Once upon a time (not that long ago) and in response to this blog post of mine, University of Alberta student and Edmonton resident Patrick Ross (Hint, hint ... over here, Google!) figured he'd be devilishly witty and clever by posting another example of bogus equivalence:
The absolute atrociousness of white supremacists aside, you really just don't think these things through, do you?
Au contraire, Patrick Ross ... I believe it's safe to say that I think so far ahead that you have no idea what kind of train is about to run you over. So let me explain.
It's been amusing (but only on occasion) to watch "Nexus of Assholery" blogger Patrick Ross fume and sputter and rant inanely, mostly just making shit up and lying outrageously, when he isn't mangling the English language. But let me explain how Patrick has, at this point, so thoroughly fucked himself in a very long-term, career-wise kind of way. And without any help from me whatsoever.
See, as I understand it, Patrick is currently an undergraduate at the University of Alberta, where he is apparently taking (God help us all) sociology. And, as best I can tell, Patrick is having a ball these days. Hey, I remember my undergrad days -- ah, yes, good times, good times. And Patrick is obviously having fun, too, as my co-blogger PSA documented back here, where we learn that the 26-year-old Patrick is still heavily into debating who would win in a smackdown -- King Kong or Godzilla. Or something like that.
But mostly, Patrick has fun with his blog "Nexus of Assholery," at which he seems to want to give the impression of just what kind of kick-ass, fuck-you, he-man, unapologetic asshole he is. I mean, it's been that way from the very beginning, when Patrick introduced himself to the world:

Yes, that's some seriously deep thinking there, isn't it? And, sadly, not much has changed over the years, as Patrick has managed to make a total ass of himself on a number of occasions like, oh, this one. Yes, that was one for the books, wasn't it? And it was just one of many. But here's the thing that I've been leading up to.
See, I'm sure Patrick gets a real kick out of playing the tough shit, fuck you kind of guy so he can impress the 17-year-old undergrads over there at the U of A, but Patrick clearly hasn't thought all that far ahead. Because, against all odds, I'm guessing Patrick is going to graduate some day. And he's going to go looking for a job. And he'll apply to a company or three, and he'll send in a resume, of course, but ...
Yeah, you know where I'm going with this, don't you?
... but these days, HR personnel don't just take your word for anything anymore. It's not like the old days where they might call your references or ask around. No, these days, HR folks have a whole new weapon in their arsenal, don't they?
And it's called "Google."
And when those HR people get Patsy's resume, and decide to figure out what they can learn online about him, well, that's when the hilarity starts. Yeah ... only partway down the page ... Patrick and his "Nexus of Assholery." I'm pretty sure that's not going to score any major points in the HR office, is it? But I'm guessing it won't end there.
Having stumbled on that little nugget, I can see little Suzie HR's antenna stalks perking up as she starts to narrow her search. Oh, my. And at this point, little Suzie HR is off and running. A MySpace page? Oh, frabjous day, calloo, callay! What have we here? Heh heh ...

And, God help us, it just gets better, doesn't it?

And at this point, I can imagine Suzie HR, leaning out of her office and hollering down the hall, "Hey, you have got to take at look at this retard that just applied for a job here! OHMIGOD!! And he's got a mullet!!" Oh, yes, there will be all kinds of amusement, won't there? But I'm guessing Patrick has never thought this far ahead since, when I mentioned only a couple days ago how I was working up to giving him a savage smackdown, this is what he thought I had in mind:

Patrick, Patrick, Patrick ... you really are precious when you're being that retarded. Why on earth would I stoop to something that underhanded, sleazy and (most important) time-consuming? I have no need to lower myself to that level, for the simple reason that I'm so much smarter than you, there is simply no need.
In fact, Patrick, I don't really need to try to fuck you over for the simple reason that you've managed to do that all by yourself. While you've been getting off being a hypocritical, dishonest douchebag, you've also been leaving this indelible Google trail all over the Interwebz that not even a blind orang-utan could miss anymore. And trust me, HR people are way smarter than blind orang-utans.
And, finally, Patrick, I'm guessing that your first reaction is, no problem ... upon graduation, you'll just erase that blog and myspace page and everything will be cool, right?
Heh heh.
First, Patrick, HR people aren't that stupid -- they understand Google caching. But, more importantly, while you can erase your stuff, you can't touch the permanent record you've built up here. At my blog. And I guarantee that Google will find you here, especially if I regularly post "Patrick Ross" updates. I might even put together a Patsy Ross retrospective one of these days. You know -- a collection of your greatest (retarded) hits, as it were. With lots of Patsy-flavoured keywords to get Google's attention.
Which finally brings me to my wrap-up, where I explain that I have no intention of deleting any of Patsy's comments any more. The longer the Google trail, the better. But if something Patsy says here really irks you and you feel the need to respond, do me a favour and make sure you quote him in sufficient context. Because, since Patsy would still have the ability to delete his own comments, I still want a trail of what he wrote, so your quoting him in sufficient detail would be nice, thank you very much.
In closing, Patsy, there's only one of us here who didn't think this through very well. And, trust me, it wasn't me. Enjoy.
P.S. If Patrick doesn't think being a thoroughly public asshole can come back and bite you in the butt, he might want to chat with Kathy Shaidle, who's publicly whining about being unemployed these days, mostly I'm guessing because no one wants to hang out with such a vile, reprehensible bigot.
But I'm just guessing.
P.P.S. By the way, Patsy, I hope you appreciate the most beautiful part of this spanking, and that's that it doesn't involve anything that you haven't put in the public domain.
Track you down by your IP address? Send people to harass you? What on earth for, given that it's so much more satisfying to just hang you by your own words. Ironic, eh? Have fun trying to clean up your Intertoobs droppings, Patsy. It's not as easy as you think.
I know this isn't about me, but...
My strange, sexually explicit comments directed at Conservatives? Oh, God...how CREEPY!
All that time and effort I put into being vile and Fwank thinks I've been flirting with that collection of doughy feebs and dweebs?
...Can't. Get. Clean. Must. Srub. Harder...
lulus swollen, water retaining ankle
Excuse me?
A) My ankles are fabulous;
B) Hellooooooo ... the picture is of my foot - no ankle anywhere; and
C) Is that Mesopotamia West "Frank" talking smack about my ankles? I'm going to give him SUCH a PINCH.
All that aside, it was totally worth the wait, CC. Hilarious.
Don't tell me it was that creepy old swing-sniffer?
It's so cute how, even though they've grown up with the net all around then, generation Y etc seem to still have some kind of expectation of privacy and this belief that things will just disappear online.
Google has a long long memory...
I don't know. Aren't the skills Patrick possesses in great demand in the Conservative Party, the Alberta oil patch and a lot of the marketing and PR industry (for which a degree in sociology is very well-suited)? Wouldn't Wingnuttia look upon his record with admiration and approval?
You think he'd make the cut to get to the point where they google his name?
He would be more likely to get past the first cut in places where they don't know enough to google. There, they just type his name right into the browser and tack on .com, right?
Like this!
The self-proclaimed baddest man on the planet? Which planet does he mean?
Yep, he's bad. Sooooper Bad. Badder than bad. Can just imagine him gitting down with his own bad self.
Just a suggestion, but should Patsy ever get to the physical interview stage he might want to think about losing the mullet.
Aren't the skills Patrick possesses in great demand in the Conservative Party
LH: Your skills are complete. Indeed you are powerful, as the Emperor has forseen.
PR: Thank you Lord Harper.
LH: Have you obtained the secret of the CC?
PR: Their resistance to the mind probe is considerable, it will take more time.
LH: You must obtain the secret, otherwise how can we make an example of them and force the others in line?
PR: I will obtain the secret of the CC. I have abilities of which they can only imagine. Sooner or later, one of the rebels will turn, and the secret of the CC will be mine! We need only offer enough money.
LH: I hope so, for your sake. The Emperor is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress.
PR: We need more brains.
LH: My brains are not enough for you? I find your lack of faith disturbing.
PR: (gag) (choke)
GWB: Enough of this! Harper, release him!
LH: As you wish, my master.
liberal supporter wins thread. LuLu ankles defeat frank, CC resounds with extra win. patrick ross = the nexus of fail.
That’s it? I must say, not exactly a masterful deduction there, Moriarty.
I thought the future detriments of Patrick’s online jackassery once he actually gets around to venturing into the “real world” were fairly obvious to any sentient person. In a matter of a few simple keystrokes, any HR professional worth his/her salt would quickly discover what an arrogant, self-important, pretentious and thoroughly obnoxious buffoon he is. Even if they’re too foolish or ignorant to formulate that impression beforehand, I’m confident his demented pathology will readily become apparent to them... much to their regret.
PSA: "liberal supporter wins thread"
Okay, alternate ending:
GWB: Enough of this! Harper, release him!
LH (softly): I'm sorry Dave... I'm afraid I can't do that.
EH? EH?? Good? Yes?
Excellent twist ending, Crabby - totally didn't see that one coming.
Yes, very good.
*snatches trophy from LS, gives it to Crabby*
with a degree in soc (if he ever gets around to graduating - at 26, twats clearly hasn't opted for the fast track), he'll probably end up working for some govt bureau, were the hiring standards aren't as stringent as the private sector. he's out-played you, cc.
Oh no!! Liberal Supporter... you and me... Cage Match?
I'll bring tequila and full hockey equipment for both of us. As CC might ask, what could possibly go wrong?
Maybe Dick Evans will give the poor mulleted fool a job testing hard hats or something...
So that's it, huh?
That's all you have?
I think I need a word lower than pitiful for this one.
you can look through the dictionary while in line at the unemployment line Patrick. While you're at it, you might want to look up "petard" and "hoist" -- I think you've just had "own" spelled out to you. You might also look up the phrase "enough rope" on the intertoobz.
Poor Patrick.
So filled with teenaged piss and vinegar that he doesn't even realize he's screwed himself 10 ways to Sunday.
I wonder how long it will take Kathy Shaidle to realize that unsuccessful job search may be linked to the fact that no employer with black, Aboriginal or Muslim employees, clients, supervisors or markets will ever, ever hire her.
Patrick...stepping down from the swaggering bloggy bullshit for a second, CC's point is absolutely right. Anyone who ever intends to work, or run for political office, needs to remember that pretty much everything that goes online in their name is going to be read by the folks considering their resume or candidacy. That's not a threat - that's a simple fact.
By the way, I'm quite puzzled by Patrick's attitude that this isn't a big deal. Does he sincerely believe that any employer is going to even remotely consider someone who, in his 20s and a university student, wrote:
"I am an asshole, and I am proud of it. OK, maybe I'm not really an asshole, I'm just called one quite a bit. There are probably a few reasons for this. The biggest one, I find, is because there are simply too many people with whom I don't agree."
Go online and check out job listings. Pick a random category. And notice that, whatever position you're looking at, one of the inevitable requirements is that you "work well with others" or be a "team player", or something to that effect.
It's bad enough that a university student in his mid-20s doesn't understand that. It's even more hilarious when he's a sociology student and should have at least an inkling of social dynamics and a modicum of interpersonal skills. And yet, well, there you are.
It's truly mind-blowing, isn't it? Good luck at Workopolis, Patrick. Let us know how that turns out.
Maybe Patrick is planning on a job in journalism. He has a most impressive collection of bylines from the school paper and surley someone is looking for a movie monster analyst. After all, he has his own personal definition of exclusive, that must be worth something. Or not.
Patsy, you ignorant prat, here's some free advice from someone who works for one the largest consulting firms in Canada - good luck finding a job. Seriously.
The first thing my HR Director does is Google applicants. Sooooo, unless you have outstanding grades and considerable experience in your field, you're so not getting hired. Factor in your degree in Sociology (which is barely one step up from PoliSci - hello useless) and your age (26 and still in school - not impressive) ... well, let's just say I hope you know people.
Because if you don't fall into the "it's what you know" category, you damn sure better have a stake in the "it's who you know" category. I hear Denny's is hiring but somehow, I just don't see you succeeding in the service industry.
I was going to mention the very same thing. 'Cuz, while Patsy might be abysmally ignorant about how the world works, I have it on good authority that, when it comes to pre-screening a job applicant, Google is absolutely Step One for the vast majority of HR personnel.
And given how many at least moderately competent (or even just plain mediocre) applicants are out there scrambling for work, who in their right mind would give someone with Patsy's Google history more than about three seconds attention?
At the moment, Patsy appears to be blissfully disconnected from reality. And good for him, I hope he enjoys it. Because when it's time to go job-hunting, I suspect Patsy is going to get a really rude lesson in the way the job market operates.
But I'm just guessing, of course.
To move this away from Nexus and employment specifically, I wonder how many of our Western Canadian blogging friends realize that they've effectively eliminated themselves from any possible run at politics, at pretty much any level?
Right, Richard?
The first thing any political opponent in any election is going to do is dig up and parse blog-utterances, then frame anything even mildly dubious in as damaging a way as possible. Of course, careful framing won't be necessary in quoting folks like Richard, Patrick, Kathy, Kate, or others, who make no bones about their - err - free and frank views.
It's a bit like getting a tattoo on your forehead when you're fifteen, isn't it...except, of course, the tattoo can be removed when you grow up.
"The first thing any political opponent in any election is going to do is dig up and parse blog-utterances, then frame anything even mildly dubious in as damaging a way as possible."
So then you're essentially telling me that the best thing you clowns can come up with is "he used dirty language on the internets"?
Sure, Twatrick, that's all this was about ... that you used dirty language on the internets. Whatever you say. Whatever reality makes you happy.
Oh, man, I so want to be there when the real world lowers the boom on Twatrick. I'd pay to see that.
If you think so, Cynic. But let's consider the big picture here for a minute.
Who do you think is really in for a bigger "boom" from the "real world" of which you speak?
Someone who used some dirty, brazen language on the internet?
Or someone who attacked the mother of a dead soldier, wished death on a political commentator, encouraged people to harass the family of a political opponent (then feebly tried to dissemble his way around that), reneged on his own offer to donate $250 to a sick kids' charity, and all of the other awful things you've done via this blog?
So, the worst thing you can dig up is some dirty language. Meanwhile, you've used your blog to consistently and constantly demonstrate that you're just a terrible person.
Yep, I'd say one of us is in for a rude awakening, and the more you keep running away from it, the ruder it's going to be, bud.
And it's going to happen. Count on it.
God help us all, but Patsy continues to blither:
" ...let's consider the big picture here for a minute.
Who do you think is really in for a bigger "boom" from the "real world" of which you speak?"
I don't know, Patsy. And I'd love to hang out and argue the point, but I'm currently preparing to go off and consult for a Fortune 50 company for several weeks for an obscene daily rate, due to the fact that I am a genius. And I can assure you that my clients don't give a fuck about what I do with my spare time, and they've never heard of Wanda Watkins and they couldn't care less.
So I'll keep doing what I'm doing, while you practise asking people if they like to supersize that. Does that work for you? Good. Because it works for me.
Have fun with the Fry-o-lator. And try not to crumple the cute paper hats.
"So then you're essentially telling me that the best thing you clowns can come up with is "he used dirty language on the internets"?"
Not quite the point.
It's not "us clowns". It's:
- anyone you ever hope to work for, or
- anyone whose vote you may want to attract.
I'm not a regular reader of your blog, so I don't really know what kind of stuff I'd find if I went through it. But if you were applying to me for a job, I would.
I don't care much about strong language, having spend a couple of formative years working with an Italian construction crew. Some folks probably do.
Sure, Cynic. And we all believe you.
After all, it isn't as if you aren't a proven liar, or anything like that.
And genius? Hardly. Wow. You just dug your own credibility's grave with that one.
Patrick: "So then you're essentially telling me that the best thing you clowns can come up with is "he used dirty language on the internets"?"
Yeah, CC, you're stupid and your mother dresses you funny. So there ... neener, neener, neener. Or at least so sayeth that paragon of intelligent discourse, Patsy the corpulent, mullet-sporting fuckwit.
Now fuck off, Patrick - it's not fun anymore. Mocking you is now on a par with mocking the disabled and really, isn't that more the Right's thing?
Considering your boss' great love of the word "retard"?
Evidently not.
As for lil' Balby here, because he still doesn't seem to get it:
"It's not "us clowns". It's:
- anyone you ever hope to work for, or
- anyone whose vote you may want to attract."
If you say so. But you clowns clearly have no idea how public opinion actually works.
"So, you used dirty language on the internet?"
"Yes. I used dirty language on the internet. What about it?"
What about it?
Hey, I realize it's not quite on par with telling the mothers of dead soldiers to fuck off, reneging on an offer to donate money to charity, or publishing the home address of political opponents so you can make their family a target.
But none of that stuff would be damaging, would it?
Patrick Ross, eternal fuckwit, said "Blah, blah, blah ... Bwah hahahahahahah!! Victory is mine because I say it's mine."
Feel free to cut and paste just so you don't have to tax your tiny little mind coming up with more of your oh-so cutting remarks. I wouldn't want you to break anything.
It's not your language. Although I suppose some feint hearts might blanch a little at that; it's the fact that you're obnoxious — and evidently, quite proud of being so. That would be a turn-off for most HR pros as, in addition to being "politically correct" by necessity, they also tend to err on the side of caution when evaluating potential hires. Of course, there may be some companies that find such qualities appealing. Collection agencies come to mind...
'If you say so. But you clowns clearly have no idea how public opinion actually works."
Ah. As opposed to the mid-twenties sociology students in our midst?
Oh, dear. I dimly remember being that young, but not that dumb.
I already had two kids by that age...
Now there's dumb for ya.
Collection agencies come to mind...
Skip tracers are always 'in demand'...
But, seriously he could could go into the bail bondsman field. Barely controlled anger? Check. Obnoxious personality? Check. Corpulent mullet-head? Check. Ex-convict biker? Ok, no. But Twatsy is already halfway into 'Dog' Chapman territory.
Automotive and real estate sales might be another area of potential opportunity for phony bastards unencumbered by scruples or the rudiments of human decency. As well, I’m certain there are plenty of other fields of endevour in which being an uncouth buffoon may actually be a positive asset. Meat packing or animal rendering, for example.
"...phony bastards unencumbered by scruples or the rudiments of human decency..."
And that, folks, is what social psychologists refer to as "projecting".
"Ah. As opposed to the mid-twenties sociology students in our midst?"
Balby, let me explain it to you this way: because evidently you need it explained to you on account of not knowing anything.
If Arnold Schwarzenegger can get away with admitting steroid use, I can get away with some bad language on the internet.
So I would dare say your glee at the prospect of having destroyed someone's career is more than just a little premature (amongst other things I'm betting you clowns do prematurely).
Yawn. Colour me unimpressed, kids.
Dear Mr. PR: I sincerely hope you do well in the employment world. I would like, if I may, to ask you to help me in my future career.
You need only confirm here that you and I have never met, and we did not prearrange anything beforehand. Thank you.
My future career is to be a stage magician and fortune teller. In an earlier thread, "Nice family you got there ...", we see CC asking the following:
Well, now, isn't this intriguing? After Twatrick howls incessantly about what kind of liar I am, I supply an absolutely and utterly indisputable example of his dishonesty -- the one regarding describing another blogger as my "political opponent."
As most of you know, that accusation is clearly untrue under any sane definition of the phrase "political opponent." So how do you think Twatrick is going to respond?
* Flail madly, then change the subject?
* Insist on redefining normal English words to make his claim true by definition?
* Ignore my demonstration entirely?
* Realize he's made a completely erroneous claim and retract it in its entirety?
HAHAHA! I just threw that last one in for entertainment value. Really.
I provided a response, in fact a prediction of the future:
I know, I know! (raising hand)
He will bide his time, then create a complete list of all your bad things hoping nobody will be bothered to do a point by point demolition, then claim the unaddressed points must be true, even if they were buried very deeply in his manure pile.
If Mr. PR will confirm he and I have not colluded in any way, then it is self evident that my prediction, made two days ago has actually come true, right in this thread.
Please Mr. PR, please confirm that we have not colluded. My future career awaits. It's all up to you.
Thanking you in advance.
In case you hadn't figured it out, ls, you're actually unworthy of response.
I'm dignifying you this one time to inform you of that.
(Although I did address Cynic's fallacy here. You probably won't understand it. It helps if you aren't a dishonest twit trying to defy the meaning of the words being used.)
Sweet tap dancing Jesus - don't you have your own blog to be blar-har-harring on, Patrick?
I realize that you troll here because people talk to you even if it is in a point and laugh manner but come on. Go play with your commenters ... oh wait, that's right. You don't have any. Ooops, my bad once again.
Do you confirm that we have never met and have not pre-arranged anything?
^^^^ Oops, that was meant for Mr. PR.
Patsy, you are a sociology student, right? Were you there the day they covered McLuhan? It isn't so much that you use bad language, no one really gives a shit about that unless you're trying to get a job teaching elementary school or working for a church group. It's the message you that you are wrapping up in your inelegant prose with its often fractured grammar and over-reliance on logical fallacies, subject changing, and just plain obnoxiousness.
The message you are sending through your medium of assholery is that you are, in fact, an asshole. Who in their right mind would want to hire an asshole? Especially one that is so proud to be an asshole that he goes around bragging about how big an asshole he is to anyone that will hold still long enough.
Ask around and see if some one will explain the first rule of holes to you, Patsy. And before you go out job hunting, I'd look into a legal name change if I were you. And maybe some professional counseling.
Patsy grandiloquently announces:
"In case you hadn't figured it out, ls, you're actually unworthy of response."
The Twatrick Chronicles, in a nutshell.
Are we done here? Yeah, I think we're done here.
No, Cynic, we'll never be done here.
It'll never end.
Neither you, nor your horde of sycophants, can ever stop it.
Patsy said ...
Or something to that effect. I call stalker!
And that, folks, is what social psychologists refer to as "projecting".
And that's what's known as "denial". If you’d invest in a dictionary, you might realize that, as usual, nothing I said was inaccurate.
"So I would dare say your glee at the prospect of having destroyed someone's career..."
No glee, Patrick. I think you're projecting your own infantile aggression. I'm simply observing - I don't know you, can't think of a reason I'd ever want to, and really don't care what you do to your career. But as a grownup who actually hires, fires, and functions in the adult world, I was pointing something out that a more mature person might have found of interest.
I frankly don't give a fuck about you one way or t'other.
Yeah, I think we're done here.
I wish you were true to your word on this one. Look, why don't you put up the "Best of" post and be done with it. Like, um, forever. Why you waste time on this useless twatwaffle completely escapes me.
Because it's never gonna end, Marty.
I'm going to make your lives absolutely miserable for the duration, kids.
And the hilarious thing about it is: you're going to just keep on doing what you've done here for the last couple of days. You're just going to keep on making it easy to do. Because none of you are smart enough to do any different.
"No glee, Patrick. I think you're projecting your own infantile aggression. I'm simply observing - I don't know you, can't think of a reason I'd ever want to, and really don't care what you do to your career. But as a grownup who actually hires, fires, and functions in the adult world, I was pointing something out that a more mature person might have found of interest."
Now, now, now, Balby. Don't lie.
I'm not the one ranting about "oh, he's gonna find it so tough to find a job now! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
That wasn't me. That was you. And your master.
So where am I projecting anything, chuckles? It's all right here, all in your own words.
How the hell can you lie about something that's in plain sight? How do you do that?
What a clown.
Your a tiresome little prat, Patty. I don't know why CC bothers with you. I really don't. Maybe he's one of those kids who enjoyed burning ants with a magnifying glass for his perverse amusement... It's the best explanation I can come up with. Seems like a total waste of effort otherwise.
And yet you spent so much time on me as well.
...How'd that turn out, Marty? Is that investment in your personal misery seeming particularly wise these days?
Take a deep breath ... it really is over. I'm sure Twatrick is going to continue to make an ass of himself on a regular basis and all that's going to accomplish is adding to his already legendary online public record.
Time to find more worthwhile opponents. I wonder what Dr. Roy is up to these days ...
Patrick — Unlike you, I have no problem whatsoever admitting when I’ve made a mistake, or am in the wrong. For example, I was most definitely wrong to have paid the slightest bit of attention to your shitty little blog in the first instance (as it was, I only did so as a supplementary afterthought to the actual target of my original post). Little did I know that you would obnoxiously elbow your way onto my comments section and proceed to make a flaming jackass out of yourself alienating everyone in sight… Bravo! I'm sure you were mighty proud of yourself. Sadly, everyone was just laughing at your absurd pretensions; the general consensus being that you were as thick as a whale omelette.
I was wrong to have once imagined that you may not have been the uncouth, catastrophically moronic, pompous fuckwit you play on the Internet. Sheesh, what the hell was I thinking? Idiot! I was likewise wrong in believing that you might perhaps eventually grow out of your craven, solipstic bubble of comment moderation and manipulative censorship. Silly me, I forgot that you’re pathologically deranged. Ask for participation and then censor out anything “objectionable” and use every dissenting comment as an opportunity for your own arrogant chest-thumping and triumphal crowing. Absolutely pathetic.
Bud, ever wonder why you have NO COMMENTS on your site (except for “Frank” of course)? A: Nobody wants to play your silly little mind games, asshole. Grow the fuck up already. Stop being such a narcissistic dipshit. Get a life. Get laid… get a girlfriend or boyfriend… or whatever. Get a job for chrissake.
And yes, I was absolutely dead wrong to waste whatever small effort was involved in pointing out your egregious stupidity, rank ignorance and hapless idiocy time and time and time again. From your hilariously sub-Janke detective work in connection with the SPP fracas, to thinking that the McDonald-Cartier Highway was named after Jacques Cartier, to contending that the Vimy Memorial was cast out cement, to your latest ludicrous boner asserting that I’m homophobic... it goes on and on. My bad for shooting fish in a barrel.
RT writes of Twatrick:
"Grow the fuck up already. Stop being such a narcissistic dipshit. Get a life. Get laid… get a girlfriend or boyfriend… or whatever."
Apparently, RT is unaware that, these days, Google is a popular destination for folks checking out potential significant others as well.
I'm guessing Twatrick isn't going to have any more success there, either.
Well, indeed. I'm mercifully out of that dismal loop...
Sure, Marty, sure.
Then some of us selectively quote from legislation, propose internet voting pipe dreams that anyone with a brain realizes are precisely that, and tries to hold intellectual cowards up to the same level as some of history's greatest thinkers.
Now listen to you mope. You're pathetic, Marty. And at your age? Conducting yourself the way you do, JohnnyTard? Telling me to grow up?
Wake up. Take a look in the mirror. You're projecting your insecurities onto me, Marty, and that's never going to solve your problem.
My grandmother once told me being rude at a young age is evidence of bad upbringing. To be rude at an older age is evidence of bad character.
And you still won't stand up against the things you know were wrong. You knew it was wrong to attack a grieving mother, and you stood up for that. (Don't lie. You did.) You know it's wrong to make a target out of a political opponent's family, and you won't stand up against that. You know it's wrong to lie about people, and you did that. Moreover, when it was proven you you were, you never backed down -- that's when you became a liar.
You want to suggest I'm boorish and rude? I can live with that. Hell, in case you didn't figure it out (and you just aren't that swift, so I know you didn't) that was half the fucking idea.
You, however, like Cynic, are simply a terrible person.
You are a moral and intellectual coward, Marty. The only reason I address you at all, in the slightest, is because it's fun to watch a nearly-60-year-old hypocrite have a temper tantrum like he's six.
And beyond that, keep in mind that I can do to you the things you can't do to me. I can attack your ideas -- and it's fun because your "ideas" are so underdeveloped and amateurish in the first place that they fall right to pieces.
You, on the other hand? You settle for attacking me. Personally. Mostly because you can't attack my ideas because you just aren't smart enough.
And that's how I know that you clowns are so threatened by me. That's how I know you're afraid of me.
And that's why every time you dimwits make these feeble attempts to try and dig some mud to sling, I just laugh. Partially because you're so incompetent you can't even do that properly, but mostly because it's just so typical of you.
Twatrick puffs his chest out with pride:
"You want to suggest I'm boorish and rude? I can live with that. Hell, in case you didn't figure it out (and you just aren't that swift, so I know you didn't) that was half the fucking idea."
And Google files away one more data point with which to towel snap Patsy in the nads when he least expects it.
I wish I could be there.
Oh. My God. That's enough. That is, in fact, the outside of enough.
Patrick, you corpulent, delusional, mullet-sporting, pin-dicked fuckwit, get your head out of your ass. You wouldn't recognize an original idea, or thought process for that matter, if it jumped up and bit you on your doughy ass. You just keep drinking the Kool-Aid™ talking points and vomiting them forth for all and sundry - utterly convinced that you came up with them all on your own.
And that, my dear befuddled jackass, is a sure sign of mental issues. Now be a good little lunatic and fuck off.
Is that really the best you could come up with in terms of my rhetorical malfeasance over the years? How sad.
Then some of us selectively quote from legislation…
Um, not quite, dumbfuck. I keyed in on a particular clause of the proposed legislation in question because it’s my position that you can’t have an extant definition of human life that doesn’t have wider implications in the law, notwithstanding any purported disclaimers to the contrary that are clumsily tacked onto it in order to expediently pretend that it’s some sort of glorious exception that will be perfectly isolated from all other legislation that might follow on.
…propose internet voting pipe dreams that anyone with a brain realizes are precisely that…
Yeah, this is a little thing that we sentient humans in the reality-based world call “discussion” — you might want to familiarize yourself with the concept. I hear it’s quite the fashion in blogging circles these days.
I did indeed throw that seemingly lame idea out for discussion and many people were rather quick to shoot it down and poke various holes in it for one technical reason or another. And yet, I believe that voting machines are prone to tampering and hackery as well… funny that they’ve been adopted nonetheless. But never mind that, it’s all good. As I said, it was just a thought for people to mull over, chew on and/or spit out. It’s a “blog” thing — something you don’t appear to “get” at all. Hence the TOTAL LACK OF COMMENTS on your dismal little, punk-ass blog despite years of effort and endless windy bloviation… Still, it sadly flounders in pathetic obscurity.
...and tries to hold intellectual cowards up to the same level as some of history's greatest thinkers.
Um, again.. No. You’re stupid. Wait… not just stupid, but obdurately so. As I said at the time and have subsequently repeated time and time and time again it was NOT my intention to make any sort of comparison beyond the plain fact of the matter that there is nothing “cowardly” or “wrong” per se in writing under a pseudonym. There are many justifiable and quite perfectly legitimate reasons for doing so — particularly when malicious little pricks like you and your fellow psychopath Werner Von Patels are afoot seeking to tank the professional careers of those with whom you’ve got an axe to grind after having been intellectually spanked six ways to Sunday. But such is your pig ignorant stupidity that you refuse to get it and instead persist in your silly, contrived delusion.
JohnnyTard? Telling me to grow up?
It was a lark, you moron. And a rather funny one at that. I know I certainly got more than a few chuckles out of it, as did quite a number of other people, including a number of folks on the Right and those who were actually targets of my little parody. There’s a big difference between a little frivolously asinine jocularity and really, actually growing up in the sense that I meant when I said that. The fact you can’t differentiate between the two speaks volumes in itself.
You're projecting your insecurities onto me, Marty, and that's never going to solve your problem.
Oooo… Pop Psychology 101! Christ, where did you derive that delicious nugget of insight from? Was it coated in wax film and did it come wrapped around a stick of bubble gum?
My grandmother once told me being rude at a young age is evidence of bad upbringing. To be rude at an older age is evidence of bad character.
It seems that dull form of stupidity runs in the family… I’ve been told these things can be congenital.
And you still won't stand up against the things you know were wrong. You knew it was wrong to attack a grieving mother, and you stood up for that. (Don't lie. You did.)
I don’t have to lie, asshole. My position on this ridiculous matter has been crystal clear from the outset and it hasn’t changed one iota since. I strongly disagreed with the way in which the message in question was delivered by CC in his usual brusque, brutal, “in-your-face” manner, but at the same time, I fully appreciated the nature of his intemperate reaction and the sincere motive driving it because of the tendentious nature of the utterly contemptible proposition that untold more soldiers must die, if for no other reason than to somehow justify and make righteously whole the tragic loss of a grieving mother.
You know it's wrong to make a target out of a political opponent's family, and you won't stand up against that.
I have no interest in or position regarding this affair. Richard Evans is a morally reprehensible person in my opinion and I want nothing whatsoever to do with anything associated with him. I don’t believe I’ve ever made any comment one way or the other in connection with this silly online spat. It’s a pointless waste of time as far as I’m concerned. So shoot me for not “standing up” for poor Dick Evans’ little kiddy-winks. Boo-fucking-hoo.
You know it's wrong to lie about people, and you did that. Moreover, when it was proven you you were, you never backed down -- that's when you became a liar.
I haven’t the foggiest clue what you’re on about here.
You want to suggest I'm boorish and rude? I can live with that. Hell, in case you didn't figure it out (and you just aren't that swift, so I know you didn't) that was half the fucking idea.
This really is like dealing with a 12 yr. old.
Sorry again, but I totally “got” your online, bad-ass persona… being boorish and rude and all. As I’m sure did anyone with an IQ above that of a rock. I just find it really tedious, that’s all. As a would-be outré performance artist in this respect, you’re hopelessly clumsy and painfully amateurish. Please… get a fucking clue.
You, however, like Cynic, are simply a terrible person.
Well, perhaps. That’s quite entirely a matter of opinion, isn’t it? And at the end of days, perhaps not an altogether bad thing…I happen to have great regard for a lot of “terrible” people.
You are a moral and intellectual coward, Marty. The only reason I address you at all, in the slightest, is because it's fun to watch a nearly-60-year-old hypocrite have a temper tantrum like he's six.
Oh, am I supposed to feel somehow ennobled by the fact you deign to address me? Well, la-di-dah, your Majesty. By the way, just for the record, you exaggerate my age by 25% but then you aren’t terribly good with FACTS are you? What a fatuous, addlepated little asshole you are. As for having a “temper tantrum” look at your own shithole of a website. How much of it is DEVOTED to attacking Canadian Cynic and me? Heck for a quite while there your dinky little cyber shit stain was practically a devotional shrine to… me, with even the header appropriating my avatar along with some lame attack on the fact that I had a Paypal button on my site. Go figure.
And beyond that, keep in mind that I can do to you the things you can't do to me. I can attack your ideas -- and it's fun because your "ideas" are so underdeveloped and amateurish in the first place that they fall right to pieces.
Oh… what was that awful smell? Did somebody just fart?
So my “ideas” are not up to your level of supreme excellence, are they? Perhaps you’d like to elaborate on that…
I won’t hold my breath. My nose is another matter.
You, on the other hand? You settle for attacking me. Personally. Mostly because you can't attack my ideas because you just aren't smart enough.
You have “ideas”… Who knew!? Perhaps buried somewhere in that dense, obtuse thicket of pompous bloviating you call a blog there may be some “ideas” that you’ve appropriated wholesale in your intellectual travels here and there, but whatever they may be, they’re diminished and completely undermined by your online jackassery and obnoxious chest-thumping.
And that's how I know that you clowns are so threatened by me. That's how I know you're afraid of me.
Paging Dr. Phil…
Do you honestly, even for a fleeting moment, really think this to be true? If so, you need help. Really, I mean that quite seriously. If you’re being facetious and it’s just part of your online “character” I guess it makes sense, but do you REALLY believe this shit? Why on God’s green earth would anyone in their right mind feel “threatened” by you? You’re a vacuous twat, an idiot… a pompous ass.
My grandmother once told me being rude at a young age is evidence of bad upbringing. To be rude at an older age is evidence of bad character.
My grandmother once told me to marry a woman with small hands. Makes your dick look bigger.
Frank, you are teh Bombe ...
This place has become a complete waste of time.
No it hasn't.
Don't give me that you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings...
I think we have plenty of material for no swearing day!
RT, you're getting way too caught up in this, but I'm assuming that was one last cathartic venting before moving on.
As all of us (except for the perpetually clueless Twatrick) have figured out, he's definitely made a mess of his future employment prospects. With the ubiquity of online searches in HR departments these days, it's going to take even the most mediocre HR peon no more than about eight seconds to learn what kind of self-absorbed, loud-mouthed tool Twatrick is, and that will be the end of his employment prospects.
So let's just leave it here and move on. Bigger fish and all that.
Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest.
It was vintage RT though. Original and funny. Unlike PR's stuff. I read PR's tirades and keep thinking I've read stuff just like it someplace else. It's like he cuts and pastes stuff to make his "devastating" rhetorical attacks.
However, PR did provide more proof that I successfully predicted the future earlier, and now he leaves me unable to use it because he won't acknowledge that we don't know each other and did not collude.
Now the reason I keep pointing this out is because it speaks to the way PR invariably behaves. Suppose I did somehow launch a career as a fortune teller, I would expect PR to come along later to claim we colluded here, solely to destroy my new career. He would do that as soon as he had passed judgment on me for some transgression that somehow insulted him.
He likes to play judge and jury, then play career executioner. Too bad it is backfiring on himself.
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