are as well, eventually and then everybody will be able to put a real name to your on-line comments...

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...


CC said...

Poor Dick ... all that bluster and nothing to back it up. I'm guessing it's only now sinking into Dick's microcephalic brain how thoroughly he's fucked himself.

I don't have to do anything further at this point -- Google has now taken over and will make sure that anyone trying to check up on Dick for, say, job references, will inevitably learn about his child sex obsession and, frankly, it couldn't happen to a more deserving NAMBLA fan.

As for suing me, Dick knows full well that he has nothing. Squat. Nada. Zip. Zero. I've posted nothing that is even remotely actionable, so I can just move on and leave Dick to wallow in the festering, NAMBLA-flavoured pit he's dug for himself.

All I need to do, perhaps every so often, is link briefly to Dick's own domain to make sure Google doesn't forget about him. 'Cuz we wouldn't want that to happen.

Happy wallowing, Dick. Say hi to the missus for me.


Ti-Guy said...

But just ignore the stupid fuck.

He'll just move on to someone else. At some point, he has to be compelled re-evaluate his tactics in relation to people who have something to say about his public pronouncements. And it is not up to this fascist to determine who gets to be anonymous or not.

I'm still kind of surprised that offering a bounty isn't a criminal offense. I'm sure it's actionable, but I always thought it was illegal as well.

Niles said...

"I'll find out who you are as well, eventually and then everybody will be able to put a real name to your on-line comments..."

.....and your little dog too! we wonder where the flying monkeys metaphor for rightwing trolls originates? A classic example right here.

"If exposing pedophiles and their enablers makes me a fascist then I guess I'm guilty as charged..."

Exposing what to who? I think Mr. Evans is just pleased to find he's on the same mental wavelength as his patron saint Harper, what with all the condor-pointing huffery-puffery about criticism.

Ti-Guy said...

He can't be that stupid. If he exposes anyone, the baseless smears he's made and which are well-documented all over the Internet would be damning, to say the least.

What a degenerate.

Niles said...

"He can't be that stupid." suspected, under that pessimist exterior is a bitterly disillusioned idealist who's not quite stomped flat.

Seems to me the situation south of the border has proven (again) the Achilles heel of rational people is thinking "he can't be that stupid", while watching someone merrily lighting a match to take a look down a gas tank to see if there is more in there than fumes.

The trick is, not to go up in a fireball /with/ them.

Ti-Guy said...

Niles: It really is a question..."He can't be that stupid, can he?" But of course, we all know the answer to that...with the neocons, stupid is all they've ever had.

It was all neatly summed up long ago, in what I imagine is Richard Evan's credo: "That's not the way the world really works anymore,'...'I'm an empire now, and when I act, I create my own reality. And while you're studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – I'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. I'm history's actor...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what I do."

Indeed we will be. A lot sooner than any of the delusionals ever thought. And it's an embarrassment of riches for someone like me to have literally milllions of empires, both simple and complex, to choose from and which I find endlessly fascinating, every last one of them.

Richard said...

CC needs to check his e-mail...

Richard said...


You're projecting again...

Ti-Guy said...

Broken record time for NAMBLA-Richard Evans.

If anyone including his mother) knew who his daddy was, we'd be able to find out why that annoying behaviour wasn't corrected long ago.

Red Tory said...


Surely I'm not the only person who finds Richard and this whole fracas profoundly boring...

Red Tory said...

Ha. I failed to note that you started your post with a yawn.


JJ said...

I'm surprised at SaintNobody's overwhelming concern about Teh Children, given that those particular ones have already traversed the birth canal. Quite the breakthrough for her, actually.

Ti-Guy said...

I agree, Red. Unless anyone has a particularly witty and original slag of the Calgary-area representative of NAMBLA's public relations wing, this isn't going to get any more interesting.

Marky Mark said...

FYI the feds actually recommend participating in online discussions using a pseudonym:

"What you can do:

Participate in chat or discussion groups under a pseudonym.
Be discreet. Don’t provide personal information unless absolutely necessary."

Now some people feel that blogging or commenting other than under your real name goes to your credibility. But that's a different point.

liberal supporter said...

CC needs to check his e-mail...
Richard needs to stop inciting violence, then pretending he doesn't approve.

Sparky said...

Also li'l dickie put in an SDA-wannabe 'block links from CC's blog'.
Coward and a jackass all in the same package--how efficient!

Anonymous said...

So he gets to slag and threaten CC, and in theory, CC doesn't even get to know about it.

Gosh, Richard. Such courage. Way to stand up and take responsibility for your actions. I'm in awe.

God, I pity your children, having such a stellar example of "honesty" in their home.

And you think CC, is damaging them?? Yegods, you are stupid.

E in MD said...

Your identity will be discovered and you will be held accountable both in a court of law and in the court of public opinion.

You should have thought about the consequences of your actions when you first picked up your keyboard...

By Blogger Richard, at 10:47 AM

I'm curious as to when YOU will be held accountable.

Oh, don't go thinkin' that you're immune in all this ti-guy. I'll find out who you are as well, eventually and then everybody will be able to put a real name to your on-line comments...

By Blogger Richard, at 11:19 AM

Ooo.... now he's threatening other users! Scary!

E in MD said...

Seems to me the situation south of the border has proven (again) the Achilles heel of rational people is thinking "he can't be that stupid", while watching someone merrily lighting a match to take a look down a gas tank to see if there is more in there than fumes.

The trick is, not to go up in a fireball /with/ them.

By Blogger Niles, at 12:06 PM

I know you best not be talking about our great and all powerful leader George 'Lincoln' W. Bush. Don't make us have to bring some Democracy down on ya! =)

Ti-Guy said...

Maybe we can handle the democracy, but please, I beg of freedom. For the love of God, no freedom!

E in MD said...

Maybe we can handle the democracy, but please, I beg of freedom. For the love of God, no freedom!

By Blogger Ti-Guy, at 5:57 PM

Yes! Freedom® for everyone! We're coming for you ii-Guy! Except it'll be John McCain's watered down version of Bush's Freedom®