Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You rarely get straight lines like this.

Oh, dear Lord, help me to keep a civil tongue in my head:

Conservative Women Rule!

We keep on hearing about how women don't like the Conservatives, so, let me clue you in. The best Canadian blogger, Kate at Small Dead Animals, just happens to be a Conservative woman. Joanne, at Blue Like You, just happens to be a Conservative woman blogger. Then we have Sandy at Crux of the Matter, and NB Tory Lady, and the Girl in Blue, Joan Tintor, Five feet of fury, Conservative Queen, and many others. You can add to the list in comments, I'm sorry if I've missed anyone, but I suspect they can handle it, being Conservative women.

So, let's see then, we have (in no particular order) ... a pathological liar, racist and white supremacist who thinks millions of murdered Jews are just knee-slappingly funny; a cowardly, prissy scold who just needs some lumber and a handful of nails to complete her total descent into whiny martyrdom; a sycophantic, CPoC shill who mangles the English language for political gain; another vile bigot; a creepy stalker ...

I'm sorry if I've missed anyone, but I suspect they can handle it, being the screeching whackjobs and vicious, lying harpies that they are.

Damn. I knew that attempt at civility wasn't going to last.


LuLu said...

You forgot to mention that the majority of them have creepy gun fetishes, too ... 'cause nothing says sexy like a whacko who's armed.

M@ said...

The comments on that post are just tragically inane.

"Yah, leftiez are teh stoopid, eh?"
"Yah, I know, eh?"
"Yah, they're like noodles, cuz they like welfare, eh?"
"Yah, not like us strong conservative women who buy houses for our husbands, eh?"
"Yah, cuz we're not weak like teh leftiez, eh?"
"Yah, cuz lefties are teh stoopid, eh?"

Honestly, it's like an Air Farce sketch come to life, but not as funny (which is a hell of a low bar for them to limbo under, too). Christ, I wish they'd just go back to the gun range or the bingo hall or whatever they did before they discovered blogging.

Ti-Guy said...

These dim-bulbs confuse conservatism with just being stupid and mouthy.

None of that is conservative or liberal. It's just ignorant.

I bet none of these Goddesses/Amazons would ever have the nerve to say half the stuff they do anonymously to a liberal woman to her face.

Niles said...

Well, they are women and they do give unstinting support to that which is most identified with the American Republican party in this country, so they're decidedly for the Conservative party. I think it speaks volumes about the CPOC to attract this kind of outspoken feminine attention.

Just imagine if the Conservatives try to up their listing of female candidates for MPs from the ranks of these loyal party pillars.

Perhaps, like Ezra Levant, they will decline, citing their usefulness to the party outside the halls of power. But perhaps, seeing how successful Rob Anders has been, they will throw their hatchets in the ring. That'll be fun.

Red Tory said...

So they "Rule!" do they? Must be a silly place they wield dominion over.