Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Conservative mendacity? No way! Get outta town!

Just cuz:

I noted last night that a supply of uranium from Iraq had been successfully moved to Montreal in secrecy.

If you check into this, you'll quickly find that the uranium a) was not weapons grade and b) was well known to the UN and IAEA and was being stored legally by Saddam's government. It was legally in Iraq according to international law.

I wondered if the right wing echo chamber would use this as "proof" that the WMD claims were true after all.

Wow. Like you even had to ask the question.


chris said...

Worth remembering that the Plame/Wilson affair was all about Saddam's alleged attempt to buy yellowcake in Niger.
Not to mention the infamous 16 words in bush's '03 State of the union address.

Niles said...
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KEvron said...

"I wondered if the right wing echo chamber would use this as "proof" that the WMD claims were true after all."

they have been for years, and when confronted with the facts, stick their fingers in their ears and go "lalalala!"


Sheena said...

So, does that mean an invasion of Canada is now imminent?

Little regime change, perhaps?

E in MD said...

It was inevitable that we'd come and democritize you guys.