Thursday, April 03, 2008

Popcorn, dammit! We need more popcorn!

And yet another self-absorbed wank tries to mess with the grown-ups. There's a reason they call it the "kid's table," Mike. You should toddle back there quietly, before things get unpleasant.


E in MD said...

And if that doesn't work, he's going to tell his Mommy.

And she'll REALLY take care of you!

LuLu said...

Perhaps Mike can discuss the dirty secret of the Islamification of feminism with Warren ... or maybe not.

Ti-Guy said...

Now, now...we all remember what we were like when we were 12...

As far as I know, Mike "Cock' Brock has never written anything anti-aboriginal, so he may have a point. Where on Earth he got the idea that responding with such risible high dudgeon and so pseudo-legally to someone like Warren Kinsella would be effective is something that's just too tragic to speculate about.