Try to believe that any human being could possibly be this sad a spectacle:

Yes, that's Twatrick Ross, taking a post of mine dealing with mathematical puzzles and computational complexity and twisting it to address tasers and women in Mexican prisons. One suspects that Twatrick didn't understand word one of that post, so he simply redefined all the words to something he could comprehend.
I can't wait until Twatrick graduates and tries to get a job. Oh, the hilarity that will ensue. I'd pay for that video.
More to come. Stay tuned.
Maybe a post titled "4 x 8 = ?" would coax an on-topic remark from Patrick.
I'm not putting any money on it; I'm just saying it's possible.
I can't wait until Twatrick graduates and tries to get a job
That will not happen in a reasonable amount of time. He is intractable.
Is it just me, or was your original post not a request for help with some kind of lesson planning or educational tool to help explain the math?
Ah, Fanboy is soooooo pathetic.
"laid", nuthin'! would that twatsie only had some friends. post after desperate post, you can only come away with the certain feeling that twats is one sad and lonely randian (is that redundant?), and failing miserably at pretending otherwise.
see the school shrink, ape nape, and be sure to follow his dime store advice to the letter, especially if results in some further self-destructive behavior from you (like delusional posts and nifty mullets), 'cuz i love a good floor show. more photos would be nice....
you need a word below "pathetic"? hmmmmm..................I believe that word would be "Patrifick"
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