Friday, June 29, 2007

The Politically Correct Right

I've read some of the responses to RightGirl's fit of dung tossing. It occurred to me, and has appeared in some commentary, that it all comes down to a matter of safe targets. RightGirl seems to be hungry for outrage and relishes her position as a dangerous mind. But I found it kind of comic that she has a prominent banner on her page declaring it "Certified Politically Correct Free".

Fair enough, CC Headquarters posts up banners promising free range snark and sarcasm. But, the thing is that RightGirl is absolutely politically correct. Sure, she'll deny it but she is eagerly mouthing the positions of the politic to which she owes fealty. For the left of center, her diatribe against First Nations people is not only politically incorrect, it is abominable, disturbing and crass. But in the wilds of the far right, it is eminently correct.

So, she toes the party line and denigrates all who are brown of skin. But she rears up on her hind legs and whinges at the sky, in political lock step, on all matters Israeli. Heavens forfend that anyone dare protest or criticize Israeli actions. She may be stupid. She may be mean and ugly of spirit. But she is also quite determinedly politically correct. Pavlov's bitch.

See, it's safe to spit hate at those she calls "Injuns" or Moslems because she and her bigot buddies don't believe that anyone cares enough to call them on it. And because they feel safe, correct, if you will, they'll let fling the turds of hate. And just as compliantly they will leap to the defense of Israel, no matter the cause. And they will do so because it is what is expected, it is the politically correct reaction of the modern reactionary zealot: "But they don't call themselves anti-Semitic. Oh no - they know there's too much negative press attached to that. Instead they are "anti-Zionist", and "against Israeli Apartheid". These groups include Jews, much the way there were Jews in Nazi Germany willing to sell out their friends and family members, thinking they would be saved. In the end, everyone died."

So where are all of the outraged and morally traumatized whingers that threw a fit at McClelland's commentary? Where is little Warren Kinsella and his mighty column inch of scorn? Crickets, you say. The right wing PC police are licking the powdered sugar off their fingers, nothing to see here, move along.


Paladiea said...

Great post PSA! And no, I'm not just buttering you up ;)

Anonymous said...

thanks for bringing this out, cc.

I'm going to send the link to that hate mongering post to Prentice and the critics for Aboriginal Affairs. I am so sick of hearing their is no race problem re: aboriginals. When there was that water problem in southern ON a few weeks back, it was dealt with immediately. I remember thinking - Katchechewan...4 years, has it been?

Anonymous said...

Wow... someone's obsessed...

Lindsay Stewart said...

gosh, little richie evans offers up his scintillating commentary from deep in sock-puppet headquarters. how very special (h/t to nonny).

Ti-Guy said...

Indeed...Where is Warren Kinsella? *checks his blog*...Oh, I see... flogging his indie/punk cred or something.

thwap said...

Who is this "Richard Evans" person?

Yeah, ... someone call Kinsella for a statement. Here's his chance to show Canadians what he's made of.