Monday, August 04, 2008


For your viewing pleasure, a list of dr. roy’s recent posts at the Blogging Tories. Notice the rather amusing cropping of the title of the third one?

Have I got a few suggestions on where to start ...


KEvron said...

nah, just an enema.


Red Tory said...

Too late, I'm afraid.

Luca Manfredi said...

Roy advocates political parties using their activists' money rather than yours, a legal framework for abortion, keeping you safe from those who want to murder you and respect for human rights, especially in Canada's high court. I happen to agree wholeheartedly.

How does that not coincide with a sensible person's approach to current affairs?

Ti-Guy said...

How does that not coincide with a sensible person's approach to current affairs?

It doesn't. We're not sensible, whereas Dr. Roy's a genius.

*rolls eyes*