It’s the first annual CC-HQ “Be Polite Even if it Kills You Tea Party”. Our first topic for discussion today:
How badly do you think the BTs will lose this challenge and, more importantly, how quickly will they attempt to a) shift the goalposts on CC’s original challenge, b) reach new heights in weaselocity, and c) say they never agreed to anything in the first place?
Your excruciatingly polite thoughts in the comments. CC, milk or lemon in your tea? And PSA, be a darling and pass the cookies. Thanks ever so.
a) They can't be honest.
b) They can't be honest.
c) The argument will be that they never read the left wing blogs and thusly can't possibly know what's going on over here. One of them will then quote extensively in a posting from one of the left wing blogs, with no sense of how this is self-contradictory.
My thoughts on this are that I'll have a tisane...chamomile, if you have the tannins in tea do not sit well with me after I've had morning coffee.
Ahhh chamomile - good for the tummy. Lemon?
I say, rather... biscuits anyone?
tee hee..
It's snowing here in Lotus Land again, which makes me want to say (Quickly slams hand on mouth... grabs paper bag... breaths deeply) fuddle duddle.
Oh and LuLu, you fancy shod dear, I'll be about for tea later on. You choose. I like to be a polite guest.
you fancy shod dear
Well, I must say kind sir, that I quite fancy that new appellation. I'm thinking Earl Grey ... classic yet soothing.
If it makes you feel better, sailor, I've already kicked my filing cabinet. Twice.
grabs paper bag... breaths deeply) fuddle duddle.
...*gasp*...My word!
Of course, I'm just being awful. That was ever so much fun, Dave.
What a marvelous party this is turning out to be. Is it too early for Dubonnet and gin?
Well, scrolling up to look, I'd say A and B have been met quite nicely already.
(Such liberties to take with your reputation, Mr. PSA, I am quite aghast at such shenanigans.)
As to C, I'd endeavour that 'tis only a matter of time...Ah! Just a bit more milk if you would Lulu, ah, thank you. Marvelous.
Ti-guy, I couldn't have liked it better, and its never too early for gin.
I think next time we do this, we should definitely have it catered. Do have another cookie, Robin, they're shortbread - perfect with tea.
My fancy shod dear, Earl Grey would be most appropriate for an afternoon bit of relaxation. I quite concur - cater the affair. Spread the wealth and all that.
If you don't mind I have some small French pastries I'll bring along.
Oh dear. Does this mean your filing cabinet has pointy little dents in it?
Ti-Guy: Isn't this just the grandest event? I say, watch your footing there. Seems someone has left something next to PSA, poor fellow.
No, but there is a most unfortunate scuff mark on the bottom drawer.
Pastries would be such a treat - I do love an éclair.
Hi, all, and I'm SO sorry I'm late. Traffic was just a...well, YOU know. Tee hee.
Lulu, I hope these are okay, they're from a darling little gelateria up on Preston. The Swiss be darned (pardon my French), but NOBODY does chocolate pastries like the Italians, I alway say.
Did somebody say Dubonnet and gin?
Balby, a man after my own heart. Signore Calabro of the Pasticceria Gelateria Italiana certainly knows his way around a pastry.
Your excruciatingly polite thoughts in the comments. CC, milk or lemon in your tea?
Well, LuLu, that would depend on the type tea you are serving,...
pip pip
Oh btw, exactly which BTer's join the challenge? Or are we going to nail them because they didn't formally decline?
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