Monday, March 17, 2008

The crime and death report, Neo Conservative style.

Hey, kids ... let's check in on Blogging Tory "Neo Conservative" and see where what's left of his mind is today. There's:

"Mommy, why is Daddy's computer always showing pictures of dead people and other icky stuff?"

"Hush, sweetie ... it's just a hobby. And if your teachers ask what happened to you, just tell them you fell down again, OK? Daddy didn't mean it. He never does."


Rev.Paperboy said...

While I agree that neo-con is hateful and about as sharp as a bag of wet mice, do you really want to suggest he abuses his kids?

CC said...

What's the problem, Rev? After all, Neo Conservative blogs anonymously and, as we all know, you can't possibly libel an anonymous blogger.

At least, that's what I've been told for the last several months, while I was being accused of being attracted to little kids. Have things changed while I wasn't looking?

LuLu said...

Neo also finds it hilarious to make homophobic jokes while accusing me of being CC's "transgender" sockpuppet.

While I think we should definitely be above that garbage, unfortunately you have to get down in the dirt sometimes so that drooling fucktards like Neo can understand.

CC said...


A subtle but critical correction: Neo himself will never understand the analogy here. Neo is one of those dumbshits who will happily engage in tacky and classless behaviour, then howl loudly about the inherent unfairness of it all when he might be subjected to the very same thing. Because, you know, that's different.

In any event, I don't see where I accused Neo of anything. I merely pointed out his fixation with things related to violence, death and dirty foreigners, then presented some imaginary dialogue which didn't directly refer to Neo in any way. If you chose to draw a logical connection between the two, well, I'd say that was your dirty mind at work. :-)

LuLu said...

You also swear and are lacking in civility so, therefore, there's just no point in talking to you ;-)

Rev.Paperboy said...

Hey, just asking. Far be it for a foulmouthed pseudonym-using left blogger like me to take the high road.