Friday, July 11, 2008

And they called it "puppy love" ...

Blogging Tory and sycophantic, dewy-eyed CPoC propagandist Sandy Crux removes Stephen Harper's dick from her mouth just long enough to bang out another fawning missive to her hero:

But, make no mistake folks. Our current PM is influential in a way that Canadian PM’s have not been for a long time. International leaders listen to him...

Now, at least the G8 has received commitments from both Russia and the U.S., who hadn’t committed to anything prior to now, that green house emissions must be halved by 2050...

Thank you PM Harper for making a difference on the International stage. If the Canadian media don’t want to say it, I will. It is a wonderful feeling to once again be proud of our prime minister.

And then there's someone who isn't thinking with their ovaries:

The plan they were supposed to gratefully accept wasn't even a plan. It's a wish stated in wishful terms of vision or goal. It has no start line for reductions, which could be measured from 1990, or any other year. It has no interim targets and exerts no pressure. It aims only to avoid "the most serious consequences of climate change" - omitting to say which effects are less serious. And even this non-plan won't happen unless they sign on first, and admit by the Harper logic that they have no choice.

It's true: reality really does have a liberal bias, doesn't it?


Red Tory said...

I saw that fawning missive the other day and almost puked.

The Seer said...

If McCain can do fundraisers in Ottawa, maybe Stephen can do fundraisers in Houston?

Ti-Guy said...

Gosh, that stupid bint is desperate to bask in reflected glory.

What does she care anyway? She'll be checking out long before we have any data on whether these real or not.

Way to go, yuppie scum. Now shut up and go back to nodding off on the couch all day.

liberal supporter said...

Now, at least the G8 has received commitments from both Russia and the U.S., who hadn’t committed to anything prior to now, that green house emissions must be halved by 2050...

She is lying by saying the US and Russia hadn't committed to anything before, if her standard for "committing" is now met with the meeting communique.

The Kyoto Protocol was agreed to by both the US and Russia. It was signed by the US on November 12, 1998. It was both signed and ratified by Russia, but not by the US.

So how does a non-binding "commitment" differ from a non-ratified commitment?

Red Tory said...

I think we've already established that Sandy has pretty dubious standards when it comes to what constitutes reality. An aspirational goal with an objective set some time in the far distant future is good enough for her when it comes to chalking up another "accomplishment" for the Dear Leader.

Beijing York said...

Oh he commands respect alright... Yo, Harper!

That still cracks me up.