Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lies, damned lies and Sitemeter statistics.

The boys at SadlyNo catch the twatwaffles at Powerline acting like chain-store furniture salesmen. Personally, I'm not sure what the problem is -- I think that's a terrific idea:

If memory serves, Feb. 19 was either "Get linked from Pharyngula" Day or "Naked Kathy Shaidle" Day, both being equally newsworthy but only one involving a sudden case of the dry heaves and bleeding from the eyes.

Canadian Cynic: Up to 5,000 visits a day. Come for the snark; stay for the gratuitous, guilt-free mockery and ridicule.


Red Tory said...

At least you didn't say "consistently"... ;)

anthrosciguy said...

My site -- which critiques a fringe science theory -- usually gets a core audience which is not large (I'm happy with it). It was interesting to see the spikes when I got linked to by Pharyngula and later Matthew Yglesias. Instant big numbers.