Monday, August 24, 2009

Apparently, I was wrong about that racism.

Stephen Harper hates old, blind, white people, too. Tune in tomorrow when a number of Blogging Tories suggest that that freeloading, law-breaking tramp had it coming.

BONUS TRACK: Apparently, the Stephen Harper Party of Canada can't figure out who they want to abandon arbitrarily.


Dr.Dawg said...

Entirely consistent, alas. Untermenschen and "useless eaters."

sooey said...

My gawd - that's so mean it's like comedy.

MgS said...

Sooey - mean spirited is where the Con$ start. They sink lower from there.

Anonymous said... know another short, white, male, right-wing prime minister whose surname starts with "H" and ends in "er" who hated Polish people, brown people, black people, and who demanded that the military start arming against the Russians?

//Godwinned, I know

Dr.Dawg said...

Hey, I started it. :)

double nickel said...

And now CBC is reporting that Harper is going to the SCOC to prevent Khadr's return to Canada. Disgusting.

Boris said...

Is it now finally OK to draw Hitler moustaches on pictures of Stevo?

wv = raserin: a slang term, combining the verb 'erase" and noun 'race' used by Canadian Conservative politicians and staffers to describe their practice of gleefully removing citizens and visitors of non-Western European extraction, from Canada and/or preventing their return once abroad.

The phrase was first thought to be coined at the annual Conservative Party cross burning, hog roast and machine gun shoot outside Delisle, SK, where Conservative race policy was first formulated.

sooey said...

No need to invent anything. Reality is worse. The Reform Party oozed forth from Alberta's rightwing fringe element. Now one of them is Prime Minister.

Balbulican said...

I yield to no-one in my fondness for dumping on Mr. Harper. But in this case I don't see anything in the coverage that suggests the woman's claim to refugee status is justifiable. So...?

sooey said...

But you do see the hilarity in the family values government, just, oh, randomly deciding to deport a harmless old blind WHITE non-Canadian from the country in the midst of piling on when actual non-white Canadians are stranded abroad, right?

Omigawd - "liarapo"

CC said...

Pay attention, Balb. As I read it, she was given some very bad advice to apply for refugee status, which came back to bite her in the butt.

She would have been better off, say, applying on humanitarian grounds, or getting sponsored by a family member, or something like that (feel free to correct me if I'm getting it wrong).

But to deport an elderly, legally blind woman when she has family members here is the epitome of heartlessness.

Oh, this is Stephen Harper we're talking about here. My bad. Carry on.

Balbulican said...

"Pay attention, Balb."

Thanks, CC. I CAN read. I'm sorry she got, accepted, and acted on bad advice, and put in a claim without legal merit. If you choose to see enforcing the law as an act of "hatred", no problem. I think that's the kind of silly overstatement I'm more used to seeing from wingnuts like Scenty, that's all.

CC said...

Don't play the "letter of the law" card here, Balb. It's quite possible that what's happened to that woman is as a result of following the law to the absolute letter. Just as it's obvious that this government has all sorts of latitude to override such things.

To suggest that there's no reason for outrage here because of the precise wording of the law doesn't really cut it. Or were you suggesting something different?

Sparky said...

Of course he's suggesting it-
"See! The gov't followed the law and you guys still get your panties in a twist!!"
It's their version of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" and someone's bound to pipe up "No matter what we do, you guys won't be happy..."

Dr.Dawg said...

Well, that's not really fair to Balb. But the problem here is that she was given bad advice and followed it. I do think that humanitarian impulses should have kicked in at this point, but we're dealing here with silicon-based lifeforms.

[OK, go ahead and call me a "carbonist." I don't care.]

wv="scroewin." What the government is doing to any unfortunate within range.

Sparky said...

Yeah, if we're just going to enforce the letter of the law, why the hell do we need a Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration? I mean, law enforcement officers enforce the laws--what's the ministry doing?
Oh right, dealing with cases that require someone with authority above the 'letter of the law'.
And a backbone to do what's right--not what's expedient for his party.
It doesn't matter about the failed refugee claim--anyone with any shred of humanity or compassion would have reassessed this situation and come up with a better solution.
Jason Kennedy enforced the deportation order? You heartless bastard! (knowing that it may not have been JK directly enforcing the order, but he's the minister, therefore resonsible for what his ministry does)

liberal supporter said...

They have to Absolutely Inflexible

Lindsay Stewart said...

balbulican is right. the letter of the law was followed even if the spirit of the law was not. and even as machiavellian as the cons are, i doubt there's sufficient candlepower in kenney's little bulb to make a connection between deporting the old lady and mitigating the appearance of racism in harpergov's racist behaviour.

sooey said...

Ohferchrissakes - the juxtaposition is hilarious! Gawd. What a bunch of pointy heads ya'll are being.