Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thank you, Washington Post.

Via Dave over at TGB, we see that the braintrusts at the WaPo gave the actual grownups a shot at the op-ed page.

Cue the wingnut-o-sphere decrying Corn as an angry, unhinged, deranged, leftist moonbat, even if he is right.


Anonymous said...

The righties always mystify me with the image of the 'angry unhinged leftist moonbat'.

The fact that they can look at the mass of Chaos that is the middle east and not see it is beyond my ability to comprehend. 2-300 innocent civillians people dying daily. 19,000 some odd prisoners from the country we are occupying in jail for fighting an invasion.

It's just plain crazy. If some country invaded America. Do you think everybody would just sit here and take it? No. There'd be insurgents here fighting against the foreign power too... and if the foreign power is strong enough to defeat the military the only chance civilians have is guerrilla warfare.

Add to that all the BS Bush has done domestically. Like claiming the right to toss habeas corpus, the PATRIOT act, manipulation of science, ignorance of the law, violation of the FISA act. His response to the Gulf Coast essentially being wiped off the map. His deal to sell our ports to a foreign country. His handling of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. His complete lack of interest in Bin Ladin ( despite his assurances that he'd be captured dead or alive ). A comprehensive list of all the ways Bush has fucked over America would take pages to compile.

I don't care what party a President belongs too. If he's doing this much to damage to my country then he is one of those threats against the Constitution that all of Congress and the President himself sword to protect it against. He deserves to be impeached, removed and criminally tried.

If a Democrat claimed the ability to open my mail, intercept my email, arrest me on a 'hunch' and put me into a hole somewhere to be tortured I'd be calling for his impeachment too. Yet I don't hear the wingnuts calling out against Bush. They'll impeach Clinton over a BJ but won't even consider it for felony violation of Federal Law on Bush.

I guess it's ok when a Republican does it.

So as far as the illusion of the 'angry moonbat' it's bullshit. The way I see it, if you're not angry, no matter what party or ideology you're involved in, then you're deranged.

Ti-Guy said...

...if you're not angry, no matter what party or ideology you're involved in, then you're deranged.

Hence, William Kristol's glassy-eyed, thousand-yard stare and that permanent, silly grin of his. Barking mad.

Were American conservatives always like this, or did something permanently snap with a lot of them on 9/11? I use to think a lot of them were just lying, but now I'm sure most of them are truly insane.

Red Tory said...

Not to worry, I'm sure "the Dean" will soon step in to restore order and sanity to the WP's op/ed page.

Anonymous said...

"So as far as the illusion of the 'angry moonbat' it's bullshit. The way I see it, if you're not angry, no matter what party or ideology you're involved in, then you're deranged." -- Thus spake "e in md."

Hmmm. Why ... yes, e in md. You would say that. To a insane man the normal would appear insane. Just ask stinky Steve, the squeegee man cum corner preacher, over there sleeping on the grate.

For example, an insane man cannot see reality. So, here wa have you, e: "Clinton was impeached for a BJ." Was he really? Please look at the impeachment articles again. Nothing about BJs there. Or how about this? Bush committed a "felony violation of Federal Law [sic]." Did he? Which federal felony did he commit? What's the evidence?

Also, the insane, in addition to seeing everyone else as insane, always think everyone is lying. See "Ti-Guy" for the best example of this. "Conservatives are all liars. Everything they say that I disagree with is a lie. Lies. Lies. Lies."

Yes, my dear dim friend, e in md, you are indeed a "moonbat."

Ti-Guy said...

"Conservatives are all liars. Everything they say that I disagree with is a lie. Lies. Lies. Lies."

Well, I must admit I've taken license with the word "liar," only because I'm saving myself some time. I can't possibly know the disposition of one's conscience when he or she asserts something he or she has no way of knowing, and I really don't care. Are those really lies? Meh...prove otherwise, or shut up.

Try again or shut up, Novena.

The Seer said...

"Were American conservatives always like this, or did something permanently snap with a lot of them on 9/11? I use to think a lot of them were just lying, but now I'm sure most of them are truly insane."

The answer, ti-guy, is that American conservatives have been like this since "time immemorial."

The reason Franklin D. Roosevelt proped up Winston Charchill was to conceal the fact that he had entered an alliance with Joe Stalin to defeat Adolf Hitler. FDR's thinking was that when Nazi Germany and the USSR get into a war with each other, one of them's going to win and the one that does win is going to control all of the European continent and half of Asia. It was only a matter of time before the winner came knocking on our door. But an alliance with Joe Stalin would have been unacceptable to Republicans. So FDR sold his war as the defense of Britain, and protrayed Churchill as a hero.

Our current Decider fancies hisself as second Winston Churchill. But instead of relying on FDR to bankroll his war, Bush relies on Hu Jintao.

But look at it this way: Churchill was willing to fight Germany, rather than, say Portugal or Peru. So at least FDR got his money's worth.