Friday, August 08, 2008

Do not adjust your set ...

... that incessant, irritating whining is not your fault.

OH, NOEZ! Brace yourself:

Maybe when Sandy get’s [sic] back from the cottage we can really go to work on this crowd.

Here's a thought, Jack -- you could try to engage us intellectually. If nothing else, it would catch us off guard.

: Well, kids, we apparently have a whole new wanker chew toy, as Jack mumbles:

It wasn’t much and true to form I couldn’t respond on [CC's] site because you need a “Blogger” ID to do so.

That's right, Jack -- I set it up precisely that way as an intelligence test, and also to be viciously exclusionary and censorial. Pay no attention to those prior posts of mine in which I explained that I did it this way simply to reject "Anonymous" commenters as having more than one of them in a single comments section gets confusing in short order when you have to start referring to "Anonymous @ 3:14 pm" just to keep things readable. No, clearly, I have far more nefarious motivations in mind, is that it, Jack?

Oh, and there's this:

“Anyway" [sic] ... I decided this afternoon to close the comment area on Sandy’s entry.

Well done, Jack ... and the fact that you folks regularly close comments sections, exercise selective moderation, delete individual comments and disappear entire blog entries, while I have never lost a post or moderated my blog clearly means that I am the intolerant, closed-minded one who is frightened of dissenting opinion.

Yeah, let's go with that, Jack. I'm sure that makes perfect sense to the right kind of people. The retarded ones.

: In case you hadn't noticed, CPoC propagandist and enthusiastic Stephen Harper fluffer Sandy Crux has deleted every single post from her "Crux of the Matter" site related to Big Daddy's vaunted "accomplishments."

Every. Single. One.

That would include those posts in which I left a comment correcting Sandy whereupon she was forced to admit that, yes, I was right, at which point she went off to adjust her list. You know ... like here, for instance.

Expect more embarrassing published dumbfuckitude to be flushed whenever it becomes inconvenient. When dealing with these dishonest yobs, taking screen caps just becomes a way of life, doesn't it?


LuLu said...

Oh for fuck's sake ... do these people ever get tired of their incessant, narcissistic wanking?

P.S. Dear BT Fuckwits: This girl's been flattened by a summer cold and is all out of patience with Teh St00pid. Now fuck off. Twice.

Thanks bunches,

KEvron said...

"OH, NOEZ! Brace yourself"

you didn't miss this gem did you?

"She’s very dangerous to certain people and I will add that I like this because Sandy has drawn the 'mindset of the left' out into the open where we can attack them...and indeed we will."

wowzers! tell me i'm being had.


Ti-Guy said...

Bring it, Conservatards. I've got an inexhaustible supply of potty mouth, and I won't hesitate to use it.

I plan to unveil a newly-minted swear that'll make the c-word sound like a prayer.

Sheena said...

Does it start with a G?

Ti-Guy said...

It starts two g's.

...oh, yeah. It's bad.

Paladiea said...

Pandagon (yes I'm so a fan) has a great post on this phenomenon as well.

Jack said...

Why don't you people go and have a circle jerk somewhere. It will keep you tiny minds off the "important stuff".