Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Ah, the Rebel News griftiness: I called it.

Go watch the 1:13 of bloviating colostomy bag and Rebel News butt plug Chad Williamson here, then come back. I'll wait.

OK, so what did we learn? Simple.

First, if truckers leave voluntarily, they will not be charged, which means they have no need for legal representation. And if they don't leave voluntarily, they can be charged under various pieces of legislation, for which there is absolutely not even the slightest fucking chance of a valid legal defense, and the judge will tell Chad to please put a fucking sock in it, thanks very much.

In short, at this point, there is no need whatsoever to be collecting donations for a legal defense, as you either don't need one, or you're fucked, anyway.

Pure grift. And I called it, didn't I?

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