Monday, March 10, 2008

Pimp my your blog, bee-yotch!

Since I plan on spending the better part of today cramming open source software onto a cheap wireless router for Chez CC, this is an opportunity for the quieter members of the Progress-o-sphere to pop their heads out of their holes and say hi.

Here, let me be more direct -- if you want to blogwhore, now's your chance. Don't waste it.

P.S. Bonus points for supplying a hyperlink.


Lindsay Stewart said...

Shouldn't that be pimp your blog?

jazzizbest said... "Moments of Clarity"...okay, so it is not politics or pointing out the inherent idiocy of the right wingers...but does recc some music and prose... :-)

Red Tory said...

What the heck.

Go watch Truth in Advertising. You'll be glad you did.

The Seer said...

A bomb just went off in Albany, NY.

The New York Times reportedly is reporting that Elliott Spitzer, the crime-fighting governor of New York, is "involved" with a prostitution ring. I have to say "reportedly" is reporting because the site has crashed. Early reports suggest Gov Spiter was involved as a consumer.

You libruls are going to say it's all right for the gov to be involved with prostitution because it was all right for US Sen Vitter of Louisiana to be involved with prostitutes when that story came out. BUT, Sen Vitter is a Republican. You arte also going to ging to complain that former NY GovRockerfeller allegedly lost his life to a heart attack while, at the age of something like 82, in flagrante delictu with a prostitute. But former Gov Rockerfeller also was a Republican. IOKIYAR. Gov Spitzer is a Democrat. This is not OK! Furthermore, this is evidence of the current governator's involvement with organized crime, since organized crime is almost always involved in prostitution.

In the governator's defense, this was no small-time ring. It was a multi-national with offices in New York, Miami and Paris.


Red Tory said...

"reportedly reporting"... Well, right there it has the ring of credibility. Do tell us MORE!

Pale said...

Oh seer...You wanna play pointy finger?
Heh. Scum of the SCUM! Right wing sex scandals? Anyone?
Republican hypocrisy on moral values.

T-Rex had a better one up, but it isn't loading at the moment.

Boris said...

I sense a fluctution in the Republican - Democrat sex scandal value exchange rate - must 10:1 now at least.

The Seer said...

From Johnathon Kulick at comes the line of the day: Electricians know better than to stick a fork in a toaster.

The Eternal Gaijin said...

I'll blogwhore for Eternal Gaijin.

The Seer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Seer said...

Old Dogs & New Tricks:

Bob Novak has a new trophy. The columnist who outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson was seen at The Girdiron Dinner this weekend with Ann Coulter on his arm.

KEvron said...

viagra! cialis! cheap!
