Monday, June 04, 2007

And stupid woman day keeps rolling along.

It must be some kind of confluence of the stars but, really, how else to explain the estrogen-fueled wave of dumbassitude emanating from the Wank-o-sphere today? Actually, that's kind of unfair since we're talking Kate McMillan here and, well, she is perpetually all about the stupid so it doesn't really count.

Anyway, from two days ago, Kate is still flogging that whole Iraqi province handover thing:

ARBIL, Iraq (AFP) - In a blaze of pomp showcasing Kurdish military muscle, US forces handed over responsibility for security in Iraq's three northern provinces to the Kurdish regional government on Wednesday [...]

The handover was followed by a parade of Kurdish soldiers, including an all-female martial arts display.

Another three provinces handed over, whoo hoo! Although, just for the hell of it, let's follow Kate's link to Gateway Pundit to get a clearer picture, shall we? (emphasis added)

ARBIL, Iraq (AFP) - In a blaze of pomp showcasing Kurdish military muscle, US forces handed over responsibility for security in Iraq's three northern provinces to the Kurdish regional government on Wednesday...

Sulaimaniyah, Arbil and Dohuk provinces are ruled by the Kurdish Regional Government, which has its own executive and ministries and has been spared much of the unrest wracking the rest of Iraq.

You know, I could have predicted that without even following the link. The northern Kurdish regions of Iraq have consistently been more peaceful than the rest of Iraq, so this "handover" was purely symbolic and nothing else but, hey, let's not let the facts get in the way of some mindless cheerleading.

Besides, it's not clear how long things are going to stay quite that peaceful:

Turkish troops mass at Iraq border for possible strike

From south and north, Iraq's Kurdish region felt pressure from two sides, as saboteurs bombed a vital bridge link to Baghdad, and Turkish troops across the border massed for a possible strike.

And if things go downhill in a hurry, I'll do my best to keep you properly informed since, God knows, you won't hear any of the bad news from Kate or her yapping minions, will you?

1 comment:

The Seer said...

This is the problem no one wants to talk about when they argue about getting all the troops out. This is one of the things The Commander Guyt thinks will tie the hands of his succcessor and force his successor to keep some American troops in Iraq forever.